Maeve is big-time into cutting stuff now. Luckily, "stuff" just means pieces of paper. Which is great, so long as she sticks to her own paper. I hear from Nuala quite often, "Maeve! Don't cut my picture!!" (Really, though, art time in close proximity to Maeve has always been rather dicey, so it's kinda her own fault.) I find piles of
Maeve-and-her-scissors-have-been-here evidence several times a day. It's cute watching how intently she focuses on her projects. And look at those adorable little 2-year old thighs! Just last week she became the proud owner of her very own pair of green scissors. Exciting times, people! Exciting times.

Scissors also provide a fun and occupying way to transfer crayons from point A to point B. Just so ya know.
Also, I almost titled this post "Maeve Scissorhands," just because... well, just because. She has scissors in her hands pretty regularly these days.. and well... dorkiness. You know. But then I re-realized how creepy Edward S. is, and couldn't associate Maeve with that right now. Maybe when she's less cute and sweet... But that'll never happen, right?
Ahhhh...the cute little thighs completely distracted me! They are so squishable and chubby! I just want to squeeze them! She looks really engrossed in that project, too, LOL. Love the crayon pic...she looks entirely too pleased with herself. Any second now, she's going to discover she can chop those suckers in two and then you'll have little, broken crayon bodies all over your house. ;) Poor Nuala and her art projects too, LOL.
I totally noticed the cute little squishy thighs, too, love them! You are very brave to give M her very own pair of scissors!
Hahaha ... you'd better not take a nap while she's flashing those scissors around ... or, worse, if she can get some "grown-up" scissors might awake with a new haircut :) She is very cute indeed, thighs or not! It's absolutely wonderful how one can entertain little rascals ...just give them some paper and a safe scissors ... she could be in charge of your needing-to-be-shredded documents ... Thanks for sharing, Mom (Dad too) xox
Awesome! She is so so so Cute! Look at her little legs! and the concentration is priceless! Aoife recently took some scissors to Colin's hair, or so he claims, I didn't notice anything drastic...
Definitely adorable thighs. Hmmmm she hasn't cut her hair or her dolls hair or Nuala or Brans hair? You one lucky Mom
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