Monday, May 26, 2014

Okinawan Eisa (NOT Bran and Nuala! Just your everyday awesome Okinawans...)

Just outside Gate 2, every August, Eisa dancers gather and put on a parade.  Eisa is traditional Okinawan dancing -- done while the dancers drum, drum, drum.  This particular parade is for the festival of Obon, which honors the spirits of the ancestors.  Eisa originates from this particular festival, but is now such a vital part of Okinawan culture that it is performed throughout the year, but especially during Obon. We go there for the Taiko drumming, to hang out with friends, eat mediocre street food, and listen to Bran ask for almost Every. Single. Chintzy. Thing. At every stall. But we love it! Almost all of it. We're working on the last thing... Ahhh, Bran, our little shopper.

Bran and Nuala are in the Eisa Club at school, so every Tuesday they've been staying after and practicing, practicing, practicing.  It's pretty dang cute. After watching them work on it for several months, they FINALLY got to perform -- twice!! They did great. I loved watching them, and seeing their different styles.  I'll get some pics and video up...

(This post was to fulfill a resolution to put up a NEW post this weekend, which, YES, included Memorial Day!  I was working feverishly on a different one, Tooks... one that was more suited to Memorial Day, in fact,  but then my picture program froze up, and it got late, etc., etc., so I pulled this one out of my drafts folder.  But just so you know -- I'm gonna be better!)


pauline said...

Nice pics to get you up and going again young lady! I love Maeve's pic ... even tho' her hair is trying to hide her face, those bright blues shine thru beautifully :) Love, Mom xox

Tara said...

I'll take it! The dancers look so cool, I'm excited to see Bran and Nuala doin' their stuff!

Carolyn said...

Yay. A new post. Just remember. Shot and sweet means more. I love hearing about your world.