February 6th was no ordinary day around here... (or around Erin's house, either, I know... yay for SEVEN-year olds, too! ;)
Maeve Helen Rollins turned 3!!!
I was taking her pic outside, by one of our hibiscuses, and it was all I could do to get a COUPLE of shots of her not looking at the flower. Her eyes and hands were just magically drawn... shooooop... to it...
Can't blame her. But THREE she is!
Maybe she was especially enraptured by the flower because she remembered that on her birthday the year before, THIS is what she was posing by...
A heckuva lotta snow!
When I asked her, many times, what she wanted for her birthday, she kept saying, "a rainbow with letters!" She was after the "Happy Birthday" sign we hung up for Nuala and Bran... I think she was pretty pleased that we got her some other stuff, too...
Being the bday girl, she got semi-free reign with the sprinkles for her cake. She really liked the orange ones.
We watched our friends' three little ones (6, 4, almost-2) for six days while they went out of town, and since the three kiddos arrived on Maeve's bday, it was like she had a party! A wild and crazy party. Woohoo!
We played "tape the crown on Princess Maeve" as one of the games, and M was quite pleased to have her princess self hangin' up. In fact, she's still there....
Happy 3rd birthday, Gatorade! As cliche as it sounds... I can't believe it's been three years. We've loved every minute of it (pretty much) and feel like the luckiest parents alive to have you! You are so sweet, and so cute, and have a great sense of humor, and are stubborn, and independent, too. You're a fearless little girlie who has to do everything your big brother and sister do. It's so much fun being your mom! And I know your daddy feels the same... ;) We love you!
Happy third birthday, Maeve!!! We love you so much! I love that every picture of her is with a huge grin on her face...no little smiles for that girlie! Go big or go home, huh? ;) Princess Maeve was such a great idea! I love it! You're so smart. Those hibiscus are gorgeous, too! Reminds me of the one in front of our house in Harlingen...
Oh goodness, I can't believe she is three. She is so cute, and looking SO grown up in some of those pictures! The princess Maeve poster was such a cute idea! Happy happy birthday Maeve!
Those are such cute pics of Princess Maeve ... nice cake (wackie?) ... and that is a VERY good likeness of herself in the drawing for the tape the crown game ... really ... her eyes, smile, golden hair ... good job F! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
So adorable and full of trouble are 3 year old's. I loved the idea of pin the crown on the princess you are so creative! I would love to have that flower by the way. Brave to take on 3 little ones for 6 days. 2 year old's are something else. 2 and 3 are some of my most favorite ages.
G. Buttons
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