Sunday, September 30, 2012

Summertime Rewind: Texas

*Note: I have a lot (as in: a LOT) of catching up to do. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm trying to keep this as a family journal of sorts, and I've definitely been better at it... Ohhh, yes. Anyway, I'm recapping our summer in a delightful series called... Summertime Rewind: (other half of title here).  I'm sure you will enjoy these as much as I do!  Okay, probably not, since it's not focused on you and your family. Unless you are part of me and/or my family.  But... hang on tight, because here we go... back in tiiiimmmme...! (3 of 6. Yes, SIX! It was a busy summer. I'll include this little note with each procrasti-post, and I might just dot a few more-up-to-date ones here and there, too... if our blog doesn't explode from the flurry of activity. The poor thing's had a lay-around-on-the-couch-eating-cheetos kinda summer, while we've been gallivanting all over the place. It's not used to this... this... posting thing. Oh, man. Don't even let me think about the last post or two about Bulgaria I need to write... Out! Out of my head!)
July 15 - July 25, 2012

Texas! Granny reads to the kiddos so much. Inside, but preferable outside. She also jumps on the trampoline with them, goes on walks and bike rides, plays anything conceivable, makes them the most delicious and nutritious food... she's an awesome granny.
At Cibolo Creek, one of the perfect little rivers nearby for kids. And big people.
Small children are cute. Some are super-extra cute.  Maeve and cousin Ciaran fall in the latter category. They were adorable little walking buddies coming home from church one Sunday.

Patrick and Niall, my sister's bookends.  If you're looking for one of them, chances are you'll find the other. They're pretty attached to each other.
Heheheee... Maeve stuck a ball in her shirt and said, "Grandad! I look like you!"  Of course, coming from her it's cute, but when I do it... haha...ha...
My mom and me, after the first of three birthday celebrations.  I'm a lucky gal, I am, having a birthday in the midst of visiting so many people each summer.  I am now... 33!
Maeve brushing up on her photography skills.
Ciaran and a bug he was delighted to catch. The bug... not-so-delighted...
Ducks! And geese! You can't go to Boerne without going to the little park to feed the ducks and geese!
There are definitely some demanding ones in the bunch.  Maeve just had the bread snatched from her cute little fingers here, and it took a little while to recover.  Also, it was funny.

We brought some ice cream, too. For us, not the ducks.
This tradition is one of the things Nuala and Bran, and I'm sure Maeve, too, look forward to most about visiting Granny and Grandad. Morning walks.  My mom is a very healthy person. Part of that is exercising regularly, of course. She does that in the morning. For one thing, she's up kinda early, and for another, when you live in Texas, it's a pretty good idea to get out early if you're gonna be exerting yourself. You know, when it's relatively cool.  It's been GREAT! The rascals are up early, like Granny, so she and Grandad take them on the morning walk.  Bikes, scooters, and a variety of balls also get to go.  They modify their normal route to just go straight to the church and the nice big parking lot there! Usually any parents around (ahem, ME) get to lounge around in bed for a bit longer, but every now and then you'll find us up and out with the gang.
The more grandkids, the better!  
Here Rowan, who is a couple of weeks younger than Bran and Nuala, was helping Nuala get the hang of riding a bike training-wheel-less.  He was being so patient and cute!  He mastered the skill quite a while ago, and was eager to share his expertise.
Bran picked it up, and did pretty well.  Now we're just waiting for their bikes to arrive here in Okinawa and we'll see if all that larnin' stuck!
Rowan, Bran, and Declan!
My mom with Bran and Nuala.
The pool! So... it seems like every other pool we go to in the States, with my sisters or Z's sisters, or anyone... it seems like there's always a slide or two (or THREE!) or a water-spouting mushroom thing, or some sort of fun addition.  The Boerne pool just has the same two diving boards that have been there since I cannonballed in back in 1993.  I didn't think the kids would really enjoy the Boerne pool all that much because it didn't have those fancy, new-fangled toys.  Boy, was I wrong!  The twins just couldn't get enough of the diving boards!  They're pretty good little swimmers now.  Not perfect, and their technique is... lacking... in some areas, but they're good.  And fearless. And are semi-decent divers.  Look at Bran-Man up there!

And Nuala, divin' in... Sometimes it's more of a belly-flop, but it's always fun...
This I like to call the "prayer dive." At least his arms are pointy.  Anyway, they're regular little fish, these two. And Maeve is not only fearless, but she thinks she's just like them, so we keep a good eye on her.

Mmmm... popsicles! Happiness on a stick.  
This was a very colorful picture.  Cute girls!
Aislinn and me at the beginning of our Sisters Grimm ghost tour in downtown San Antonio.  It was very cool.  We know the Sisters Grimm personally (they're friends from church), and it was a great tour! I definitely recommend them...

Ooooohhh... the San Fernando cathedral at night....
My dad and me. While we were looking for a ghost.  No, I did NOT fall in the river. And, YES, my dad has a mustachio.  He had one off and on when I was little. He was quite dapper-looking. Add his sparkling personality in there and it was no wonder our friends had crushes on him when we were small tykes.
And, the parting shot... Goodbye, Mom and Dad! Goodbye, Texas!!! We love y'all! Hasta el verano que viene... And then we were off to Washington State...

Up next: Snoqualmie with my sis


Carolyn said...

Fiona, I am so glad you are such a great blogger. I get so excited to "go" on your adventures with you. I love you tons and hope you are loving Japan.

pauline said...

Your journaling is coming along nicely Fiona! It is a big job to get it all done, but we are enjoying it so much ... a nice trip down a recent memory lane. I LOL'd at some ... esp Maeve's (temp) fat tummy next to G'dad's, which has been shrinking a bit lately. We miss you all! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

I totally forgot Dad had been growing that mustache. Does he still have it, I wonder? Maeve is awesome, the ball in her shirt is hilarious! And the pic of her and Ciaran is too cute, plus her adorable little dress. Loved the pics of diving Bran and Nuala, I'm glad they were able to have fun with just the diving boards.