Saturday, February 18, 2012

When we're tired of snow...

... the boat swing gets a lotta use! We've had to move the party indoors. Honestly, I'm trying to "take advantage" of the snow, since we'll have none of it for the next three winters, at least, but I'm kinda done with it now... Even the kids are sighing for Spring. Yes, yes, sledding and skiing and making ice caves and sticking your head in the snow (um, Nuala) is all fun and great and stuff, but how long until we can see our grass again?!?

This is just a time they were all playing super nicely together. Success! For that moment.
A pic I snapped on my way downstairs, when I looked out the window and saw my five-year olds perched over the very sharp and very spiky fence. It's about 6 feet tall, the fence, but that's nothing when the snow drifts are mini mountains. The snow cave palace thing is under the big section of snow there in the front. And yes, Z was out there supervising. Apparently they were NOT planning on accidentally impaling themselves, so that set my mind at ease.
The drifts do make good little slides. Our street is there on the left. I mean, the street part we drive on. It's a little less snowy now, but it's still got a good layer of compacted snow/ice on it. There are super deep ruts, and it's kinda dicey to drive on. Fun stuff.
The last day or two the temperature drifted above freezing, and I said to the kids, "oh, it's kinda warm!" as we got into the car. And I MEANT it. Crazy, I know.


Tara said...

I LOVE the action shots on the swing! They look like they are having such a blast. And holy cow about how high your snow is! I'm glad you posted the pics of it by your fence, I hadn't realized it was that super piled up before.

Bonnie said...

That last picture is killer. Super cute. And ugh on the snow. We have (inexplicably) had very little snow this year. We've only had to shovel a couple of times. Weird.

Megan and Greg said...

Oh my gosh. I've never known weather like that. I would be terrified to drive.

Carolyn said...

Snow is a dirty 4 letter word. Yuck. Glad you are having fun in it. You must be such a cool mom to have the boat swing in the house.

David said...

Oh... such cute pics! They look like rub-a-dub-dub 3 men in a tub ... in the boat swing, and they all fit so well. I love all the snow, but I guess it gets old after some time ... but lookat how tall it's piled up!... heeheehee the fence-walking... and the snow-sliding... such great memories! Thanks for sharing... they are all so beautiful... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Rob and Erin Smith said...

I LOVE that first picture!! They are having so much fun!!! Awesome.