Luckily Maeve was sleeping, or these wouldn't have lasted long.
Not the best picture of her little ear, but on a recent trip to southern Bulgaria we visited a bear reserve where Nuala was doing her Nuala thing... not especially watching where she was going AS SHE LEAPED FROM LARGE ROCK TO LARGE ROCK. She slipped and fell on her ear. You can see the remains of her bruise there at the top. It really didn't photograph well, but I had to try. I mean, how often do you have a bruise on your ear?A little bit o' dress up.
I just like Nuala's face. So princessy :)
Bran asked me to make them some grappling hooks. A few popsicle sticks... a little bit of hot glue and some red yarn and, voila! Grappling hooks! Here they're using them not to grapple, but to pull up/lower stuff. Kept 'em busy for quite a while.Potion-making! These are some tame ones. Just a variety of liquids, and some sprinkles. Usually more stuff is involved. And of course, Mom always "gets" to taste the concoctions, and then turn into something. Juice + milk + strawberry syrup + pickles + soy sauce + sprinkles + vinegar + baking soda = YUMMMM...
The babe's still lovin' pockets...
And her pony. And her shoes that were too small for her (2-months younger) friend Emily so my little peanut lucked out! She insisted on sleeping with them the first night she had them. I forgot to take them off of her and when Z brought her in to nurse early in the morning, I got kicked in the eye. A few times. It was on purpose. And I'm serious, it was.
I loved all those pics ... and don't you mean that M loves "bockets" ...her pose is SO familiar "bujeans w/bockets" again! I like their amazing maze...colourful. Yes, the ear bruise is easily seen when ya make the pic big...ouch! M on table with the potions; I was wondering what that was, but of course the baking soda'd make it Thanks for sharing some of day-to-day fun stuff at your house... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Loved the post. Thanks for the pics of the kiddos.
Seriously, what a random place for a bruise. And I love the dress up photos, Maeve looks even more snuggle-able in that cute bear costume! And you are way nice to test out those potions, they
Yummy potions! They are all so cute and getting so big! Love the pocket picture! Nuala is so beautiful! Is that an Eewok costume? Nice grappling hooks, and the straw collection totally made me laugh! Oh, you should know there has been a lot of practice around our house of moving eyebrows, inspired by Nuala, of course. Colin thinks he's moving his, but hasn't quite managed it yet. Poor Nuala's ear! Yikes. Fun times in Bulgaria!
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