Here's the back. I'm pretty sure I didn't have to tell you that. If I did... poor me.
And another from the front. I don't know why. It's pretty much the same as the first one, but you can't see my teeth. I think I was doing the "this is what I look like with kinda dangly earrings" thing. I think I need funkier, longer earrings with short hair. I was always slightly worried that, with my not-so-girly clothes (okay, these two shirts are definitely GIRL shirts, but I purposely was trying to look more put together) and my not-so-out there chest area that I'd look a little more boyish than I wanted to if I had short hair. I mean, I'm not in kindergarten anymore, when Eugene became my instant best friend because he asked me on the first day of school, "are you a boy or a girl?" Honestly made my day. Anyway, I now am thrilled to be a girl. Not a girly girl, but a girl nonetheless, and I think I still look like one. On that note, let me relay a conversation with Nuala:Me: So, do you like my haircut?
Nuala: Yes! It's beautiful!
Me: Awww, thank you! Would you like your hair to be like this?
Nuala: No, I don't want to look like a boy.
Kinda the other side of my hair. It's really easy and dries quickly. And now my 20-month old has longer hair than I do.
In other news, it snowed last Sunday. We woke up and started getting ready for church when we noticed the light flurries. Those light flurries just kept a-comin' and added up to a nice little amount. Looking back on it, I am more accepting, since it hasn't continued, but I was quite perturbed at the thought of winter starting in the middle of OCTOBER. And yes, Maeve is out in the snow in her diaper. She's hardcore. And was brought in quickly.
We were slightly late to church, but it was just a little too exciting for the tykes.
Buckets! There were buckets of snow!
Here's Nuala, on her "snow seat" the following day. Actually, it was still outside this past Sunday, though I haven't noticed it since, so it did pretty well, lasting a whole week.
Oh my gosh, I looooove your hair! It looks so cute! I'm glad you finally chopped it, it looks great. (Not that it didn't look great before, I just know you've wanted to do it for a while). Hahahaha about Nuala's comment. Kids just say the nicest things, huh? I'm glad your snow cleared up, although I loved that picture of Maeve's cute diapered bum with her coat and boots. And the pic of B and N running is adorable.
Oh, I LOVE your haircut! So cute! Last time I got my hair cut Michael said to David, "Dad, what happened to Mom?" Ah, familial support. And what is up with snow in October? Boo on that. I hope Fall heartily repents and stays around for awhile. Cute pics of the kiddos!
Wow! Cute hair! Let me assure there is nothing masculine about this cut! Only confident sassy women can wear short hair. It's true. Most people don't have the guts and it's so sad. Short hair is the BEST. You're making me miss mine a bit. Snow looks fun!!! That are you a boy story is priceless.
THIS IS MOM ... oh, I love your hair ... it is really cute on you ... looks sorta like it's pretty much the same length starting at your bangs... really frames your face nicely too. It's beautiful... Hmmm, I don't remember the Eugene story but I do remember the Fiona kissing Daniel in Kindergarten story ... and the teacher telling the pair of you about the no kissing rule...heeheehee.
The children pics are great ... and I love the early snow too ... what fun for the little rascals! Yes, the running pic is great. Thanks for sharing... Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
I LOVE the new hair! It's sooo cute on you! Very flattering and totally "Fiona". The funky, dangly earrings will totally make the look perfect...though the cut is super adorable without any accessorizing, too! Mom and I laughed SO much at the convo with Nuala...toooo funny, and so typically "Nuala". LOL. Also love the look on her face as she prepares to fling Bran into the bushes...classic, LOL. I can't believe you got snow! How long as fall came back!
I love your new hair. I really liked mine when I had it short, but my hairdresser moved away and I had a series of terrible cuts that have kind of made me fearful of taking the chance again. and glad to hear the snow didn't stick. Mid Oct is way too early for snow!
I love your hair!!! I know we already talked about it, but it's so cute! esp with mousse, without was way cute too, and you look very girly, hee hee Nuala! I love that pic of N and B holding hands and running down the path. So carefree...until the bushes incident ;) Oh, a cute Maeve in her diaper in the snow! She is a toughie!
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