Sunday, June 12, 2011


Last Sunday. The morning Z left for DC for a week, the tykes and I headed off to church. It's always somewhat less-fun-more-work, oddly, going to church solo, but it's worth it. And look at the cuties I get to go with! This particular Sunday was extra-special for three reasons: (And none of these are a big deal, I know that, they just all made church a little more hectic feeling than normal for me. On a solo day.)

1. It was Fast Sunday (first Sunday of the month, anyone in the congregation can get up and bear their testimony during the worship portion of church), so Bran obviously wanted to bear his testimony, as he does every single Fast Sunday. His testimonies are super cute. He stands on a chair or someone holds him up, and off he goes. He likes the spotlight and never wants to end... We don't do the whisper-in-his-ear thing, so he's on his own, always saying stuff like, "I know Jesus made our bodies," and "Heavenly Father tells us in the scriptures to repent", and "I know Jesus made clocks..." etc. Then it has to be translated into Bulgarian. It's really sweet. Anyway, I had to abandon N&B in sacrament meeting to nurse Maeve on the couch briefly, since we were sitting in the front and she's not exactly a discreet nurser. When I went back in, Bran had deserted Nuala and was sitting with the missionaries, one of whom he then recruited to take him up to the pulpit. Bran was long-winded, as usual, and the elder (who was translating into Bulgarian for him) kept trying to get him to end, and Bran just kept on going. Z's the branch president, so he's usually up there on the stand with Bran and is able to get him down pretty easily, but this time it took a little extra convincing from Elder Gordon and from me to get him to relinquish the spotlight. The boy's not shy, that's for sure!
2. Usually we have a missionary who can play piano, but right now none of them can, so either Susan (the med student's wife with the other kiddos at church) or I end up playing. That gets tricky since we both have babies who really, really want to be with us exactly at the moment our fingers touch the keys. Usually I'll send Maeve up with Z, but since he was gone I was able to plunk Maeve with Sister Temenushka for the sacrament hymn (we were, um, late for the opening...) while she focused on her apple juice. About six notes into the closing hymn, however, the previously-distracted Maeve was at my side. Kinda awkward. Apparently no one really noticed the tiny interloper, since no one came to my rescue. My left hand was called into action fending off a 16-month old with fast little fingers aiming for the keys, while my right was trying to play "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet." One of my favorites to play and one that I'm actually really good at with both hands. Sigh.
3. Susan and her two little girls were not at church. Somehow, teaching Primary becomes a little more difficult when it's only you and your own children. We still had a fun little lesson about faith, and sang songs and did our little craft, but it was definitely a tad bit more trying.
That was not a relaxing day at church. Not that any Sunday meeting is "relaxing," exactly, when you have small children, but it was definitely on the EXTRA non-relaxing side of things. But, I know it's where we should be, and hearing Nuala and Bran bring up the things they learn there and at home during the week, and hearing their sweet little testimonies, both borne on the stand and bit by bit in things they say and do, I know it's worth it. Here's our bare-bones little Primary class that day. Maeve (who in a larger congregation would not be in Primary yet) loves being there with the big kids and often insists on sitting next to them in a little chair. Like in these pics.
And actually, our little Taiwanese-Canadian girls are back in Bulgaria, and at the end of July a new embassy family moves in who are also members of the church, and they have 4 kids, so our tiny little Primary is definitely growing! Yay!!
My beautiful Nuala by some beautiful flowers on the walk to the car after church.
Not church-related, but look at that delicious bowl of cherries, strawberries, and nectarines! I LOOOOVE summer fruits! Just need me some blueberries, and life will be perfect...


Bonnie said...

I love how Nuala is crossing her legs in the last primary pic. I think it's the combo of the crossed legs and the grown-up looking shoes - it just cracks me up!

I love summer fruit, too. Yum. Bring on the berries!

Tara said...

They are so cute! And Maeve's hair is so long, I don't know why I keep thinking of her as a little baby, she is getting so big. Are those her cute shoes that match the ones you got T a way, way long time ago? I would so love to hear one of Bran's testimonies! And yeah, sometimes I feel a little guilty when church is over and I'm just SO relieved that we get to go home - having kids def. makes it more stressful. The a/c in our ward building has been out the past two weeks, so you can imagine how awesome T behaves when she's all hot and sweaty and miserable...

Aislinn said...

Awww...I want to hear Bran's testimony, too! It sounds so adorable! I know! You should have a FHE where you record their testimonies! Ohhh...that would be a sweet keepsake, too! You should do it! :) I too love the pic of Nuala crossing her legs. She just looks so mature and grown up...especially next to Maeve's adorable toddler grin, LOL. Somehow I think you're going to be tearing her away from the microphone in a couple of years, too...

Mmm...summer fruit! Don't be jealous, but we've had blueberries (and strawberries, cherries, peaches, and kiwis) every morning this week. Yummmmm! ;)

pauline said...

That was a memory-making Sunday for sure ... sorry if you could hear me laughing heartily :) I too would've liked to hear Bran telling all up there ... and you are a great pianist Fiona, playing my favourite hymn with only your right hand ... made better, no doubt, by Maeve's little fingers on the other end! Yes, your little Primary room looks a bit sparse with only 3 little rascals in it... where was Nora? You definitely got to provide lots of service that day... It's much easier with Zac there! today should've been a breeze (comparatively speaking)! Oh, little Maeve sure has it down: grinning so nicely for ALL the pics ... she looks so much like Bran in the fruity (yum) pic! Love the pic of pretty Nuala and the pretty flowers! Thanks for sharing... love, Mom (Dad too) xox

fiona said...

Yeah, Nuala's leg-crossing made me laugh, too! Actually, she finally did that after I took about 6 pics where she was totally flashing her undies. Major flashage. We're working on the whole "keep your legs down while wearing a dress/skirt" thing.

Nora was gone, Susan, Mia, and baby Ivy were gone... of course, then we got to leave a smidge early. No need to stay around chatting. Relief Society is always out late, so we snuck out right on time without getting caught to talk with anybody! It was nice :)

Yes, Tooks, those are those little shoes! I thought they'd never fit...

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh! They are all so cute! Maeve has such a huge grin! I want to hear Bran's testimony too! Way to go, Fiona! It's not as much fun without the hubby. Hey, our husbands were both gone on the same Sunday! Fun stuff... Yummy fruit! I need to go pick us up some blueberries... Oh, love the picture of Nuala and the flowers, she is so beautiful! and the crossing the legs and Bran's blanket and how B and Maeve are holding hands in the first one! Such cute, sweet kiddos!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh, Aoife's been wearing her shoes that match too!

Sutherlands said...

You are so awesome for going to church solo even though it feels a little pointless at times. Heck, going to church with your co-pilot can seem pointless at times when you have wiggly little ones! But you are right, we must go regardless. Bran is so brave! I didn't realize how un-shy he was. :)

Grandma said...

I love the pics. They are so cute. What a joy to hear Bran's testimony. And yes it is so much work by yourself. Good job of crying on bt your self. It does pay off in seeing their spirituality growth