Sunday, July 06, 2008

Goodbye, Texas...Hello Pacific NW!

Well (sob, sob), our time in Texas is at an end. Early tomorrow morning, we head out to the wonderful wilds of Oregon to camp till Friday with Zachariah's family, and then we'll be in Seattle for another week and a half. I do NOT want to get on a plane. Is that weird? haha. At least it's not another 19-hour trip. Yet. We had so much fun here, I'm sad to leave my family, but it will be great to see the other side and meet all the new babies in that neck of the woods. So, we'll be internet-less AT LEAST till after the camping trip (I will survive...) and therefore, cannot blog (gasp!). Somehow, Faithful Readers, you will also survive ;P To tide you over, here are some last pictures...Don't worry, I'll probably put up about 8 million more in the not-too-distant future.
Okay...Zachariah, Dad, Curtis, Mom, Me, and Aislinn. After our fun date Saturday night. We went to a fantastic Mexican restaurant...sooooo good...and then Wal-Mart. We had a really great time! As evidenced by this photo that Z took with his super-long arm. See how much fun we're having?!?

And now, what you've all been waiting for, pictures of our wonderful twins! We went to the river again. Actually, twice more. But a different river once. Anyway...we do that a lot in the summer. It tends to get rather warm here.

Nuala has become as much of a Sonic slushie addict as her mother is.

Phew. They're sharing! And nicely. At least for the second it took to take this picture ;)

Yeah. It's hot here. Water is the solution! They loved playing in the little pool in the backyard.

Also, some of you are wondering about our next assignment. We're supposed to find out in the next few weeks. Which, in government-speak, means maybe in September. So, goodbye for now! I'll eat a s'more for you! (Hmmm...that could really add up, depending on how many of you read this. Maybe I'll just think a happy thought for you while looking at the clouds...)


Sutton Family said...

i love the picture of Bran hosing his sister- classic!

Tara said...

Cute pics, that's a pretty big Sonic slush for an 18 month old...they're so cute playing in the water together! Have fun in Seattle! We were going to head up there this summer, but then realized that we couldn't afford the gas, or the time off!

Heidi said...

That last picture is SO CUTE!

Rob and Erin said...

Oh, they are adorable! And you guys look like your having a blast in that parking lot, though I don't envy you the ride home if you were in Dad's car.
I love the picture of N & B sharing the tricycle. They are sooooo cute! And sweet and such little characters! We need to go swimming more. Have fun camping and such, which you are probably doing right now.

Sutherlands said...

Camping was so much fun! It was great to finally meet the twins...they look smaller in real life. :)

Tara said...

You should know that all your blogging about Sonic slushes made me really want we went to the Sonic here in Springville, and they somehow managed to mess them up! They were not very good, and not very Sonic slush-y, so I guess we'll have to try again in Texas...

Erwin said...

It looks like you are having a great time. We were dreading coming back here after a week in Mexico.
Also, best of luck on your next assignment. We are hoping that we get ours also.