Friday, June 20, 2008

Museums and Zoos and Pools, oh my!

Some stuff we've been doing with Auntie Aislinn, etc. We went to the Mayborn Museum, in Waco. It's such an interesting place, especially for kids, loads of hands-on stuff. Liiiiike....a bunch of these little cars, and dress up stuff, and fire trucks and buses and cars to play on, and interactive music rooms, and a news weather station, and a pioneer "cabin" and all sorts of cool things. Here I am with my little drivers:

Nuala ordering back-up. Or pizza:

Bran wanted to climb over the top, so did cousin Rowan. Little boys are so safe. Heh, not that little girls are any safer, actually! Rascals!

Granny and Nuala and Aine (An-ya).

We also went to the zoo. Here are the "triplets" at the beginning. Nuala, Bran, and cousin Rowan, who is 2-1/2 weeks younger than the twins. They are having a very serious conversation here, discussing the merits of monkeys versus elephants, I think.

Maire, Aislinn wearing Rowan, with Patrick, and Aine. How cute!

Declan walking Bran. Aislinn likens it to "the blind leading the blind." (These harnesses are so great, Sari and Grandma Buttons! Thanks!)

The playplace at the zoo was a big hit. Of course. WATER was involved. Here are Bran and Rowan trying to drink the no-doubt-exceptionally-clean water.

And the only time we got EVERYONE together in a picture...scripture reading. Except Granny, she took the pic.
Oh yeah, and the neighborhood swimming pool. How awesome is this place? Look at those slides!!! And Granny watched the 3 babies while Aislinn and I zoomed down them. Well, Maire helped her, but those slides are so fun!! Lucky kids. Except, back in OUR day, we had high dives and deep ends, nowadays it's rare to find a high dive, and deep ends are sadly not-so-deep. High dives rocked. But the slides are definitely cool, too.

Bran and Nuala are having fun with their cousins. Bran has been exceptionally huggy, it's so cute! He loves hugging the girls, what a shock, haha! He also likes to "guy hug" Rowan, which is a sweet little hug, usually with an open kissy mouth, and then it turns into a throwdown of some sort. Rowan doesn't mind, he has 4 older siblings and is a tough little fellow himself. Tomorrow we go back to Boerne, AND a week from tomorrow Zachariah gets here!! Yay! We miss him. He is the best!


Rob and Erin said...

Wow, you guys are having so much fun! Way to be out and about! I love all the pictures! there's nothing quite like cousins :0) and all those amber teething necklaces!

Tara said...

Fun fun fun! I love the picture of the twins and Rowan, their conversation does look quite serious! And what a good looking family pic of Aislinn and the kids - I like how Rowan can barely be seen peeking over Aislinn's shoulder. The slides at the swimming pool look very fun, but Bran does NOT look happy in that picture, poor guy! I'm glad y'all are having fun!

Carolyn said...

I liked seeing the picture of the twins paying so much more attention to the cars than the camera, and in the other pictures too. Also it looks like Declan better watch out, Bran looks like he is not too keen on having him holding the packpack. What fun, so sad I am not in Texas.

Rochelle said...

I didn't think people went outside in the summer in Texas. This looks like a really fun place to visit. The twids look great having fun with all the cousins.

Megan and Greg said...

Great pics! The one of scripture reading is so sweet.

Cara said...

That pool is to cool! Is that the S.A. Zoo? Looks like a fun summer!

fiona said...

No, that's the Waco zoo, it was a bit smaller, but really fun! (And really hot, of course!)