I am soooo cool
We're staying at my sister's house for a while, which reminded me of something she told me a month or so ago. She called me up and said that out of the blue, my 8 year-old nephew, Patrick, announced that I was the "coolest one of the Rickers." I was flattered of course, thinking how all that attention I lavished on the first grandbaby sunk in and paid off, when Aislinn told me WHY I was the coolest. "Because she can make noise with her armpits!" I'm so glad that I invested my time and talents when I was young in perfecting the armpit fart. You, too, can be cool with just a little practice. Good luck!
Totally cool! I was always so jealous ;0) You can also do that cool spitting retraction trick. Way awesome!
That just sounds gross and I don't know what you're talking about! No need to go into further detail. :P
This was a little known fact. Next I see you, you have to show me this trick.
How funny. The things kids pay attention to.
I am impressed. I myself have never been able to master the armpit fart.
I'll have to learn that one. It's always good to really have the favorite auntie rank in the bag... this could be the clincher...
We already thought you were pretty cool (having twins and all) . . . but now our respect for you is even higher!
This was the real clencher for me marrying you!
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