Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vroom Vroom

We got Bran and Nuala one of those awesome yellow Tonka trucks, FINALLY. Our boy is in love with motorcycles and trucks and cars, it's great! Nuala likes them, too, but she doesn't run around all day "vroom-vroom"-ing like her bro does. It's funny, we always say to family and each other, "we're not going to get two of everything, they have to learn to share and take turns, etc., etc..." Sometimes that works, but you wouldn't believe how many times we get just one thing (ahem...tonka truck) and five seconds after the twins discover it, we find ourselves shouting over the screams "We should have bought two!! What were we thinking?!" No, you probably do believe it. It's so easy to want to give in in the throes of their discontent. We will try to be strong.

The truck has been a source of great fun and great fighting. The video is of one of their cooperative moments. It's cute, Nuala asking/telling Bran to push her some more. Her "ma-" seems to be morphing into an almost full-blown "more" sometimes, as in this clip. We wanted her to say "más," that's what we use with them, so I blame their Baby Signing Time video. No one is safe from that catchy "more, more, more" song! Her last "more" is funny, and Bran did return, the poor girl wasn't left hanging. Funny, she never offers to push Bran...yeah, the taking turns thing hasn't quite clicked yet.

And THIS arrangement never ends happily, yet they keep on doing it... :


Rochelle said...

That is really cute. I used to be a nursery leader and the manual said that kids at this age don't have the concept of sharing. It looks like they're doing a pretty good job of getting along! I see Bran doesn't know how to go through walls yet. It's so fun to watch them grow and develop new skills. Thanks for sharing!

JnR said...

Oh the beloved Tonka Truck! My husband loved his growing up and I remember we had a sturdy metal one that went through a lot of kids!

Love the video especially the end, Nuala left alone, quietly saying (and signing) 'more' 'more' and no one there to push her more.

They are so cute, just think though if you had bought two they wouldn't be pushing each other around you would be the one pushing them around! And they would probably be playing bumper cars with them.

Sutton Family said...

That truck is really cool! We have mostly girls in my family so I didn't know they made them that big! How fun for them to have each other... it's seeing videos like this that make me wish Gwen had a sibling.

fiona said...

Ha! I'm still the main pusher! Sometimes I tie a jump rope to the red handle on the truck and then I sit on the couch and push it really hard with my foot, it goes zooming out and then I just reel it in, baby! But you're right, they wouldn't have the opportunity of learning to push each other. It's fun having them both, they're little buds, and it's so cute when they decide to get along really well :)

We had one of these trucks when I was a kid, too, and I remember all of us trying to squish into the back of it when we were way older than these guys (not all at the same time). A good investment.

Tara said...

So cute! They both look so cute in the pictures and video...looks like lots of fun. I don't remember the tonka truck, must have been before my time...

Andrew said...

So cute Mathias still loves racing both of his through the house with daddy and he definitley has the 123go down though he always tries to be the first one to go!!!

Carolyn said...

Way fun. I think it is cool that you are teaching them to get along and share, you may feel you regret it now, but you will be so glad you did later.

Rob and Erin said...

What a cute video! I love at the end how Nuala's little "more" sounds so questioning. Hilarious. I can't wait to see them in action in real life! One day...Bran is getting so strong. I can't believe how big they are already. They would totally hold their own with Brigit now :)

Cara said...

Yes the Tonka Truck! We have two and one was in side and Zander was pushing Annalyse around the house! Until they started runing into the walls then out side they went! they still play with them out side Zander likes to chase the dogs with it! Great toy!!

Molly said...

cool! I can't wait until Dominic wants trucks and motorcycles! I know I will miss his "mr. peanut" phase but I can't wait to have him in action (I know I will regret ever saying this too!) haha... great video!

Becky said...

I love checking out your site, it helps keep me connected with your family. Now I have the rest of the family blogs as well to see. Your two are so cute and they have sooo much fun. It seems that Mommy and Daddy do as well. I actually knew she was asking for more before I read the message. It helps that Ronda and Rob use it with their little ones.
Becky Dobson

RondaJo said...

They are so cute!! We don't generally buy 2 (or 3) of things anymore because only 1 ends up getting used. For some reason it doesn't seem to matter how many there are of some things--they all end up "needing" the exact same one!! So, yeah I would stick to your guns about only buying one of things. :-)