Nuala was so itching to go... so excited. But soon the excited face was replaced by her serious face.
A warm-up bounce.
Now for the gooood stuff.... launching her...
And she's off! She was seriously going high. (Oh, and there's the top of the little ferris wheel.) Really, that girl was soaring... just flinging back and forth, and she loved it. She's such a thrill-seeker, that one. She was screaming and laughing the whole time.They were long-ish rides... over five minutes.
Then it was Bran's turn!
He loves to do these adventurous things, too, but he's a little more cautious than Nuala. Except when it came to paragliding, oddly enough. He had no reservations about that... Anyway, he got a bit nervous as the guy was getting ready to send him flying, but then got over it. He didn't want to go as high as Nuala went, though.
That was very cute ... I love the change from N's excited face to the serious one ... getting ready for action! Five mins is quite a long ride. I guess little M was fascinated watching the pair of them soaring up there! Glad you decided to skip the ferris wheel.
Love their BYU hoodies :)
Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Well, they did go on the ferris wheel on a different day... we just sent Z and Doncho (remember him? :) with them... they were their safety measures!
Oh my gosh. I can't believe those pictures! That is insane! I would have puked. I love the drawing that Nula did. So sweet.
Wow, that looks so fun! What a cool park. I love Nuala's serious face, that's too funny!
Holy Cow! That looks scary! I wanna do it! You have such brave kids. You're Amazing Bran and Nuala!
Oh wow, that looks like so much fun! Michael would LOVE that! What a fun place!
AWESOME!!! That is soooo coool!!! Color us green with envy! Love their hoodies too! Nuala's so cool and collected, she was going so high! Bran's so cute with his unexpectedly-slightly-more-cautious side :0) Seriously, Awesome. Nice waiting for the lines to go down. I can see why it would be backed up all the time. Fun stuff! Haha the safety word is "piona"...
That last pic of bran is great!!!
WOW!!!!! I am in awe they are such daredevils. My tummy has twirling butterflies in it just watching it.
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