I'm pretty behind. Hehe... no, not "I'm A pretty behind," or even "I HAVE a pretty behind", but yeah. Just behind. Granny came to visit us, not long after Grandma Buttons came and went. Let's see... she was here May 10 -19. We're quite blessed to have two amazing grandmothers for the kiddos, and to have them BOTH come visit! My mom was only slightly affected by the volcano. Poor Grandma B had her trip trimmed down to 5 days, and my mom had to knock her two week stay down to 10 days. She had this whole European trip thing goin' on, and was supposed to go to Poland to visit my sister for two weeks, then here, then to Ireland to visit her bros and sisters for a couple of weeks. She didn't get out to Poland on time b/c of the volcano, so she ended up taking a few days from her Bulgaria and Ireland legs so she could spend a little more time there. Now that you are so thoroughly engrossed in my tale, I will continue...

We had beautiful weather for the first half of her visit, and went to a big park near the embassy.

Lots of paths and places to play and beautiful flowering trees.

These big cement "rocks" are dotting it, too, so of course N&B need to conquer them. In the background you can see some wooden chairs that you can come and recline upon, thus enjoying the lovely weather in an even MORE relaxing way. Unless you have small children, then you say, "relax? how does one do that while one is at a park?"

We went downtown to see the cathedrals, etc. This is quite pathetically the only picture I have of that outing. Maeve and me. I totally meant to get the pictures off Mom's camera, and FORGOT. That's how we got all the great pics with Gma B, by pooling the pictures. Sigh. We'll survive.

We went to Plovdiv. Again. There's the amphitheater, if you've forgotten what it looks like ;) We like going to all these places, and it's nice to have an "excuse" to go back. So thanks, Granny and Gma B!

Very steep stairs. It was also a little bit rainy and cool. This little outing actually took place towards the end of her trip, but I'm a little out of order here. Or, I should say, the pics are.

Z and the tykes with a sweet kitten who had escaped from the little building behind them. Sooo cute. I want a kitten.

And, Mom whispering secrets into the statue guy's ear. We always have to whisper to this guy.

Maeve officially rolled completely over for the first time while Granny was visiting! This is the actual event. She didn't seem too impressed by it. This was a few weeks ago, so she's totally a rolling whiz now. Still not too impressed, though. If she would get the front-to-back thing down, I'm pretty sure she'd be a lot happier about rolling...

We finally rescued her from her tummy. Life is rough. Granny curled her crazy bird hair around her finger and made her look so... well, obviously cute, but also... neat? Polished?

We took her to Rila monastery (big shocker) ...

I never get tired of looking at the beautiful and INTERESTING paintings. My mom really enjoyed them, too.

Nuala hanging out with some cool folks. Just walked right up to them to see what was going on. When you're that cute (it helps to be three), you can do that.

Loads of dogs there, as usual.

Bran wanted to take a pic of Granny with the dog.

Annnnd, the drinking fountains.

The doughnuts afterwards...

We hiked to Saint John's cave and squeezed through it again. Alas, I have pretty much NO pictures from that. Replay my earlier excuse in your mind...

Trampoline time! N&B had so much fun with Granny. You can tell from how loud the squeals get... yep, lots of fun.

Bran kept tackling her over and over and over... I was trying to take a pic of them sitting up, but 37 lbs slamming into Granny was a little hard to resist.

Nuala gets the awesomest static electricity hair.
Haha "in case you've forgotten what it looks like" made me laugh for a good while. I'm glad y'all had such a fun time with Mom. I love all the pictures! Although, if you didn't get the pics off Mom's camera before she left good luck ever seeing them again :). I love the trampoline pics, so fun! And Maeve's hair is so cute, Mom used to do that to Tressa's too, she makes baby hair look so cute! That pic of Maeve laughing at Granny is so gorgeous, and Maeve looks so big! I love the very last pic too, they're all just so cute!
I don't really think it needs to be said, but that was me (Tara) commenting above, not Marc ;)
Sorry to comment so much...but, I just wanted to say, Bran is turning out to be such a good little photographer! I'm way impressed. Aaannnd, I love your pink sunglasses, you and Maeve are so cute and matchy-matchy in the pic with the statue guy. And Mom totally looks like she's going in to kiss him...
I love the picture of Nuala with your mom, they sure look alike! Looks like a very fun visit :)
Now that was a long post. Looks like a lot of fun. I love that pic of Nuala talkin' with random people. So funny. By the way, Fiona, your bod is lookin' awesome. I hope that happens to me after I have mine.
Man I can only get Gracie to roll from her front to her back though she did roll onto to her tummy once.... looks like you had lots of fun.
Okay...too many pics to comment on all of them, so suffice it to say they're all adorable and awesome and I LOL'd alot...as usual!
I LOVE the pic of Mom getting tackled. It looks like a slow motion kind of pic..."Bran, nooooooo!" Hahaha!
Wait...I had another comment, but I can't remember what it was, so I have to go re-read the post...brb.
I'm baaaack! ;o)
So, I remembered, now! Boxty! Yum! I nearly fell off my chair when I read that you make boxty for your family, though! I thought you avoided the kitchen like the plague...making poor, poor Zac do all the cooking and cleaning as well as work that full time job he has. ;o)
Also, the static electricity pics are pretty much the awesome-est pics ever! So funny!
YAY, Maeve, for displaying your rolling-over prowess! She's getting SO big and she's so adorable!
The drinking fountains, again, are great! I love that they feature so often in your blog, LOL.
Lastly, is that a new baby carrier? I don't believe I've ever seen it featured in a blog post or IRL! I like it! Wait, wait...is it a...oh what's the name...the one made in England...oh, darn it all, just tell me. I think it's one we discussed ages ago, but I can't think of the name now. If it's the same one I'm thinking of, I think I might have a slipcover that fits it...not sure though. If I do, you can have it, since I sold mine, LOL.
Thanks for the great trip down memory lane ... the pics are great ... I had so much fun with you all. The trampoline was fun too, but one did have to try and stay out of the way of the little tacklers :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
P.S. you can get the pics from my camera next month...
Great pictures!! As always!!
So what is boxty??? I need pictures and a recipe!!!
Ok I just googled boxty, they look yummy!! what do you put on them? anything?
Awww! What a fun trip! I love the one with Mom and Nuala too! okay, I have to go, the movers just got here and A just started crying...
I am a bad question-in-comments answerer... The boxty: We just put butter on 'em. Lots and lots of butter! (They're Irish potato pancakes, by the way, for those of you who didn't google them... ;) Soooo yummy! And yes, Aislinn, I DO make boxty! and a few other things... like... hmmmm... I know there's something else... haha... :P
That's a Connecta baby carrier. I think it's a UK one. I got it used... I wish it had wider straps, but I'm loving the quickness of the buckles. Not quite as customizable/snug a fit as a mei tei, but still great, and so easy!
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