She's all sorts of fun. Really grabbing at things, interested in everything, belching with the best of them, drooling up a storm... Here's a small glimpse into the life of Maeve: Four Months.
Everyday when Z gets home and holds her, Maeve zeroes in on his hair. Then her little eyes travel down and check out the rest of his face. Lately, her hands have totally gotten in on it. She grabs his nose, his chin... it's really cute. Like she's reeeeally making sure it's him.
She loves to ride facing out in the baby carriers. She likes facing in fine, IF she's asleep. Otherwise, even though I wear her so she can still see out and about just fine, she wants to be facing the world!

She doesn't like being on her tummy for long, either. Like I said in the last post, she's a roller now, but only back to front. Once she rolled from her tummy to her back, but it wasn't part of her plan. She pushed herself up too high on her arms and accidentally tipped over.
She DOES like being on her tummy (for a little longer) if someone is entertaining her. She loves Nuala and Bran. They get awesome giggles from her. And they are soooo good with her. I love it.
That's right! It looks like we may have another little thumb-sucker! Which is 100% A-OK by me! It's been super easy to get Bran calmed down when he has his trusty thumb (and blanket) around. I hope she decides to stick with it... and it's just really cute.

She does NOT like having stickers on her face.

And she loves her exersaucer. Lucky girl... doesn't have to take turns with anyone! AND, she's a little thrill-seeker already. In four-month old terms. She flings herself back and forth and round and round in the exersaucer, just laughing away. Another favorite game of hers is the whole drop-and-catch game. You know, just drop her for a second-long freefall and then catch her. Oh the squeals! That sounds so unsafe when it's actually said... you know what I mean!
As cheesy and cliche as it sounds, it's true: She really is such a joy. A happy, happy baby who we absolutely adore. I'm so thankful that she is ours! On that note, I'm in the market for something, anything, that makes time slow down. So...keep an eye out.
Oh my goodness, I don't think you could have squeezed any more cuteness into this post! Unless you put up a video...but, seriously, she is so, so cute. I LOVE the pic of her examining Zac's face, she looks so focused on him. Adorable. And the thumb is so cute, and the stickers! I miss her so much! I'm sad I don't get to see her when she's all cute and interactive like this!
She is just beautiful!!! I love the sticker picture!!
I kinda wished my kids would have sucked there thumb!!!
Hi there ... I hafta comment, even tho I am s'posed to be in bed ... early departure in the morning... ah, but look at how cute she is checking out Zac's face ... so cute! I love the pics of the thumb sucking, esp the one on her back, all relaxed looking with her thumb in her mouth... Isn't it wonderful to have older siblings to entertain baby, and they do such a good job :) thanks for sharing... love, Mom (Dad too) xox
That was the CUTEST post. I loved the pic of her checkin' out Zac. I just thought that was the cutest thing. Man, I've been freaking out lately, knowing we're having a baby in a few months- but after that post, now I just can't wait!!!
Oh! She is so super cute!!! I love All of the pictures! Aoife totally loves her exersaucer too! Though Maeve sounds more exuberant in hers :0) Why doesn't she like stickers on her face? Ha ha! Nice yellow hat, she reminds me of a pirate captain! I'm looking for one of those time slowers too...Happy 4 months, Maeve!
Oh,and I totally love the Z thing, too cute!
These pics are SOOOOO cute! (I sorta feel like a broken record every time I comment, but it's true!)
LOL...we have a pic of Maire in her swing with a similar sticker outbreak. So funny. Speaking of Maire...the kids were looking at the pics with me and Maire said, "Wow...Maeve looks like Bran in all of those...except the sticker one. She looks alot like Nuala in the sticker picture!" I just thought it was really funny that she thought the crying, drama-filled pic was the most Nuala-like LOL.
Maeve is such a happy looking baby! Of course, how could she be otherwise with such great siblings and a fab mom and dad???'s tedious when your children get old enough to have signed themselves into gmail and you go to post on a blog and realize you just posted as your daughter. To clarify, this is Aislinn, not Aine...but I'm too lazy to sign out and then back in. ;o)
oh my goodness!! that last picture of her and her thumb is the best thing ever!!! too dang cute! seriously. :)
She is such a doll! I love the thumb sucking picture! If you find something that slows down time, I want one too! And maybe even something that goes back in time... I want my babies back!
I can't believe Maeve is already 4 months old. I wish we lived closer, or you did, we don't see you and your kids enough. Time only seems to go faster and faster.
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