Some of the things Nuala and Bran have said lately... these were all way cuter in person, just for the record...
Me, getting into my workout clothes for the first time last month since M was born: Does my rear look big?
Bran, no hesitation: Uh-huh.
Nuala: Your rear NOT look big enough.
Bran, who had left, but heard Nuala and ran back to give more input: Your bum DO look big enough!
(Ahem... I want to say, I then downplayed the whole rear thing... I don't want them, especially Nuala, thinking they need to worry about the size of their behinds. Though I did appreciate her comment somewhat more than Bran's.)
Later he slightly redeemed himself...
Bran: This your running shirt? It is BEAUTIFUL!
Nuala: I NOT need help!
Bran: I know you not need help, but I will help you.
Nuala: Diego was about NOODLE penguins!
Me: Noodle penguins? (thinking) Oh, MACARONI penguins....
Nuala, to Maeve: Hi Burpy! (then to me, very matter-of-fact): We can call her Burpy because her burps so much.
Nuala, about some hard-boiled eggs with VERY orange yolks: Why did you put carrots in here?

Me, about a picture that Nuala drew for Bran of himself: Oh, it's wonderful! That was so nice of Nuala! Bran, did you give her a hug?
Bran, as Nuala stood there expectantly: This is how I give hugs. I turn and I shoot my bow and arrow and this is how I give hugs. Like this... Buuuuuung!
Bran, in a bedtime prayer: ...please bless Mommy and Daddy to get their own bedrooms...
Me, afterwards: Why do you want Mommy and Daddy to get their own bedrooms?
Bran: Then you won't have to sleep with yourselves! (Of COURSE...)
Bran: Nuwa (Nuala), to get rid of an owie on our head, we have to MEND our head!
(Thank you, Jack and Jill.)
Me, looking at pics of cute triplet girls a little older than Maeve: Do you wish we had three little Maeves?
Nuala: Yes!
Me: How would we take care of three little Maeves?
Nuala, very matter-of-factly: You would just have to have three meemees... (betcha can guess what those are)
Nuala: Mommy, I am having a hiccup day!
Nuala, quite concerned after retrieving Bran's arrow and seeing that the little notched end piece had broken off: Oh, Bran! No feet!
Bran, trying to wake up Nuala: Oh, Mommy, a bow and arrow would wake her up!
Me: What would you do with the bow and arrow? (as if I didn't know...)
Bran: Shoot it!
Bran, to me, slightly patronizingly: Good job! You understood what I said!
(Like it's MY fault I can't decipher every word that comes out of that cute three-year old's mouth!)
Zac, in the car while Maeve was crying: Bran, will you please get Maeve's pacifier?
Bran: I can't... I'm busy sucking my thumb...
Nuala, exasperatedly to Bran: How many times do I have to say, "OW!"?
Bran, holding up six fingers: THIS many!
Nuala, whose dinner kept squishing out of the bun while camping: My hot dog won't let me eat it!
Bran, helpfully, as I contemplated how to reach something way up high: Do you have suction cups?
(Diego apparently uses those with great success at times...)
Bran: What else do booby traps do?
Me: Well, they trap people...or they hurt them...
Bran: Yeah, or they take away their boobies...
Bran: When Daddy going to be home?
Me: Soon. Why? What do you want to do with him?
Bran: I weally want to hug him...

Hi there ...THIS IS MOM ...
Dad & I just left two separate comments, and I lost them ... anyway, we both loved the funnies you shared with us all. I can see Bran's logic with the booby trap :) ... and Nuala seems to have the bum-size diplomacy down pretty well... :) I know they were even funnier when they happened... little rascals are SO much fun! Thanks! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
MOM again ... I meant to say that last one (...I weally want to hug him) was just the best! The pics are great too :) xox
Ha ha ha ha ha! I love it! The bum one is awesome, that should make Aislinn feel better about Maire's comments so long ago...lol about the triplets, Nuala is a smarty! And that last one of Bran, wanting to hug Daddy is soooo adorable! They are just the cutest!
Oh my gosh, that was just the cutest thing.
Oh yeah, and you probly have one of the tiniest bums in the world.
Those are priceless! I love the way kids view the world.
Bwahahaha! I read these to the kids and Maire said "Bran and Nuala are so funny! They're not even trying to be funny and they're some of the funniest kids EVER!" LOL. I had to laugh especially hard at Bran not getting M's paci because he was sucking his thumb, because Rowan says the SAME thing when I ask him to do stuff...especially in the car. Yeah, sucking his thumb takes such concentration, LOL.
The bum story is priceless. I love that Bran *came back* to dig the knife into your back just a little further, LOL.
So, the last part, does that mean Bran intended to shoot Zac with a bow and arrow when he got home? ;o) Hmm...
BTW, that's a very cute, padded looking bra Nuala's trying on. It's just her colors, LOL. Whose is it? Hmmm? ;o)
LOL! i love the things kids say. Just yesterday my nephew Dominic pointed to my stomach and said, "Whale, Whale, Whale!" I was a little put out until I realized he thought the pattern on my shirt looked like a whale. :)
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