(Bran's preferred way of getting off the trampoline... Fireman-style!)
But, yes. The net. Great for kids catapulting themselves every which way, but very hazardous if you happen to be a FLY!
In the last couple of weeks, we've discovered 5 or 6 of these big suckers wedged in the net. The ones who are "lucky" enough to be alive (like the fella featured in this post) when we come across them are examined in detail by the twins, and then I pop them out with a bouncy ball. If they're already dead, they are STILL examined in detail, but with more morbid fascination, and then popped out, but with less care. Seldom do the dead ones stay in one piece. And that's icky. Alive is icky, too, because I feel like I'm going to squash them, or rip a body part off, but what else can I do? I'm open to suggestions for less traumatic ways to dislodge jammed-in flies. Watching their little mouth-pieces flail futilely against the slick surface of the Mickey Mouse ball kinda gives me the impression that they don't really like my method. Also kinda makes me want to throw up.
Oh my gosh. I can't believe that fly picture. GROSS!!!! I can hardy look at it. That is something I would NOT like having to regularly deal with. There is this random dead fly in the corner of one of our rooms and it's been there for weeks because I don't want to touch it. It's pretty big and disgusting though. I think the ball method is a good one. I mean, unless you want to use your fingers. EW!!!
The fly is nasty. Good thing it is not a finger or something like that. I love the collage of Maeve. What an angel. She looks a lot like Bran.
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen! I thought things that big were only from Texas. I suggest giving the twids a magnifying glass to inspect more closely. Now THAT would be cool. I would probably squish it too. The germ carrying vermin!
That is awesome. What a great way for the kids to learn about flys and really get to see them (alive) up close. I think it is cool, but I don't like flies very much. Julie would have to deal with them after the kids were done examining...
UMMM GROSSS LOL....great pics of your kids "pets" you should let them get those little bug catcher things so they can rehabilitate all those flies....:)
Holy cow, those fly pictures are pretty detailed! How exciting (for the twins) and gross (for you)! I have to say, you had me pretty worried about the safety of trampoline nets for a minute. I was pretty relieved to find out you just meant they weren't safe for flies :). And, T wore that SAME EXACT shirt (as Nuala) yesterday! Crazy.
hi there ... hee hee hee ... yes, I too was glad the nets just posed a problem for the flies. He does look like a big fly ... the poor, trapped little guy! I am sure he was delighted to have his picture taken :) Nice pics of the rascals wrestling on the tramp. It is lots of fun! See you soon (leave the fly in Bulgaria though!) Love, Mom (Dad too... who is snoring the next room ... jet lag) xox
So, just today I had to ball-release three more huge, live flies. THREE. And a dead bee. Sigh.
Wow, that is an awesome fly shot! They're so cute! Okay, I meant the twins. I love the twin dynamic you can feel emanating from them. Bran would be an Awesome fireman, especially with all that practice! Hmm...a more humane fly removal technique...you could bop them out with a pillow, you know, your favorite one ;)
Funny! But really, I get it. I wouldn't want to kill the flies either. I was really happy though that the net was only a problem for the bugs! Been thinking about getting a trampoline here...and of course it would have to have a net. Maybe our flies are smaller here?
You should make a tinnie tiny leash and put it on a live one than the twiddles will have the most unique pet:)
Um, EWWWW! I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for flies. I would be looking for a quick way to kill them, not set them free. They are so full of diseases! *shudder* Plus, they just make me so mad when they come in my house and lazily buzz around me like they think they're entitled to my food and my clean surfaces and cool a/c and they don't care what I think about it. Gah! I'm pretty sure whatever use flies serve could be accomplished some other way, so I do NOT feel badly killing as many of the nasty pests as I possibly can, in whatever manner I possibly can.
Hmm...that sounds a bit rant-y, huh? Sorry, LOL. I think flies rank pretty close to roaches for me...not quite as bad, but I definitely see more flies than roaches around here, so it's a more immediate rancor. ;o)
It does make me laugh in a really diabolical way to see them thus trapped...
On a positive note...I love the pics of B and N! My boys slide down the tramp like that, too! It does not do good things for the pole wrapping/padding stuff over time, unfortunately.
Your weather looks beautiful! Is it pleasant in the summer?
I'm w Aislinn, I do not like flies!!! But the picture is cool! Love how you can get that close!!
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