Friday, August 21, 2009

the hungry toilet

(Shhhh...don't tell Zac that I'm blogging... The next post I'm supposed to do is about our trip to Oregon/Washington, since I totally slacked off and haven't mentioned a word about it! So. Many. Pictures. That's why. I haven't tackled that project quite yet... Soon, soon....)

BUT, today we went to the embassy for a kids' event -- they showed Kung Fu Panda (very cute!) and had pizza. Afterwards, Nuala had to poop, so off we trek to the bathroom again (there were 2 pee trips before that. I know, I know...TMI) and she settles her little buns in. The toilet is one of those really loud automatic flushing ones -- the type that violently swirls and sucks and sounds like it's going to drag the entire building down with it -- and wouldn't you know! It decides in the middle of Nuala' it's time to flush. You shoulda seen how big those blue eyes got! And how quickly she threw herself off the seat. Hilarious! The poor child! She thought I flushed it somehow, and totally glared at me, saying, "not do dat, Mama!" I tried to explain while (unsuccessfully) holding back my laughter, but to no avail. On she hops again. And not 30 seconds later...yep! The darn thing flushed AGAIN! She hurtled off the toilet once more, as I cracked up. That earned another "if looks could kill" glare, and I was ordered to "stand over dere!" The third time was the clincher. She was done. Luckily she really WAS done, but still. I couldn't coax the child back on to "make sure." Thankfully there wasn't anything...dangling...when she flung herself from the toilet those 3 times. This is a kinda gross post. Sorry. But it was sooo funny! Hahaha!! I still get a kick out of it. Obviously.


Tara said...

Oh my goodness! That is so hilarious! I was trying to read it aloud to Mom, but couldn't since I was laughing so hard. We were both cracking up! So, did you get accused of doing it the third time even though you had been sent 'over dere'? And of course the fact that you were laughing probably made her even more sure that you had something to do with it!

Cara said...

That same thing happend to Annalyse and it took me a year to get her to use a public restroom!!!

Carolyn said...

Way funny. She was so brave to try three times. I guess she knew she really was done.

Katie said...


Julie said...

We have had the same experience with automatic flush toilets! It got so bad that the kids REFUSED to go poo or pee in any of them. Sometimes they would even refuse to believe me when it wasn't even an automatic flusher. They just didn't want to take the chance. Too scary. Then I learned the trick of covering up the censor with my hand. Now the kids can go in peace. It is funny that you write about this topic now... Jonah picked out a book from the library this week called "Flush! An ode to toilets." I love the part that says, "the creepiest toilet of them all- and I say this with a sigh- is the one in the mall bathroom...with the motion sensor eye. Every little move I make, the toilet slurps at me! I think that toilet is haunted!...and now I'm too scared to wee! Then when you are leaving and the flush is next to do, you wave and dance and wiggle, but the eye just stares at you".
I do have to say that you have a very brave little girl! Paige did try to poo once when she was about 3 and the toilet flushed on her three times. Poor girl, she couldn't go and was so uncomfortable, teary-eyed and pink-cheeked on the way home.

Sutton Family said...

When I was a kid I remember flushing and sprinting for my life out of the bathroom. As a mom I hate those auto flushers because I have been sprayed in the face before when I was bending down in a cramped stall wiping a little butt. Hate hate hate those things! Yech.

Rob and Erin said...

Oh man! Poor Nuala! Auto-flushers are so wonderful, hee hee :0)

Sari said...

thats Hilarious I love it at least shes willing to use the toilet mathias could care less *sigh*. oh well and I cant wait to here what you are having!!

Aislinn said...

Can't...see...tears...laughing too hard...!!!

Poor Nuala...she sure was brave to give it a second and then third try. Tara and Mom and I were laughing because we all independantly thought it was funny that Nuala already realizes that is exactly the kind of joke you would play on her if you could. Admit it...if you did have a remote control to make the toilet flush, you would so have been using it. ;o)

fiona said...

Wow, I am hurt, HURT I tell you, that you 3 think that I would play such a cruel joke on my little daughter...oh fine. I totally would! Within some limits, of course...I mean, I DO want her to continue using the toilet...

What can I say. Mom has taught me (and I daresay all of us!) well.

Angela said...

Gotta love the automatic stuff these days. Kayla and Shawn are aware of them now and jump on and off as quick as possible.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! That's exciting!

Erwin said...

This is totally off topic but it was great meeting Zachariah on Tuesday. I am in debt to him for all of his help getting the dogs. Now that we know the drive to Sofia is easy we can't wait to meet you guys.

Anonymous said...

fiona - i cannot tell you how much your wit makes me laugh. these stories are awesome, and totally something that would happen in my world. thanks for sharing! :)


Mike said...

Man, I hate those toliets...not for me personally, but I swear the singlehandly slow down the potty training process. On the other side, nothing worse than going into a public bathroom that doesn't have one of those and the person before did flush, uck!!!

Kyle said...

Oh! So funny. The same thing happened in June with Stella. It set us back a couple months from using public toilets (which was fine by me). After that it was like putting a cat in a bathtub. She would strech out her arms and legs putting them on the side walls to prevent going on the toilet and scream like crazy. :o)