I feel better than I did during the first trimester, but I'm still puking sometimes and feeling pretty nauseous most of the time (especially at night! Blech.), and yep -- food aversions. So it'll be fun to be done with all that.
Hmm...more emotional. Like, just now I was looking up midwife practices in San Antonio, and got teary reading about the services they offer. Kinda lame.
And I'm TIRED! Compared to my pregnancy w/ Nuala and Bran, I'm a lot better morning sickness-wise, but I feel sooooo much more exhausted. I'm pretty sure the results of that N&B pregnancy are the direct cause of that exhaustion. They. Are....Two. That's a nice way of putting it. Oh, I love them to pieces, but WHEW! Tiring. And stubborn. And little whirlwinds of destruction and chaos. And sweet, too, of course. But, yeah...tiring.
I have an appointment scheduled for Sept 14 in London for the anatomy scan ultrasound, and we totally plan on finding out what we're having! It's a bummer that Z can't be there, though. We're trying to finagle it so that Erin, my sister in Poland, can go at the same time. She's about a week, week-and-a-half behind me, so hopefully that will work. Then we'd do a few days in London...just us, no kids, hubbies, etc. That would be sooo fun!
Z kinda thinks it's a boy, and I sometimes think that... Honestly, I kinda want a boy, so I'm not sure how much that's influencing the "inspiration." But then other times I want a girl...it's just so fun having sisters and I want Nuala to have a close sister! Nuala used to always insist the baby was a "niƱa" (yep, "girl". But you knew that), but recently has switched sides. Bran goes back and forth. So whatever! We'll see! We'll be thrilled with either!
The whole thing is still semi-unreal...we've had so few appts/ultrasounds compared to the last pregnancy. But overall, everything's going swimmingly! We're so excited and grateful for this little one!
I love pregnant pics! You are SO TINY!!! I'm 100% positive you are smaller than I am right now, un-prego. The London trip sounds AWESOME. Very jealous.
Glad things are going so well, you and Nuala both look cute in that picture! I had a dream that y'all had a girl, so obviously that's what it will be ;) I hope you and Erin can go to London at the same time, that would be way fun!
you are so adorably (sickingly...jealous) small pregnant can i barrow your torso for when i am pregnant again ( not to say this will EVER happen) but if it does? '
hahhaha you both are adorable inthe pic!
Wow - jetting to London for an appointment, and I'm complaining about having to drive downtown twice this week for mine! :)
Cute tummy - I think that's what I look like NOT pregnant. (At the moment I look like a beached whale that got attacked by a red marking pen).
Thank you for that update Fiona! You look so cute and so tiny! But I do see your little bump! I always loved watching my belly grow! I think it'll be a boy. I don't know why. Maybe I just want you to have a boy...They are just so cute and cuddly and easy (in my case, atleast).
Being tired was the hardest part of pregnancy for me too. There was a point between 5 and 7 months or so that I felt pretty energetic, but before that and after that...zzzz I resorted to a lot more prepared foods than normal and Mike had to bring home dinner about once a week (I know, that is not good, but I was pooped!).
I sure hope you stop feeling nauseous! That would be not fun at all!
Hi ... this is Mom ... (at Tara's, so ...) Hmmm, "kinda lame" the midwife services in San Antonio, or your teary eyed reaction to reading about it? Tee hee hee (means LOL ... just thought I'd explain). Yes, there's lotsa room in there for a nice big baby ... plenty of room to move around! Nice pic in the mirror of both (all 3) of you. Hope the London thing works for you and Erin ... Love you all, Mom (Dad too) xox
You're so precious Fiona! I love the pregnancy emotions...from this side of course. I love that having a baby in our tummies makes us tender to the whole world. Can't wait to find out what it is!!!
Thanks everyone! And to clarify (Mom :P ) it was lame that I was getting teary ABOUT the midwife services. The practice itself is very un-lame, hopefully I get to use them!
That is a totally cute picture! Yay!!!
Yes you make us all sick with how small you are!!!! And your pants look big! You do look very cute though :) As does Nuala!
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