Saturday we all piled in the trusty mini-van and headed to Piriapolis, home of our favorite beach (Punta Colorada), the animal zoo/park place, with all those cute little capybaras and more, and our more-recently-discovered-but-also-a-favorite: the marine animal rehab. And, of course, here is photographic proof:
On Cerro San Antonio, looking down on Piriapolis... Nuala was snoozing in the van.
Poppie and Bran
Look who woke up! I love her hair.
We rode cable cars down Cerro San Antonio. Gorgeous view! Pretty much the same one you saw up above. Which is gorgeous. Nuala loved it, if you couldn't tell. She was so excited, kept pointing all sorts of things out, "Mira, Mama, mira!! Big boat!!" (mira = look).
And oh yes...first we headed to the zoo/park place...We got there, and it was CLOSED! It's never closed! So Z got out to ask what the deal was, when it would open, and now just look at the handsome fellow...On TV. They were there covering the jaguar escape story, and thought, "there's a handsome redhead, let's get him on camera. But avoid the socks." So yeah, we didn't get to go see our little capybara buddies. The darn jaguar just had to stage his escape for the same day...what nerve.
Playing owie-pokie swords on the beach.
Grandma Buttons showing the owie pokie Bran so generously armed her with. For some reason his opponents always seem to end up with some dinky little stick when he's the one bestowing them. His are always huge. I'm sure it's just chance. Ha! The rascal.
We dug for razor clams and sand shrimp, too. Lotsa digging.
And built sand castles.
And of course went in the water! Here's GB getting ready to do some serious body boarding.
Then I got a turn. I love it. And can I say we had the most beautiful weather? Well, we did. It was really a blessing, because the previous couple of days had been rainy, and then Saturday was clear and sunny and hot. Sunday was clear and sunny, but we had a slightly nippy breeze, which is how today is, too. So we were very, very thrilled with our perfect beach weather!

We sledded down the dunes...
...and tumble-bumbled, too. B&N love to tumble-bumble. I loved it when I was a kid, but now am not so fond of it. Z feels the same, but he got to be the lucky one to tumble bumble this time. GB and Poppie did, too! What good sports :) I got to take pics, though I've tumble-bumbled plenty in the past. And I foresee much more in my future...
Then we went to the rehab center. This little sea lion had only been there 5 days, but was really friendly. He even walked/flopped all across my feet in his rush to follow the rehab guy around. And he was so soft. So soft. You just wanted to pick him up and rub your face all over him, but didn't because he might bite your nose off.
Waiting for fish. The sea lion, not Bran. Bran's just watching. I don't know, maybe he wanted a fish, too... The sea lion got his medicine stuffed inside a fish belly. He wasn't fooled. He did eventually swallow it, but not with much enthusiasm.
The penguins were gently removed (meaning, the guy reached in the pen with a glove on, let a penguin bite his finger, then pulled them up and over the fence by their beaks) and individually fed vitamin pill-laced fishies. Then they were gently put back in their enclosure (meaning tossed over the fence). I got a nice action shot of that. See the little sea lion hanging out still? There were some other sea lions, and a giant petrel (they eat penguins, I didn't know that!), and a green sea turtle, and some other birds, but these guys were the most fun.
Then we went home, and drove through an awesome lighting storm! Yep, it was a good day.
Oh fun! I love the beach! And I wish I could go with someone named Grandma Butt-Butt...
I love the pics of Nuala, especially the one of you and her on the cable car.
poor grandma butt-butt she has cursed herself forever with that name!! My kids keep asking to call grandma and ive had to tell them that she went bye bye on the plane for a while so enjoy it while you got it.
Looks like lots of fun.
The beach look nice, and harm.
We have had 2 inch of rain in the last two days.
I can say that it is really wet here in Oregon.
Uncle D
Oh how much fun and what beautiful weather. It is nice to see that Grandma Buttons made it to visit with Grandpa. We miss you guys!
Hi there ... oh that was so much fun... thanks for sharing. What fun Poppie and Grandma Buttons are ... I am sure N&B are loving having them there :) The beach stuff looks great ... nice that the bodyboard can double as a sled! I love all the animals and the details ... one can just envision the finger bite b4 the extraction beak-wise. You have been making some good memories! Love, Dad & Mom xox
Wow, it sounds like y'all are having lots of fun! I love all of the pictures. Sad about the jaguar escaping (well, not for him I guess, but for y'all)...nice of you to point out Zac's socks, Fiona! The beach looks so fun! How cool that you got to be so close to the seal and penguins. Good action shot of the poor penguin getting thrown back! What a cool job that guy has...well, except for having to feed them fish bellies, maybe it's not so cool...
looks like you guys are having boatloads of fun....good job getting grandma on the boogie board!!
lol sounds like grandma butt-butt and poppie are haveing tons of fun with you guys...good thing they were able to help so you could boogie board together LOL have fun
Oh the fun you are having! Poor penguin, or lucky penguin, not all of them get the chance to fly. I love the tumble bumble hill. It reminded me of the Poky Little Puppy golden book that is Colin's favorite right now. The beach looks amazing and all that sunshine. How I miss the sun. although we did see it last week in Italy. Zac was on TV, that's so cool! cooler than his socks even :0)
Come on!! Those are some sweet hiking socks, probably the only ones I own that didn't come from REI... only wore them because we needed to do some laundry, I was all out of normal white socks.
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