One bright St. Patrick's Day morning, Poppie and Zachariah began building a rock-climbing pyramid. Flat-topped pyramid, so more of a Mayan style than Egyptian. But that's beside the point (haha)... point is -- it's an awesome rock-climbing structure!
They sawed and sawed and sawed. Their little helpers flitted about until it was time to go to their Tuesday playgroup. Bran is crossing his feet like Daddy is. See him checking himself out to make sure he has the placement just right?
By the way, I put a green shirts on the two of them (B&N, not Poppie and Z) later. Bran didn't care, but after about 5 minutes Nuala started throwing a tantrum for her Dora shirt. Not the one she's wearing in this picture, but the other one. The one she's worn for the past 5 days and is crustier than all get out. And I let her wear it again. Not worth the battle. Oh, well. That's childhood, right? AND, the child has never seen Dora's cartoon in her life! Not because we're avoiding it, we just don't get TV. Poor us. We survive on Netflix and YouTube.
In 5 hours. Amazing. Without any plans. Double amazing.
Then, Z and I put the holds on! Yippee! We only did two of the four sides for now, and we need to stain it, which we'll do next week after Z gets back from Miami (he left this eve), but we wanted to make it play-able right away.

I get to be first to comment ... that is really nice, I mean the climbing thingy ... you babies have an awesome Poppie! and Daddy ... good team work there. I love all the colourful little notches too... do you have little stick-on corners for the, well, corners? I can't imagine building one big and complicated enough to satisfy F&Z though ... the pics are great. I love how Bran is imitating Daddy with his crossed feet :) :) :) Also, notice Nuala wearing cute skirt ... she'd better be last up the ladder! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Looks like they can climb up under it too.....
Wow! Nice craftmanship guys! Perfect for mini Fiona and Zacs to play on! I also loved the Bran crossing his feet like Zac's. So cute! So nice to have Poppie there and Grandma Buttons!
Jonah: "When can I go on that? When can I go on that? When can I go on that!"
I wish I had learned more from old man Rollins when I was growing up so that I could personally build half of the things I come up with. It's so cool that I can tell him my idea and without plans he can make it reality in no time. Miss y'all, Miami is actually cold and rainy today, your not missing much.
That's so cool! I want one (for the Gs--of course)! lol
oh wow preston needs a climbing wall...oh wait he can already climb the walls lol ....they look to be having a blast wish i could be there in the sunshine with you guys! love ya!
Ben and John B. are planning on building a rock wall over here at my place! What a coincidence! But I def want a smaller one like this one for my play yard. Way to go Terry! Isn't he the coolest? He helped me by building a garden bench out of my mom's bed. It's now my memory bench.
I bet Fiona is busy climbing it herself secretly.
That is so awesome! I want one for me! Your kids will have so much fun with it....lucky them!
That is awesome! I am very curious to see what the "bigger" structure will look like.
That is so cool (or should I say hot?) that you are playing and swimming on the beach in March!
That is sweet. I have totally envisioned building a rock climbing wall for myself in a (future) backyard, but never thought about doing it for my (future) kids... Great idea. So does this come apart easy enough for you to pack it away and take it to Bulgaria? I swear Terry can build just about anything in just about no time (and while on vacation!). That killer heel hook is going to come in pretty handy now!
Yes, it does come apart into four pieces for ease of packing/moving. It is held together inside by 12 cabinentry bolts which release easily for quick break down, and the whole thing is extremely stable. Stay tuned for the addition, though it won't be until after we get to Bulgaria.
That is sweet. Based on how you guys were putting it together I figured that it probably had some big bolts on the inside with wingnuts or something. GREAT idea. So... is the addition going to be self standing as well? I have wanted to build a wall in a future backyard but figured that it probably would never happen since we will (hopefully) be moving around every couple years. However, a self standing structure could work... I'm definitely interested to see what happens next with the addition!
We are jealous of your climbing structure.
Man I want one of these. Could your dad come be my dad for a weekend? The kids would love one of these. We have a wall at the park near by, but they have learned it already and now just climb right up quickly, sit at the top, and finally climb back down. They need a new challenge.
Maybe I will wait to see the addition and copy the whole thing....
This is Mom ... I just now noticed Nuala's hair in a sticking out ponytail with the pink "bracelet"... it's very cute :) xox
Dude thats so awesome! I wish i had one of those when i was little. Way to start them young. I stilll blame you for getting Ben and I to start climbing haha.
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