(Where we went! Z made this by taking GPS readings each day, pretty cool.)
You know how you just put things off, because they're overwhelming and you'd rather read a book, or even just clip your toenails or deep clean the entire house or something? That's how the Antarctica Post has been to me...But now that we've been back for 4? 5? days, I guess I'll start cranking it out! It was just so...long...with so many pictures...but it was fun, so here I go!
We went on a cruise. A cruise to Antarctica, with stops at the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas if you're Argentine), Ushuaia, Argentina (in Tierra del Fuego), and Punta Arenas, Chile (Patagonia). We didn't actually get off the ship in Antarctica, but we'll get over that. Z might not, I think he plans to go back in a sea kayak someday, in which case I'll send him off with loads of handwarmers and wait on a beach somewhere. A warm beach.

Nuala and Bran LOVED the other kiddos, except for the times when Nuala was grumpy, which was only about the last week or so. And even then she still loved them, she just didn't show it so nicely. Jack is so dang cute. Seriously. And such a sweet little guy. Jonah and Paige are great, too, of course! Jonah was always some animal or other, and Paige was soooo good with the littler kids, Nuala had a ball hanging out with her.
We found a cheap ride (compared to what the cruise was charging. We didn't go on any of the "official" cruise excursions and saved a bundle. You can always find a cheaper way once you're off) out to Gypsy Cove and spent a while walking up and down the coast looking at penguins. They were awfully cute, little Magellanic penguins.

Unfortunately, but fortunately for the penguins, of course, we couldn't get too close. The main reason was the possibility of a stray mine ruining someone's trip. The Falklands are a territory of Britain, but Argentina claims them as their own (as las Islas Malvinas). In 1982, Argentina invaded and there was a 2-month war, which is when they so lovingly placed the many mines on the beaches. Mines are one of the worst ideas ever. Such a potential for harm to innocents for soooo long after a conflict has ended. But we won't get into that.
And good thing we brought the binoculars! because then we got some cute pictures...
Guns, guns, guns...or, as Bran calls them (and he calls them OFTEN...): "owie pokie guns!" Swords and anything long and pokie looking are plain old "owie pokies".

Here's some pictures of Antarctica. It was beautiful, and wonderful to see, but I'll admit it wasn't on my "must see" list. But I'm very grateful I had the chance to go there, and Zachariah just LOVED it. It was definitely gorgeous... :

See? Gorgeous. We saw penguins porpoising around the ship often, which is...well, swimming/jumping out of the water like a porpoise or dolphin. There were whales sighted several times, but we were never in the right place to see them, darn it! And usually we were not in a position to drop whatever we were doing (meaning, something with the kids) and race to the exact spot before they disappeared again. Oh well! Some other time. Every day almost we spent a good bit of time in the afternoon in the hot tub and pool. The "hot agua" was a definite favorite of the kids. For some reason other people didn't seem to want to be in the hot tub when the Tull kids and our guys were there...weird. I think something to do with the amount of splashing that inevitable happens when you get small children in any pool of water...not very relaxing, but loads of fun! No, I'm not wearing a bikini, my TANKini top bunched up and I hadn't rearranged yet. Also, in the afternoon, the milk and cookies guys would come by. Yum.
I'm the only one of our entire group who got seasick, at least more than slightly. It was the 2nd or 3rd day...I can't remember...but it was MISERABLE. I've never really been seasick or carsick before. At dinner that night, I had to practically run from the table (Me to waiter: "where's the bathroom?!" Waiter: "outside the doors...can you order first?" Me: "No!"). And, I didn't tell you this, Julie and Mike and Mary, but I puked IN MY HAND since I didn't get there in time. I'm sure it was a lovely sight. Don't worry, I washed up well. I just didn't want to affect your nice yummy dinner in any way by sharing that tidbit over the entree. The ship had to run from a huge storm at one point, changing our course, which was kind of exciting. Those waves were a little bit BIG, but I never puked again. I was a bit worried that I was going to be sick for the rest of the two-week cruise, but luckily it was just the one day, maybe a little bit now and then, but really not bad other than that. But, yep. In my hand. Betcha want to shake now.

Next stop was Punta Arenas, Chile. It's part of Patagonia. We saw more penguins! It was an hour drive, mostly on a really bumpy gravel road which DID put Nuala and Bran to sleep on the way there...none of the Tull kids conked out though, haha! so they had a little less relaxing drive than we did ;) We walked around on a boardwalk type thing, with little penguins (Magellanic again) popping up from their burrows here and there. It was great! It was windy, but still fun. Our driver dropped us off at a statue of Magellan afterward. At his feet sit two natives, and supposedly if you rub the big toe of one of them, you'll return to South America someday. We all rubbed it. Oh, and this first shot, taken by Bran, totally captures the essence of Nuala during the last few days of the trip. Attitude, attitude, attitude. A grumpy attitude. At least she's cute.

Finally we docked in Valparaiso, Chile and went our separate ways. The Tull crew to Santiago and a hotel before beginning their loooong trip back to Seattle the following day, and us to the Santiago airport for our less-than-2-hour flight to Montevideo. Nice.
(And you will probably be subject to a few more teeny posts trickling in about our trip...just advance warning ;)

We got on the ship, the Star Princess, here in Montevideo on Sunday, Feb. 15, and got off it on Monday, March 2, in Chile. TWO WEEKS. Two weeks on a boat, with two 2-year olds. Luckily, our good friends, Mike and Julie, and their 3 kids, Paige (5), Jonah (turning 4 this month), and Jack (20 months?), as well as Julie's mom, Mary, came along, too. We had a lot of fun with them! And here they are! On the little boat (tender) taking us from the ship to the Falkland Islands. Mike, Jonah and Julie, and then Nuala, Paige, Mary, and Jack.
What? Get on with it? Fine, fine. Here's some pictures. Starting with our first stop...Stanley, Falkland Islands:
This is the whale jaw bones pavilion thing. It was a gorgeous day...we all thought it was going to be chilly and overcast, so we brought jackets, and dressed warmly. Ha! Joke was on us! It was beautiful and sunny.
After cruising around Antarctica, we hopped off in Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world. It's in Tierra del Fuego, which is just the southern tips of Chile and Argentina, so named because ships sailing around Cape Horn would always see the fires of the local people dotting the land at night. We rode a cable car up to a glacier, Glaciar Martial, but didn't actually set foot ON the glacier because of freezing kids, etc. We got hot cocoa afterwards, which really hit the spot. Nuala had her whole cup and finished Bran's. But it was a really nice hike. Bran loved it! Nuala wanted to be worn the whole time (on my tummy, she specified, not my back!), and when we got back on the ship, we figured out she was a little bit sick, ending up with a slight fever and all. Poor kid.
It was a fun trip, more so because of the friends we had along. And this was obviously a very quick summary, even if it didn't seem like it...So many cute pictures, so few made the cut...sigh. But, WHEW, it's good to be home! It wasn't all that relaxing, for sure, with two 2-year olds... There weren't very many children on the cruise so the kiddos were pretty fawned over by the staff and other passengers. I mean, obviously they would have been anyway, but still... ;) Z and I even went running every other day or so up in the fitness center. It was sort of a strange feeling, sweating away on a treadmill while watching icebergs out the window. And of course, the FOOD. Too much of it. But we're not complaining. So, overall, a good time. The kiddos were excited to get back, to not have to sleep in their little tents on the top bunks anymore. Haha! Ever since we've been back, Nuala asks us to "zip up!" instead of "tuck in!" at night. Poor kid. Guess that shows they were in those little tents a slightly long time.
what a cool experience. thanks for sharing :)
What a wonderful trip. Glad you were only sea sick once. Nuala learns fast from her mother!:)
Bran is on his way to being a great photographer. Thanks for the lovely pictures. Love you all.
Wow, what a cool trip! The Antarctica pictures are so gorgeous. I love all the penguins too. Bran and Nuala look super cute, of course, we especially liked Bran's cute little camo pants picture! Oh, you and Zac look nice too ;) I'm glad none of y'all fell overboard...
That's too bad that you weren't able to leave the boat in Antarctica. I kind of wondered about that. Great that you got to see the Faulkand Islands and part of Patagonia though--those mountains looked beautiful. As for the seasickness, I can definitely sympathize. I had never gotten motion sickness or seasickness until I went halibut fishing with Megan's dad (about 35 miles out in a little boat). Chris and I were sick the entire day. No fun... Anyway, glad to see that you you had a great trip. How cool that you guys had the Tulls along too! Hasta la pasta,
Wow! Great pictures! My favorites are the binoculars and cannons and the Nuala-tude. They are so cute! What a neat trip, I love all the beautiful pictures of Antarctica. So nice to travel with other children too, companions are great:0)
Wow! I am amazed at that you finished your post! Not that I think you aren't capable or anything... It is just so much to go through! So many decisions! And, I haven't gotten so far, if you haven't noticed...
I felt so bad for you when you were seasick and now I feel worse... Although it seemed to make you feel better when you upchucked, didn't it? Didn't Z bring you enchiladas to eat later that night? I am so glad that you felt better (maybe not the best) the rest of the trip.
We had so much fun with your family and are really looking forward to seeing you all in July. Jack gives kisses to his La-la! Tell Bran that "owie-pokie" is our new word and give both the kids hugs from me. I miss those cuties! And you and Zac too, of course!
I think it is really gross that you would wear a bikini and even post a picture of it on your blog. Ha- just kidding! The trip looks awesome. You guys are so adventurous going on a cruise with the munchkins! Can't wait to see you in VA!
What a fun trip! I love cruising...we went for our honeymoon. Couldn't imagine it with kids, though!!
Cool! I was wondering where you disappeared to. I would never have even considered going on a cruise to such a chilly place, but it actually looks interesting and fun.
It didn't look THAT chilly according to what you were wearing in the pics. It looked REALLY COLD at Antarctica! Gorgeous photos! more more more!!!!!!!!!!1
How amazing! I must say that it does look cold though. Your family is so cute! I'm glad you blog too so that I can keep up with all of you. :0)
I need to get your email address too so I can invite you to my family blog.
What a lot of fabulous memories! Can't say I'm jealous about the 2 weeks on a ship part, but I am jealous about the scenery. What an experience!
So fun. Thanks sooo much for sharing even though it was a daunting task.
This was a really great trip!!! I am so glad we were able to do it together. I was going through my email folder for this trip and found the first message about this particular cruise from November of 2007, and Zac and I were talking for at least 6 months before this. So glad it all came together.
I have taken a similar position to Zac though. While the trip was really great and it was the only possibility that didn't result in 5 kids with Nuala-tude for the entire time, we definitely need to go back and use a smaller boat that is equipped with Kayak's and Zodiacs, and maybe even Scuba gear.
Antarctica, what a great continent!!!
About the puking. Man, I am totally jealous. I wish I had puked in Antarctica!!! That is something to be proud of. I bet not that many people can say they did that, there.
Everytime you guys going to Anarctica was mentioned I would think, "Why the heck are they going there? BORING!!!" But that first picture sold me. Now I really want to go! The whole trip looked so fun! I want to see penguins! But then you mentioned the sickness, I get really carsick. I even had to have my friend pull over so I could barf behind a bush last week! (that was a first) So now I'm not sure it will happen. Those tents are so small! So funny!
Wow wow wow! You get to have all the fun! The pictures are great! I've never seen those tent things for the kids!
Awesome Photos. I am definately jealous because I love Penguins.
I must admit I'm with Zac, I'd be disappointed that my feet never actually touched Antartic ground (or ice). But what an amazing trip. Bran and Nuala will never be able to complain you guys never took them anywhere.
Oh yeah, I would have really liked to have actually set foot on Antarctica, a shame being so close and not getting to, but I don't think I would necessarily love a trip TO Antarctica, as in camping there, being there for a long period, etc. Which is something Z would totally want to do!
And I did, in fact, have yummy enchiladas after I puked! And cookies. They were gooood.
The tents are AWESOME for light traveling with little ones. We fold them up like sunshades and they take up very little room and are very light. Especially compared to lugging around two pack-n-plays. Which, thanfully, we've never done.
And the weather was very nice, especially at our stops. Only chilly when we were hiking the glacier. No complaints! We had pretty nice weather the whole time, though it was cold (ha!) while cruising Antarctica. Except there was one dude wearing shorts on deck, but the rest of him was all bundled up!
Mike...nurture the dream! Never let it go, and I'm sure one day you, too, can claim the distinction of puking on/around/near Antarctica.
Mike will definitely be puking when we make our landing in 20 ft seas in the zodiak in our next trip, circa 2013.
ooohhh 2013!!!!
I once considered applying for a seasonal job in Antartica. The scientists down there hire seasonal support staff. But then I remembered I hate being cold- and it might lose it's magic being there for a few months.
BEAUTIFUL pictures. Thanks for posting so many; it almost makes me feel like I went along with you. What an adventurous mom you are.
2013?... I'm in.
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