Warning: Woman-ly post here, with nursing talk...a mention of the monthly visitor. Read it if you will.
I know, I know... it's been a while. I promise, a nice looong post about our trip is coming, but I just had to share this. We're... weaning! Sob, sob. I thought I'd be excited, but I'm not. I planned to stop when they turned two, which was in December, but then we had our Easter Island trip right after Christmas and we figured it would be nice for them to have, ahem, "meemee" available for that. And then the cruise was coming up, and we thought the same. They've only been nursing first thing in the morning, and Nuala sometimes if she's having a rough patch might ask, but really they've cut way down. Except on the cruise. Mama's Buffet was on call a lot then...
But anyway, since we got back Monday evening, we haven't nursed at all! They've asked a little bit, but I've used my magical powers of distraction and all has been well. Except that I'm sad. And now I'm wondering if maybe I should just let them keep going for a while. Circumstances that we had decided would be the for-sure stopping point have been postponed, so I could keep going for a couple more months. But I probably shouldn't. It's going so smoothly for them, it would be selfish I guess to say, "Never mind! I miss you!! " and then make them go through it a few months later. Right? Right? I know. I just miss my little babies. We still snuggle and everything, but still...the end of an era, I guess. And I feel like I didn't fully appreciate the "last" session. Like, I didn't say to myself, "this is the last time" and treasure it fully...sigh. Also, it's that time of the month, so maybe I'm just feeling more hormonal and what-not?
And I know that most people will likely think that two years is plenty long, and it is. But if mom and baby are happy, that's really all that matters in how long you nurse. Well, within reason. I would be more than a bit weirded out about a 5 year old nursing, I'll admit. Did you know that the world average for nursing is 4.2 years? yep, looked that up today. Anyway...sigh.
(Happy Birthday to my bro-in-law, Curtis! How exciting for him to be associated with this post! though fitting, considering who he's married to... ;)
I know what you mean about not fully appreciating the last time. I intended to nurse Michael one more time than I actually did, so I didn't savor the last feeding as much as I would have liked. But it's good for you and good for Bran and Nuala to move on.
I thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth but now find out you just went on a cruise? Do you live a great life or what? I guess I wasn't that attached to nursing. I watched a news doc on a lady who nursed her kids until 6 or 7. It was weird. They interviewed the kids. The 6 yr. old said he liked the right boob the best. It gave more and was softer. too weird for me...
Congrats for nursing for that long! Nursing twins at that!
I remember being sad when Gavyn weaned himself. I've joked that I'm going to nurse Giuliana until she's out of the house just so it doesn't have to stop {weird!}. lol
Hmmm...I don't really have a comment for this post, except that I'm glad you're back to blogging!
Oh, that is sad (and good too, I know...). I cried when I weaned Paige (waaay too early by the way)and then again when Jonah stopped nursing. With Jonah, I used the "don't offer, don't refuse" method and I was so thankful when he wanted to nurse again after not nursing for 2 weeks. I had my baby back for a couple more weeks. I know how you feel... You are a wonderful mama. Congratulations for nursing the twins for so long! Take care of yourself. You are justified in your feelings and your hormones ARE going crazy right now, just from weaning the twins and with your period too, oh, I wish I could give you a hug. Give the kids lots of snuggles.
If Bran and Nuala could express themselves better, I think they would say they both prefer the left, since that's the one that gets fought over if ever one does. It's known as "otro meemee" ... OTHER meemee. Guess it's not the original one... I'm sure y'all were DYING to know that info, but Rochelle's comment made me think of it :)
I hear ya, friend! I was kinda sad when I weaned Audrey at a year (that's just when I decided to wean my kids...not sure why??). But she'd lost interest, so I figured it was a good time to make a break before it became a struggle. But I will say, it's nice to be able to wear a DRESS to church, or pick whichever shirt I feel like wearing without thinking, Can I nurse in this? How was the cruise??
You're back! LOL! And I'm probably the only one who gets your reference to Curtis's b-day being in an appropriate post, LOL. Guess what? Rowan is done nursing, too. Yep, one of my children stopped before they were 3! It's weird, too, since Declan just stopped nursing in Nov and now Rowan is done. I went from nursing two to nursing none...and it's been 9.5 years since that happened! LOL. Rowan prefers/preferred the right side, for sure. ;o) He does still ask to nurse on occasion, but it's only for like 3.2 seconds...just to make sure I'm still willing to let him...and if I try to distract him, he's totally okay with that, too. It's strange for me. ;o)
Anyway, I've missed you! I keep meaning to call you, but I keep forgetting...sorry. :o)
Oh, it is a hard transition! I love the otro meemee. So funny, those cuties!
Hmmm, Erin loves the otro meemee too ... what's going on?! ...and, yes, Aislinn, I TOO got the reference to Curtis, right away, in fact {I'm sharp like that:)} I like your warning disclaimer at the beginning ... that just makes it MORE attractive to ANYONE to read, ya know! Love that you are back, and can't wait to read about penguins.... Love, Mom xox
I meant I loved how Nuala and Bran always ask for "otro meemee." Thanks Mom. (sarcastic, not sincere) well maybe a little sincere, if it was in fact confusing to anyone else, which I highly doubt.
Oh boy, I am SO glad that's cleared up now! little awkward there... We can always count on you, Mom... ;)
This could be you in a few years...
No...no, it couldn't... but thanks, Greg! ;)
It is so sad to leave that phase behind. Chin up- you can do it! The 2's and 3's are a blast.
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