Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Babies -- my favorite accessory

I just got a new-to-me Mei Tai in the mail yesterday -- I was so excited! We also got Bran's and my outfits for Tara's wedding, but the MT got top opening priority. It's made of this material called solarveil, so it's kinda like mesh, but stronger. It's cooler than my other one for summer, and it's the most gorgeous blue! See how beautiful Nuala's eyes look in it? I love mei tais, they are so great for carrying kiddos around hands-free, they support them well physically/developmentally, and come in so many different styles.

My sis Aislinn got me into this, she's full of great ideas! Luckily there's a For Sale or Trade forum on the babywearer website, so the carriers I have are all used from there. Not that I have that many (unlike some others, I might add ;) You can also wear mei tais on your back, but I love having the babies on my front, prime head-kissing location and all. When they get heavier I'll put them on my back more. We took it out for a spin, Zac carrying Bran in his backpack, and got a yummy ice cream cone to share. Even N&B got a small taste, don't tell Granny! ...oh wait, she'll read it least it was fruity! That is one drawback of head-kissing position, they can see everything that goes into your mouth. Ah, well...The shoulder straps are angled differently than my tried-and-true-oh-so-comfy other one, so it wasn't quite as comfortable as I was hoping for the first couple of times, I hafta get my muscles used to this positioning as well.

And all you moms/moms-to-be, or anyone interested, I would definitely recommend looking at the babywearer website...I love wearing babies!

*Disclaimer: I do not really see babies as accessories, they are living, breathing, eating, pooping, wonderful little people who are just really, really cute and add definite character to any outfit.*


Molly said...

COOL! I've wanted one since the first time you posted about crossing the straps or something (to make it more comfy).

I will def. be ordering one from the site. how old do they have to be to be carried in them?

Andrew said...

Its definitley a beautiful color and very bright. You can no longer hide in the brush when hiking. lol it does make nualas eyes stand out though.

fiona said...

There are so many different types of carriers, not just mei tais, there are wraps, pouches, ring slings, and other Asian style carriers (the MT is Chinese) and you can use all of them, including mei tais, from birth on up. Some easier than others. I never used the MT when our guys were really little, just when they got big enough to have their legs sticking out. You can carry up to 35-40+ lbs with one comfy for you. With newborns you "froggy" them in there, or do one leg in, one out...The website has info about all aspects of babywearing, reviews of different carriers, links to them, loads of forums, etc. A great resource! I'm happy to answer any questions or help out with this stuff!

JnR said...

You left out your hats! Love them! Where did you get them? it looks like yours has an NY on it.

Anonymous said...

Hi again.... I just posted a note, and it wouldn't go..... anyway, I love the pic of the pair of you...your hair is so cute sticking out under the camo cap Fiona. Little Nuala looks great in that MT, and so comfortable looking too. I used to have one of those things .....only it was called a "Snugli" when you children were small.... now, they are new and improved. I loved it though. Come to think of it, you and Aislinn had your own little Snugli's for your dolls, when I'd have Erin in mine, and off we'd all go (yours were improvised versions however) ..... Love, Mom (and Dad too) xox

Megan and Greg said...

Ah, it's so nice to have wonderful, convenient, comfortable, and still fashionable things. Puts a smile on my face!

Oliver said...

I must confess that I hadn't realized that you cut your hair. I do enjoy it.

Cara said...

Cute! I will have to look into that, do you like those better then slings? I am kind of a sling gal.