Thursday, December 16, 2010

outta their mouths and into my ears...and blog

And here we have another sampling of... The Things They Say... These have been accumulating on little notes on our fridge for the past 6 months. The pics were taken in October by our lovely friend from church/babysitter, Maria.
Bran: I like Bran Chex. It's my name, and also them are really yummy.
Bran, defensively : I scratched her because I knew her was going to hit me!
Nuala, to Maeve: Hi Burpy! (to me) We can call her "Burpy" because her burps so much.
Bran, about Nuala's tower while they both were building with blocks: I will huff and will puff with my feet!
Nuala, while wearing her helmet and tutu and holding her sword aloft, ala She-Ra: Ballerina power!
Nuala, to me: You need to be nicer to everyone, even Nuala and Bran. Sometimes you yell at us and we don't like that. (Though in my defense, I am a fairly nice, I think...)
I was coming down the stairs one day and heard the two arguing. I walked into the playroom and Bran exclaimed to me: Mommy, if I poke Maeve with this sword her not even cry! (Apparently Nuala was trying to stop him, and he was trying to convince her that Maeve really didn't mind...)
As I was explaining a little bit about the founding of America, I mentioned New York, and Bran piped up: Yeah, New York City!
Me: That's right, how did you know about that?
Bran: From Spiderman... and Ninja Turtles... and that movie that has ghosts in it... Ghostbusters!
Me: Do you know that Maeve looks an awful lot like you?
Bran: Yeah.
Me: Are you happy about that?
Bran: Yeah!
Me: Why?
Bran: Because I want Maeve and me to be buddies!
Me, on a different day from the above: Why do you want a boy baby?
Bran: Because I want him to be my little buddy. I want a Maeve buddy AND a boy buddy.
Nuala: Mommy, I know Jesus is real, but I don't see him!
Me: What's that called?
Nuala: That's called faith!
Bran: I know elephants are real, but I don't see them!
Me: Riiiight...
Nuala: Mommy! We can't see Scooby and the gang, but we know they are real!
Me: *sigh*
Nuala's song during Family Home Evening: I was holding my giraffe, and a shadow came, and it was only my brother, but I thought it was a ghost... (She kinda sounded like Will Farrell on Elf when he was singing to his dad when he first met him...)
Me: Don't sneeze in Maeve's face!
Bran: But her smile when I do that!
Bran, to Gwen, their babysitter, while we were gone and Maeve was fussy: I think Maeve does not like you!
Gwen thought it was funny and later, when I asked him about it, Bran defensively said: But her (Gwen) did not be upset!
Bran, whining: But I need Maeve to sit by me!
Me: Why?
Bran: Because I love her!
Nuala, while telling her part in a round robin story: ....and that bird that blows up and then gets fixed without tape.... (talking about a phoenix, come to find out)
Nuala: Mommy! We decided we will not fight ANYMORE! I will be nice and help Bran to be good.
Bran: We will all be nice on the plane and then we will get a princess candy! That is the idea!
Me: Mommies are always worried about children.
Nuala: Yeah, me, too. I am always worried about butterflies... when them are throwed into the fire!
Bran: Look at Maeve! Her is like a little baby panda! Her is just sitting there looking around and not talking!
Me, talking to Bran before his night prayer: What are you thankful for that you did today? Music class? Making ninja weapons? Watching Ninja Turtles? Going on a walk?
Bran, thinking: ....Blowing bubbles!
Me: Okay!
Bran: Maybe Jesus will say, "HUH?! Bubbles?!"
Me, telling them to put their motos away: You're very strong!
Bran: I am!
Nuala, not wanting to do it: I am sweenk!
Me: ...what does that mean?
Nuala: I do not have so much power!
Me: Ohhhh... weak!
Bran: I like my whole family, even Nuala!
Nuala: When I turn into a boy, I want one of those Buzz Lightyear stickers!
Me: Nuala, your hair is like a rat's nest!
Nuala, offended: No it is not! It is a bird's nest!
Bran, after accidentally whacking me with a sword he was taking out of his sheath: THAT is why queens do not stand really close to knights!
Bran: I want to be an archaeologist and go on adventures and you can come with me!
Me: Okay, I want to!
Bran: Yeah, when I grow up and go places you can come with me to keep me safe!
Nuala: I will not tell you what I want to be when I grow up... you have to guess!
Me: A cheerleader?
Nuala: Yes!
Bran, while watching the sunrise while driving back from dropping Z off at work: Bulgaria is like Africa! The sun looks like it does in Africa!
Me: How do you know what it looks like in Africa?
Bran: When I was born in Africa...
Nuala, while coloring rather neatly: I am almost a grown-up! I am coloring like you!
Bran: AaaAAHHHAaa!!
Me: What's wrong?!
Bran: Nuala came over here and tooted on me!
Me: What?
Bran: Her come over and TOOTED on me! I NOT like that!
Bran: I want to see the Smurfs. I want to go to Disneyland! Are the Smurfs at Disneyland?
Me: Well, the Smurfs aren't from Disney, so they wouldn't be at Disneyland...
Bran: Are them Irish?
While I was sitting across the aisle plus a seat away from her on a flight to Texas, Nuala held up one of her hands and proudly announced, quite loudly: Hey! Look at me! I have FOUR boogies!
Bran, in response to me telling him to close a door: But I am Irish! Irish people don't know how to close doors!
Nuala: Well... I am English, so I will close the door.
Bran, about Auntie Erin's family, with 3 boys and 3 girls (incl. the grown-ups): They are double triples!
Me, exasperatedly, after Nuala fell down AGAIN because she doesn't watch where she's going: Why do you fall down so often?
Nuala: Well, I think my brain doesn't know where to go so it just landed right there!
Bran, telling Nuala excitedly about serving a mission: And Nuala! You get to go by yourself! (he stopped and thought for a minute) .... Mommy, do you want to come with me?


pauline said...

Oh, the pictures are SO cute ... I love that first one of the twins (N with her arm around B)... so sweet! Little Maeve is so cute too with her big smile ... they are great pics. Dad & I were laughing so much!!! I am glad you jotted them down so you could have this grand collection for posterity (I'm sure N will really appreciate the one where B is offended by her toot :} ) hee hee hee ... thanks for giving us a good laugh this evening ... still laughing ...
love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Tara said...

Ha ha ha! I love it. That first picture is so cute, they look so sweet! The faith one made me laugh, I'm looking forward to having to figure out how to explain that to T! And Nuala's song is so cute! Oh, and the one about the baby panda! I so LOL'd!

Rochelle said...

Those were great! I enjoyed all of them. Thanks for sharing. Terrific pics of the kids too. Merry Christmas!

Sari said...

Man thanks for a great laugh tonight and dont worry mathias always tells me Jesus is not happy with me cause I yelled at him... I love that Nualas brain doesnt know where to go and thats why she fell down....

Bonnie said...

Cute. Thanks for sharing!

Sutton Family said...

So fun! I didn't know Smurfs were Irish- it makes so much sense though!

Hills said...

I've always known that Scooby and the gang are real. Great reassuring blog!
ps sweet pics too.
we miss you guys
jeff and hills

Grandma said...

Hunter, Mckenna and me are laughing so hard!!!! They are so funny and very smart!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Hahahaha! Rob and I have been laughing sooo much! Thanks for sharing all those super awesome cute quotes! And the pictures are so good! I love the N and M ones and the super sweet B and N at the top and his cool monster sweater! I love that B always wants you to go with him, so sweet. And N with her bird's nest, haha! They're all sooo cute!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

oh and double triples, Awesome! Such a smart lil guy!