Sunday, November 14, 2010

practice, practice, practice...

Maeve is walking all over the place!!! well... with "walkers". She pushes our orange buckets all around the kitchen, then transfers herself to a chair, and back and forth and back and forth. It's quite entertaining. Nuala and Bran would be all over her in these videos, cheering her on and "helping", but they were camping with Daddy and Uncle Ben and Mia and her daddy, so Maeve and I were having a somewhat quieter morning than usual. She totally misses them whenever they're not around... she gets clingy and never wants to be too far from me. This little girlie definitely loves her big bro and sis. And loves to "walk," so on to the movie!

Chair Pushin' 1 from Fiona Rollins on Vimeo.

And of course, when the walker of choice runs into any resistance, much complaining comes from the Maevester. Okay, she wasn't too complain-y in this vid below, but it was cute because she throws herself on the ground. You should see the configurations these chairs end up in. She's a lot of fun, if I haven't mentioned that before... I'm sad that this stage is soooo short! A couple of months from now and she'll turn up that cute little nose at using a chair to walk with. Who needs a chair when you're such a big girl that you can walk around by yourself?! (insert wistful sigh here...)

Chair Pushin' 2 from Fiona Rollins on Vimeo.


Tara said...

Sooooo cute! I love how smiley she is in the first one. And so sad the way she just collapses and cries when it wasn't moving! Nice of you to encourage her to try again even though you knew it wouldn't work ;). Hope you two got to enjoy your alone time!

David said...

The videos are very cute. She still likes to stick out her tongue. When she is walking on her own, see if she will push around a broom or mop! Love ya, Dad and Mom.

lizlarry.anderson said...

I just love her smile - she sure knows how to "work" the camera - future star in the making!

Rob and Erin Smith said...

Oh My Cuteness!!! She is sooo Adorable! Aoife's totally pushing chairs around too! They would have such fun together! I can't wait to show the kids this vid in the morning! I just want to scoop her up, ya know?!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, could that smile be any bigger? What a darling. A determined, one, too! I love how she doesn't give up on finding another item to push around. Go big girl, Maeve!

Aislinn said...

Hahaha! I LOVE this blog! She's so stinkin' adorable pushing those chairs around and I love how she pushes her head against the top of the table, she's measuring herself, LOL. The collapsing and crying is so, so funny and I'm with how you tell her to keep trying even though you know it's futile, LOL. Gosh, she's so, SO, SO adorable! I wish I could squeeze her.

And Liz, I see you up there! I can't find your blog link...or your email addy...bad friend, I know! Could you send it to me again, pretty please? I'd love to see how your little guy is growing! Ack! They're 18 months old!