Saturday, October 09, 2010

warmer days

So... it snowed yesterday. Teeny little flurries that melted as soon as they touched anything, but still... SNOW. This morning there was more on top of the mountain, but it disappeared... thank goodness. It's barely October, for Pete's sake! As much as I'm excited for the cooler weather, this little bout of chilliness inspired me to post some pics taken within the last month that showcase sunnier times. Please, please come back! For a little while...
Almost exactly a month ago...
Looking for a nearby monastery. Also just last month...
We found the sign with no problem, but the monastery was slightly more elusive, and then we got thirsty and grumpy so we left. We'll give it another shot someday.

Building catapults out of arrows. Quite entertaining, I must say.
A nifty lamppost by a monument smack in the middle of a busy street in Sofia.
Jumping off the Nevski Cathedral steps. A favorite downtown past-time.
Yummmm... blackberries!
Indiana Jones ... or, I should say, "IndiBRANa Jones!" hahaha.
Indiana...Jane? Hmmm... nope, can't really think of a clever girly name right now. Sigh.
Making "elf food" on the back porch. A mere week or two ago. Look how beautiful it was outside!
Workin' with the whip. They were setting up buckets and dinos and action figures and whipping them over. They were surprisingly good! Or surprisingly lucky, I guess, but I'm gonna go with an innate Indy talent... Maybe kissing his poster every night when I was 14 paid off.
Another good use for the whip: Tying Mommy up!
I was scolded for smiling in the picture. A prisoner is not supposed to look happy, so we had to reshoot.


Shannon said...

I love the blackberry face.

Tara said...

Seriously, the blackberry face is too cute! Looks like those twinners are having lots of fun over there. Those water gun things are awesome! Bummer about the snow...

David said...

We love the blackberry face also! It certainly looks like the twins are having a great time. Nuala was pretty smart to shot Bran while he was still filling his gun. Maybe you should have been kissing a poster of Larry Bird!
Love, Dad (and Mom)xoxoxox

Carolyn said...

Great post. I still can't think of Harrison Ford without thinking of you. I love all of the fun adventures you are having and YES they really are tall huh.

Mike said...

You look less like you are unhappy about being tied up and more like you are sleeping there...

fiona said...

Hey! I gotta catch a few winks whenever I can...