Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Conversation the other day, as something similar to these pictures was happening...

Me: Awww, you and Maeve are THUMB buddies!
Bran: Yeah! We ARE thumb buddies! Maeve, are we thumb buddies?
Maeve: *sucksucksucksucksucksucksuck*
Bran: (long pause) ...her is saying "yeah!" in her heart.

He's pretty excited about Maeve liking her thumb so much. He'll even share a corner of his tse-tse with her. Tse-tse is his blanket, and he only sucks his thumb when he's holding it, and that's only when he's tired or sad or just feeling snuggly. And sharing it? ...THAT is major. Thumbuddy (hahaha) definitely is a great big brother!


Sutherlands said...

That is adorable! What a sweet boy..."that's what she is saying in her heart." Ahhh...the things kids come up with.

Sylvia said...

That is so cute!! What a sweet big brother.

Megan and Greg said...

Cute pictures. I can't believe Maeve is alraedy 5 months! I swear she was just born!

Tara said...

Awww, that is so cute! He certainly is a great big brother! I love that bottom picture, they are too cute together.

Sutton Family said...

That is so sweet- What a good big brother!

Carolyn said...

Awesome brother Bran. The things boys will do for little sisters!!!

pauline said...

such cute pictures... and such great "dialogue" ... thanks for sharing! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Cara said...

That is just to much!!! You have to stop with all the cuteness!!!

Julie said...

That is sooooo cute! So so so cute. I love it!