Maeve is five months old today! She's moving all around. Not crawling, or even really scooting, but just so much rolling and wiggling... in every direction. I find her miles away from where I left her. Okay, not REALLY, that would be a tad worrisome, but still, quite far-ish away.

She grabs everything. And what a grip she has. She spilled my bowl of oatmeal this morning, that rascal! She especially loves the crinkly purple bag that was holding our precious dark peanut M&Ms. Or maybe she could sense that it was the gooood stuff...

She hasn't officially started solids yet, but we've let her suck on some watermelon. And an apricot. Both were highly appreciated and clutched quite fiercely. Here I notice that Bran is giving her a nice chunky titty-twister. That's not a normal occurence, just so ya know.

Close inspection.

WARNING: Partial male nudity ahead.
(Just a nipple, but I don't want you to be too shocked...)

This was yesterday after a fun day swimming at the local hot-springs-turned-pool-place, Pancharevo, with a bunch of embassy friends. Everyone was wiped out afterwards, and Maeve fell a-leep (as Nuala would say) with Z's fish hook necklace gripped in her sweaty little palm. It was kinda cute.

Happy 5 months, baby girl! So glad you're ours!
Ah such cute pics of little Maeve! I'll bet she likes her watermelon indeed. She looks so happy. Lovely lush green grass I see in your nice big yard. I see Nuala way up there in the yard. Of course Bran hasta twist something... just too tempting! Maeve's little sunny outfit is so cute too. Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Hahaha!!! Titty twister....so funny :) Maeve is so adorable!!! Happy 5 months sweet girl!
Oh my gooooodness! She is so ridiculously cute! I love the sunshine outfit! And so cute how focused she is on the watermelon. I can't believe how big she looks sitting up on your lap. And super cute of her sleeping on Z, I love her chunky little thighs! Okay, I guess I'll stop gushing now, even though I could go on and on about her cuteness...
Whoa! Like Tara, I was SHOCKED by how HUGE she looks on your lap! I can't believe she's so BIG!
And, um, total man-rebel look there, Z! Shirtless with a fish hook bone-looking necklace? All you need is a tattoo and an earring..no, wait, a NIPPLE ring (for Bran to twist, of course)! LOL!
Um, I would like to formally lodge a complaint about the unauthorized use of my naked body to promote your website...
Noted, and ignored ;)
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