I know the blog's been kinda Maeve heavy lately. Of
COURSE! Have you seen how cute she is?? But our other two rascals are just as cute, in a bigger way. And so you don't forget it, here are some more pics of them, the best big brother and sister Maeve could ask for!
Above they're watching a bunch of bees flying around a table on the porch where they built a...nest. Yes, I know bees live in a hive, but it definitely wasn't a hive they built, so maybe they aren't bees exactly. They look like them, but are all black, and some have a red behind and others a yellow. They make a buzzing sound when they fly. And they fly like they're drunk. Just like a bee. But anyway, the kiddos are watching from the safety of the house. And for an extra dose of security, Bran was armed with an arrow that he was lobbing, spear-like, at them. Through the glass. Oh, my brave warrior... :) Also, I'm not sure why they're afraid of bees. Is that built-in? We've never said or done anything to make them scared. Just, "oh, let's be nice to them!" etc. And we're calm around them and not panicky... I don't get it. They were fine before we went to Texas, but now... hmmm...

Looks like fun, doesn't it? Cushions and beanbags. What more could ya ask for? And swords and axes, but you know... that goes without saying.

Okay, I can't leave little M out of this post! Bran and Nuala adore her. You should hear Nuala soothe-talk to her. Her voice gets so high and sing-songy, and she calls her "Sweetheart" and "Sister" over and over and over. As in, "it's okay, Sweetheart! Sister! Sister! It's okay, Sister! Sweetheart..." So dang cute. And Maeve loves to smile at them. It's so fun having the whole big/little sibling dynamics thing going on. I love it!

Let's get some BLUE in there with all that pink!

Nuala "gave" Maeve her little pink evil eye bracelet that she got in Istanbul. She's probably "given" her about 1/2 her possessions by now. Usually for her "birthday." I tell her that Maeve loves whatever it is being gifted, but wants Nuala to play with it right now.

Bran with his bow and arrow. That's been the big thing lately. He was
very glad to see them when we got back. He's actually quite a good shot. He's got a sword stuck down the back of his shirt, too, because why not?

Ha! She does love him, I promise. Maeve had her two month check-up today. She weighs 11 lbs-11 oz, and is 23 inches long. And she got shots...fun, fun, fun. Bran was so sweet. As the 3 kiddos and I waited in the teeny little room for the doc to prepare the goodies, Bran looked at me with wide eyes and said, lip trembling, "I not want her to get shots." So SO sweet. I said, "why not?" and he said, "Because then her have to have bandaids, and I not want her to have them." He was right on the verge of tears, I could see it on his face, and hear it in his voice. But he survived. So did Maeve. Nobody pulled the needle out of her leg (ahem. Twice.), making it snap off in her little baby thigh. No, not like my protective big sister, who then got kicked out of the room after the second needle grab, did to me. That would be pretty horribly painful, I imagine.
Oh, those pics are so cute!!! The action one with the cusions is great :) I am supposing that you had N&B keep their pasted on smiles while you got M's attention in that obviously cute one... They are smart to keep their distance from the "bees" ... and, yes, I remember the scene at the doc's office with the pulled-out-needle... I was completely shocked by it myself ... goes to show what a big sis is capable of doing in order to protect a little sibling. I remember it as though it happened yesterday ... but I only remember it being pulled out once ... maybe the first pull didn't break it, and maybe I'm just remembering the broken needle episode. Poor you! Oh, and poor Nuala trusting that arrow pointed at her and erroneously assuming that Bran was, in fact, going to stick to family rules!!!
Thanks for sharing, and for the LOL opportunities :) :) :) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
I love it and darn Maeve passed up Gracie... Oh well mine come out large so they dont have to pack it on later I guess. We have the same problems of Im going to do this just to hear you scream..
Ha ha ha! I love the last one, poor Nuala. But, yeah...it couldn't have been too much of a surprise. How sweet of Bran with the shots! That is too cute. And I'm really, really horrified at what Aislinn did to you...I can't believe I've never heard that story before! They are so cute, I love the pic of the three of them, Maeve is looking way adorable, of course, the bracelet is cute. So nice of Nuala to share with her!
I love that the second to last picture, little deviant face, so cute.
I thought the swords would have died down a little, but it looks like they are going strong as ever.
Nuala is a good big sister!!! And Bran the protector. Didn't he try to protect you before too, until when it mattered? lol.
Aww! I love the sibling dynamics also, so sweet! The cushions do look like Lots of Fun!!! Maeve is super dang cute! A has her 2 month check up on Friday. Maeve is packing on the pounds, or ounces, that then add up to pounds. Go Bran, of course he's a good shot, look at that focus! Poor Nuala, always getting the short end of the stick, or the suction cup end, ha ha! Man, I can't believe they're such fraidy-cats. Harmless little bee things. Totally kidding, you should put a picture up of the nest! I love that picture of B, N and M, M just looks so big! What seriously cute kiddos y'all have! Thanks for posting the pics. Also, how does your leg feel now? Does it still have the Aislinn-saving-you-from-shots scars?
I just got caught up on all of your posts! I can't believe how big M and N and B all are! Ack! They are all so adorable, and BIG! Can I say it enough? I just did a post on Alex's 2nd B-day, and I guess I am freaking out just a little about how BIG he is! OK, enough of this. Repeat after me: "They are not big, they will be babies forever, they are not big..."
I can't wait to see you this summer!
Okay, since I've been called out, I guess I'll start checking blogs again and commenting again. ;o) I would just like to say that I was completely traumatized by Fiona's shots, too. I vividly recall sitting in the hall at the doctor's office listening to her wail while they stabbed her. Hmm...maybe that's the real reason I don't vaccinate my own children...LOL, j/k. ;o)
So sweet about Bran! Awww...
I love all the pictures! Bran's lopsided grin makes my heart skip a beat every time! Nuala sounds like she has really taken to the big sister role! So cute! Poor Nuala, some day she'll learn to dodge and run when she sees the bow and arrow aimed at her instead of continuing to lounge on the couch, huh? LOL!
Ah, we miss you guys so much! Look how BIG Maeve is getting! Oh my...she's GORGEOUS! Not that I'm surprised at all, of course. ;o)
Your living room looks like mine!! And the sword play!
That little baby is so stikin cute!! So are the big kids! :)
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