A few weeks ago...actually, our very first Saturday back in Bulgaria...so that was March 27, 3 weeks ago... we thought we'd pack our day full of all sorts of fun stuff. Z has been taking paragliding lessons, and I'm going to, so up we went on one of his training hills to let me have a taste of it.

Then we switched... he strapped on the baby...

...and I strapped on the harness/awesome-seat-that-feels-like-a-turtle-shell-and-makes-your-rear-look-really-huge. This pic is courtesy of Bran, our budding photographer.

So is this one. Really captures the essence of Nuala. It was so funny looking at the pics he took while Z was helping me hook in and giving me pointers. Loads of pictures of Nuala. Most of them involving a stuck-out tongue, or her sticking her rear up in the air at him. That's our girl!

Very, very windy. I was "kiting," which is just strapping in so you're turned around facing the chute and kinda flying it like a kite, to get the feel of it and work on learning to control it with all the risers, which are the ropes. I got majorly dragged, too. I was finding dirt up my nose an entire day afterwards. When I would blow it, that is...I wasn't digging for it, or anything. Anyway, it was lotsa fun! (The "lesson," not finding dirt.) I can't wait to actually get airborne!

Cutest little future-paraglider ever! He's trying to help fold it up. He and Nuala both really want to fly.

And skiing... Actually, we took the tykes skiing that morning, and
then went to the hill. Shoulda put the skiing ones on top, but I didn't.

This is when she collapsed exhaustedly on the ground. Because it's soooo tiring to have Daddy carry you like a sack of potatoes up the hill, position you juuust right, and then nudge you down. Poor child.

After they skiied (Bran was actually really good, nice and balanced. Nuala's gettin' there!), we sledded down a little hill right nearby, too. They enjoyed that even more. My favorite part was when Z pointed out a nice big rock to me, and said, "You can sit on that rock and watch!" So off I went, only to discover that the rock was a lot taller than it looked and all the snow around it was really just waiting for someone (me) to walk on it so it could collapse. Pretty sure I heard it snickering as it started to crumble beneath me. I looked so awesome: tiny baby wrapped on my front, floundering in a snow pit up to my hips, trying to flail my way out
and stop Bran from cluelessly following me right into the gigantic hole. Z did not come and help me, just for the record.

Getting undressed afterwards. I love their little bibs! Sadly, this was the ONLY time we took them skiing this season. We (Z especially) was so excited to start them skiing, and eventually snowboarding, that he bought all their stuff at the end of last season in anticipation of this one. But then we ended up being in TX for pretty much the entire winter. It didn't snow enough for the resorts to open before we left, and they (at least this one, the one right behind our house) closed a few days after this little outing. Oh well. At least all their ski stuff was on sale, and it should fit them next season. Except for the boots. They're already squeezing Bran's toes. Slow down the growing already!
Holy cow, y'all have been busy with all the adventuring! I love the pics of Zac wearing Maeve, I used them as examples for Marc of how you can still look manly with a baby strapped to you ;). I love all the skiing pics, they are just the cutest little skiers ever! And really, no surprise that Nuala kept falling down and that Zac didn't come help you out of your hole...
I love their little bibs too, they just look so old and grown up in that picture!
That all looks really "cool" weather wise, and otherwise. I like your big fat turtle shell ! The twins look so cute in their ski get-up ... too bad they can't use it more at this time ... I thought we'd see more pics that Bran took of Nuala in her "sisterly" prances ... but I can just imagine! Thanks for sharing ... Love, Mom (Dad too)xox
This was the CUTEST post! Their little outfits, their little skis. Adorable. Man, you and Zac are CRAZY!!! You could never get me on one of those hangliders. Forget about it!
You guys are so ambitious! Skiing and paragliding on the same day with three small children??? I'd have called it a day after the skiing, I think. Big surprise, I know. ;o) BTW, I like how you say "We was so excited..." ;o)
The twins are so completely adorable in their ski getup! Oh my goodness! And now they can always say, "I've been skiiing since I was three." Although, unless Nuala gets better at it, she might not want to admit that...j/k!
Zac does indeed look very manly with his camo mei tai and cute little Maeve snuggled in it! Good job, Zac!
*sigh* I didn't realize Patrick was signed in instead of me. Now I have to be like Mom and say THIS IS AISLINN...so you know it wasn't Patrick commenting. ;o)
So fun! I want your adventures. :)
Oh my goodness! Cutest little skiers, Ever! I love the outfits and the description of poor little exhausted Nuala, ha ha! The paragliding looks hard and fun! I wonder if you'll like it better than skydiving? It seems like you might, cause you'd have more control, hmmm...
That is a very manly baby wrap for cute little Maeve and her daddy. Oh, hee hee, Bran has quite the talent for capturing N's personality! Hey the word verification is "fleit" haha, a lot like flight. Anyway, awesome post, lots of cool stuff happening over there!
Fun times! I love that you took the kiddos skiing and particularly love the point in your story where Nuala collapses on the ground in exhaustion. Hahaha! It really should have been Zac. We missed skiing entirely this year! Bummer. Last year we had snowfall after snowfall at our house so the kids just put on their skis and skied down our hill and around the yard. It was perfect. Jonah was good, Paige not so much...
You're awesome Fiona! I don't know. Would I paraglide? Or am I too chicken...
you guys are always so busy though we are now to it just seems to be all house stuff but man is it great!! Hopefully grandma butt arrives soon!
They are growing up to fast!
fantastic pictures! I love the one of Nuala exhausted in the snow. That would be me. Brans famous face grin gets me every time. I just want to smile with him.
Fiona since I am using your comuter i cna't figure out how to sign with my own name and you are busy upstairs so this is from grandma Buttons
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