I just love this girl. And her smiles! Some of which I am gifting to you, dear blog reader. She is a little sweetheart. I could just hold her for hours. And do, sometimes, but that's another story.

Yeah, not smiling here, but look at that little face! We are truly blessed to have her, and Nuala and Bran, as part of our little family! Even when I'm up every hour for an entire night with different ones of the three, and then finally at 6:55 am get Maeve back down only to have Nuala crawl in bed with us and, as soon as she drifts off in the early morning light, wet my entire side of the bed (me included)...yes, I still know I am blessed! Being peed on while sleep-deprived is pretty much the opposite of fun, but it's worth the joy those rascals bring me.

Me trying to sneakily take a picture of her smiling AT me. With the camera straight on, she usually just stares at it...captivated by the little "ready" light... Gotta work on my aim, apparently.

Okay, not really a SMILE smile, but she looks so pleasant just wedged there by Nuala. Nuala loves to hold her baby sister, even though she and Bran were engrossed in the "Ewok movie," which some of you may know by its more obscure title:
Return of the Jedi.
THIS. This picture just blows my mind. Look at how HUGE Nuala is. Her legs...her big ol' noggin. Just HUGE! Also, she has graffitied herself nicely with markers. She and Bran wrote their initials and various other letters all over their legs a few days ago. Yeah, nice. As I was scolding them, I glanced down at my to-do list scrawled on the back of my hand and slowly trailed off... yep. Great example. We can work on this problem together. A support group or something. But back to the smiles!

Just a little one for Daddy. She'd
been flashing him great big grins, but as soon as the camera came out decided to tuck them away for a while. Can' t make life too easy for us, ya know.

We finally put the toy bar on the little rocker she sits in. Much to my amazement, she LOVES the toys. Grinning like crazy at the plastic lamb and the stuffed cow. Her new best friends. I don't know why, but I was shocked to realize that she's changed from being the teeny little newborn who couldn't care less about cute things to look at. I mean, she is EIGHT WEEKS OLD tomorrow. Of course she wants a little more excitement in life. Sigh. I remember Nuala's first toy smiles. She was obsessed with a purple elephant that hung over her play mat. Ahhh, yes. This one... From deep within the archives of March 2007, I give you... Nuala and her purple elephant!

I don't remember exactly Bran's first toy smiles. He smiled and laughed early, way before and more readily than Nuala. That boy was a grinner! So if he smiled at a toy it wasn't necessarily special to him. With N, it had to be
special to get a smile there at first. And now she's three and HUGE! AAAAGH! Please tell me that time won't go quite so quickly this time around... I've gotta make sure to get as many baby snuggles in as I can. They never stay small long enough!

And just the little cat buns on Maeve's outfit. I wish I could have a cat on my behind and look as cute. No. Really I don't. But I'm glad she can!
Oh, so cute, those pictures are:) She has grown a lot since you left two weeks ago... we miss you all. It's amazing how quickly (I guess quickly?) you can retrieve similar photos of your twins at around Maeve's age, for the comparisons. Yes, along with the fun comes the rest of it {that's what ya get for not taking N to the bathroom when she crawled in bed with you:)} Thanks for sharing all those wonderful smiles ... I can't believe how excited she seems to see her little animal friends! Love, Mom (Dad too)
Oh my, Nuala IS big! Her legs are soooo long! To bad she has to pee on you.
And Maeve is so cute and getting chubbier. And I love her little kitty bottom too. I know the boys had bear bottom and froggie bottom pants that I put them in all the time. It's seems kinda weird to put an animal on a little tush, but they do spend a lot of time cuddled up to you so you cannot see what their shirt looks like- and some babies spend lots of time on their tummies too...
Great post. She gets cuter every update. I love Nuala's little haircut! So cute!
Ha ha! Look at that smile! She smiles a ton. And she looks way Huger/Older too, how can that be? It does seem wrong. I am always trying to catch A smiling AT me too with the camera, but you have WAy better aim. Wow, that sounds like a rough night, and oddly familiar/similar. Look at those sisters, hey where's Bran? Nuala does look huge, B likes her shirt, my B, just to clarify, I'm sure your B does too since it's blue :0) I love,love, Love the toy smiles. Maeve is a good mixture of N& B looks wise it seems. and her SUPEr Cute kitty bum! What a nice little end. Ha ha!
I know I've said this a million times, but it's worth repeating......Maeve is BEAUTIFUL! Really. She is so super adorable. So glad I got a few minutes to hold that pretty baby :)
Seriously, that was my first thought when I saw the Nuala picture! She is so big! Way bigger then when I last saw them a few weeks ago. Maeve is too, too cute, I love the cat bum. I'll have to keep my eye out for some cat bum pants in your size...
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