No, I'm not talking about the state of our place while unpacking from our Texas trip. Though that description would actually fit, since those 3 mos. included the twins' bday, Christmas, and too many trips to the beloved dollar store (don't tell the kiddos, but we got rid of most of those toys, hehe...) Yeah, we have some toy-tossing/donating to do here, too, something I sillily (is that a word? Silly-ly? Now it is.) enough mentioned to Bran and then had to listen to him forEVER talk about how he "needs" all his toys. Three year olds are awesome that way. But no. I'm talking about the enthusiasm with which Bran and Nuala share their toys with Maeve. (Hopefully that enthusiasm continues through the rest of childhood/adolescence...haha... ha.) They love to line toys up for her! My sister has cute pics of her bigger ones doing that for her littler ones, and I always thought it was so sweet, and now I get to enjoy it in my own home!
Maeve's not too sure if she enjoys it yet or not... this really casts those princesses and fairies in a whole new light, huh? And we all thought Maleficent was the scary one.
All those pictures were hilarious! I can't believe how big she is already! It gets me so excited for my own!
Hahahaha! I LOVE that first picture!!! That could be quite terrifying, and your boppy cover is really pretty. What sweeties, so sharing and caring. I love the Huge mountain of toys, Bran went all out! She's getting so big, as I sillily say every time, but it's sadly too true.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I LOVE the pictures!!!! Too cute!!
Hi there ... such nice pictures ... just shows that everything is not as it seems :) It DOES look like she's scared of the hilltop intruders! Looks like little M will have the same cute crazy hair as Nuala used to have, even if it is a bit darker in colour. Bran looks pretty pleased with himself there, for providing so many dinosaurs etc... It's nice that Maeve has such good baby-sitters! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
That first picture cracks me up. THe girls do the same thing to Davin. I have to check on him constantly to make sure he has breathing room.
Ha ha ha! Ha ha! That's is SO funny! I love the pics. So cute of B and N to share with her.
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