The last Sunday we were in Texas...which was last Sunday...we blessed Maeve at church. Well, Zachariah did, since he is the
Priesthood holder. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. Rob blessed Aoife the same day, since it was also the last Sunday before they returned to Poland, so we had two beautiful little girls to celebrate that day. (In our church, babies are given a blessing when they are born, an ordinance that officially places their names on the records of the church. It's not being baptized, as that doesn't take place until at least eight years of age, but it's still a special day :)

She wore the dress Nuala wore, and the dress my sisters and I wore, too. Sure has held up well!

Granny with Maeve, and Grandad with Aoife, afterwards. Both babies were nice and quiet during their blessings. M was asleep. After a baby is blessed, the father or whoever blessed him/her usually holds the baby up for the congregation to take a good look and ooh and ahh. Zachariah held Maeve up nice and high, and my dear old dad, who happened to be conducting the meeting, commented how it reminded him of the Lion King. And it totally seemed like that, the way Z stuck her up in the air! Especially with Maeve's nice fluffy hair sticking out. Aoife still has thicker, darker hair than Maeve, but I combed Maeve's out nice and poufy right before it dried after her bath. It was great.

Our whole little fam. Aislinn and her crew came down, but darn it all, we didn't get a whole ENTIRE family shot! As in all the aunts and uncles and cousins... phooey. I blame the chaos that follows our family gatherings. Often we beat it down with a big imaginary stick, but it was in great form that day after church.
Oh my gosh, that last pic is the BEST. I said the same thing about how babies can be really cute when they cry sometimes, right before I read your comment. Nuala looks SO MUCH OLDER in these pics! Holy cow! I can't believe you and all your sisters wore that dress! That is so sweet! How did you end up being the lucky one to have it?
Sounds like a really special day. And Maeve looks so cute with her big eyes and baby chub! I love fluffy baby hair too!
And I too, liked the little baby cry. I still remember how Paige sounded a bit like a lamb when she really got going. And I loved how easy it was to stop their crying at that age. All it takes is a nursing or a diaper change and they are happy again (most of the time).
She's just so darn cute! It was pretty mean of you to take her away so the rest of us can't snuggle her anymore. I'm still pretty ticked that I was sick the last few weeks y'all were here so I couldn't hold her as much :(. I love all the pictures! She is adorable when she cries. And her hair! So awesome. That's a cute one of your whole fam, and with Granny and Grandad, too.
Such lovely pictures ... was it really just LAST Sunday ! So much transpires on a daily basis around here it seems ... It was fun reading your comments and seeing the pics of your beautiful little ones ... love and miss you all, Mom (Dad too) xox
She's beautiful -- I LOVE that dress.
Awwww!!! So sad I wasn't in Boerne for that. My family told me all about it. She is just darling. I love you so much and I hope you are getting all settled back in Bulgaria. Good think conference is this weekend so you can ease back into church in Bulgarian.
what a pretty little dress! and I love Maeve's hair! She is just too cute!
Awww! She looks like a little angel! Especially in that last picture, hee hee :0) She is so sweet and cute and I love her long floofy hair too! I love how she puts her little hands together. I just came across some really cute shots of Maeve on our camera, I'll have Rob help me send them to you somehow...someday...ha ha just kidding about the someday part, more like soon.
Well, I don't actually have the dress. My mom still has it, and lends it out to any little girl grandbaby that comes along. Somehow it was MIA/not thought of for the first two, then resurfaced for granddaughter #3, then Nuala used it, then granddaughter #5, and now Maeve, #7. Aoife's mommy got a gorgeous little dress for her, so they didn't have to pull a quick outfit switch between blessings. So it's on a loaner program :)
Maeve is such a cute little thing. So great that so many have been able to wear the same dress, that is priceless.
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