My cute little Irish babes on St. Patrick's Day... you'd NEVER guess I was using my meanest voice AND threatening AND bribing them to smile. To just look with their eyes at the camera. My goodness... Amazing how difficult that apparently is! But they're pretty adorable. Maybe they'll block out the prison guard mom voice and only think in the future, "wow, look how happy and cute we were! what a lucky mother Mom is!" And it's true.
A couple of weeks ago, my parents were very, very brave and kind, and let Erin and I abandon our 5 older children and take Maeve and Aoife to Dallas with Aislinn and little Ciaran, and Tara and little Teresa to go to the... North Texas Irish Festival!!

Even the dogs were nice and festive. There were actually TONS of dogs there. I can't remember why...
I love Irish wolfhounds. How one survives hot Texas I'll never know, poor things, but aren't they cool?

So, it was fun. Highlights:
Staying up till midnight laughing in the hotel room with my sisters,
Eating too much Thai food and numbing our taste buds with a noodle dish that we ordered "Thai spicy." And we loooove spicy...
Accidentally getting sent to a very ghetto area of South Dallas due to a google maps mishap,
Aislinn demonstrating tremendous bladder strength just so we didn't have to stop for an entire 3 hours,
Erin and I getting more and better sleep in our room with our tiny babies than A and T in their room with their bigger ones, haha!,
Tara coming down with a severe case of the flu while driving back to Austin from the festival. Chills, heat flashes, fever...the works. She couldn't finish the drive back to Boerne (she, Erin, and I drove up to Austin from Boerne, and caravaned to Dallas w/Aislinn), so I got to. It was past 11pm when we left Austin. Normally it takes 1-1/2 hours to get to Boerne, but we didn't straggle in till after 1am because we were soooo tired. I drive SLOW when I'm tired. I guess everyone does. Which is good. Also, we had to stop a couple of times for poor sick Tooks. The first time we had to pull over rather suddenly to avoid a puke show in the back seat, and a nice Texas state trooper pulled over to check on us. He was such a good 'ole country boy. I love nice cops. The whole leg back to Boerne was fueled by Reese's Pieces, Sweettarts, and roach stories. Speaking of roaches...
Hahaha! We played an awesome joke on Tara. She has a major roach phobia. Even worse than mine. This is a rather recent development, and she made the mistake of showing me this plastic, roach-shaped thing that totally scared her once. So, being the good sister that I am, I stowed it away for future use. The perfect moment came at the hotel. Aislinn and Erin were in on the plot, I better add. Knowing them, they would claim innocence, but anyone who DOES know them, knows better. Anyway, right before we all went to bed, as Tara was getting up to go brush her teeth, I slipped that sucker right near the pillow where she'd been laying. It stood out brilliantly against the bright white sheet. I gasped and pointed to it. Tara's eyes followed my finger, and the screaming began. Oh, how she screamed! Seriously, I was shocked that no one came to check on her. She is LOUD. It was so hilarious!! And afterwards, the poor thing STILL must not have been thinking clearly, because she gave it BACK to me. Hehehehe... oh, the possibilities...
Anyway, we had a blast. Being Irish is pretty awesome. So is being with my sisters :)
Ha! I can't believe you have the roach again for future plotting! Sounds like a great event! Sister fun is the BEST!!! How lucky you were to get away! I don't know if you've checked our blog . . . we have some news :)
I just want to clarify that there was no actual puking incident, just a close call from sitting in the back seat while already sick. And yeah, I probably shouldn't have sent that fake roach back with you, but I didn't want it showing up in the bathroom in the middle of the night or something. I LOVE the picture of the four babies together, T and C look so incredibly huge next to M and A! And Ciaran is so cute stealing Maeve's pacifier. Something about another baby wanting it just seems to make those soooo much more alluring...
Oh, and seriously, you were pretty scary trying to get the twins to smile.
Hahahahaha...I can't stop laughing about the "roach". Every time I think about T's reaction, I have to giggle again! That whole trip was sooooo fun! I love the picture with all four babies, too...they're all so cute! The St. Patrick's Day pic of your three is really're right, you'd never know their mean mommy was growling at them behind the scenes, LOL!
That was great... nice pics ... very shiny red car with the surprise ending :) You are a great bunch of girls ... maybe next time I will join you ;) Love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Sounds like so much fun. I need to do something like that with my own sisters. Way cute pictures and funny sstory.
Maeve's facial expression in the first picture is awesome! Your three are sooo cute! Too bad they rewarded all your "meanness" with such sweet smiles, now you'll probably try it again :0) and the four babies are sooo cute too! Poor Tara, lol, i'm surprised no one came to check also, it was So lOuD; quite the memorable trip, thanks for posting such a flattering picture of me, next time I'll ask Tara to check my teeth. and i'm really glad there was no actual puking, Tara. How's that cough?
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