Little Maeve Helen joined our family (on the outside) this morning. She was 4 days overdue, and weighed in at 7lbs 10oz, the little peanut. She's 19 inches long, and she is gorgeous!! My midwife, Jan, who delivered her (I love midwives) said that in all her 20+ years, she was the most wiggly, active baby during labor. Little head just kept moving all around. I DID get to have a VBAC (yay!), though up until my epidural at 7cms, I was seriously questioning the decision. Okay, not
overall seriously, but during each contraction I was pretty serious about it... Zachariah almost passed out. Haha! He claims it was from lack of food and standing too long, holding my leg. Sure, honey. Just kidding, that's what it was from. Really. After a re-energizing shot of OJ, he was good to go.
Here are some pics of our new arrival:

Granny and Grandad and Auntie Tara and baby Teresa came to visit. Bran and Nuala, too, of course, who just love their new baby. Ever since Erin went in to have Aoife (ee-fa) on Tuesday, Nuala's been accusingly asking me, "when OUR baby coming??"

We were honestly quite surprised at how little she is. She's an inch shorter than Bran and Nuala each were (Maeve 19" vs. N&B 20"), and not all that much heavier. (Bran was 6lbs 3, Nuala 6lbs 11, Maeve 7lbs 10). We thought with just ONE baby in there, she'd be a good bit bigger. AND, she was in there two weeks longer than they were! Weird, huh? But we'll keep her! She really is a doll, and we're so grateful and excited to have her.

Welcome, Maeve! We love you!
Congratulations! She's beautiful and your family looks so happy!
Awwwhhh!!! She is totally gorgeous! I can't wait to hold her tomorrow!
you make beautiful babies - congratulations!
Congratulations! Maeve is beautiful! I wish I could hold her! And I am so happy you were able to have a VBAC Fiona.
That last comment was from Julie...
I think she is beautiful too though!!! Congratulations.
I actually almost passed out when Julie was in labor with Jonah. I just felt really really tired, but as Julie tells the story now 5 years later, I was about to pass out. I actually used the oxygen mask that was in the room for a few minutes, and then I was good to go again.
Congratulations. She is wonderful. I am really happy for you. Are you going to be in TX this summer or is this long stint going to serve for the summer too? I actually may not be able to make it back anyhow because my presence in August is likely going to be mandated.
She is super cute!!!! How do you say her name? Greg kept saying "mave" and I kept thinking "mev". Glad everything went well and Zac stayed conscious through the whole thing. Congrats!
Congratulations! We're happy that everything went smoothly for you guys and are excited for you. Can't wait until we get to meet her!
Congratulations! She is adorable!!!
Yay! Welcome baby Maeve indeed! I'm so glad she is finally here, and super impressed that you suffered through so many contractions before heading to the hospital!
This is Mom ... we are so excited that little Maeve is here, and she arrived in her own time. She is beautiful. It will be fun to have her here for a while! Love, Mom xox
Congrats guys! She is beautiful! God bless your growing family!
Congratulations! She is adorable! I'm with Megan, how are you pronouncing her name? Mawv? Mowv? (Paul is guessing Mavey) I love all that hair!
BTW, Paul does not freely admit that he almost passed out when I gave birth. In his words (yes, he is dictating this to me) he, "got dizzy, sat down, dry-heaved once, stood back up and was fine." He neglects to mention the nurse that rushed to his side to hold a bucket for him. :)
He is now claiming that she was "his" nurse and that was her job!
Oh, I am laughing so hard right now! Anyways, she is beautiful! We can't wait to meet her.
This is Paul.
I'm with you Zac, I also was "hungry" and "standing for a long time." *wink, wink*
So cute! love the pic of Nuala and Bran on the bed! Cant wait to meet her!!
Congratulations! She is soooo cute! I'm so glad the VBAC worked out for you. And I'm jealous that Nuala and Bran got to come to the hospital to meet Maeve. No kids allowed here in VA.
She is just darling. I am so happy for all of you!
In my defense, I told Fiona at about 0630... "I better go down and get some orange juice..." to which Fiona said "no, you can't go" we weren't even to the pushing stage. I could feel that my blood sugar was low. So after we started the pushing and I was standing, the heat vent was blowing on me, and the low blood sugar... I knew it wasn't a good combination. After I sat for a minute, the nurse brought me an orange juice, I was fine and able to stand back up... If I had been able to get my morning juice when things were calm, I would have been just fine, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Whats with you guys getting dizzy? Maeve is beautiful you two congratulations! BTW Sari says Zac and Paul are whimps.
Beautiful baby! And I love the name. :)
p.s. I love midwives too!
Okay seriously the women are the ones in Labor husbands are not allowed to pass out...anyway
Maeve Is so beautiful. congratulations!!!!!! We can't wait to meet her Our love to your growing family...
Congrats guys! She is beautiful. I think she kinda looks like Bran. You'll be amazed at how easy one baby will be. Congrats again.
Beautiful Baby! In defense of men passing out...I once helped a friend have her baby...I almost passed out! geesh! It's way different when you're on the other end watching all the proceedings. And you definitely need to care for the blood sugar thing. I LOVE her name. Is she named after some grandma's? I was wondering because of the Helen in there. I'm sending Maeve a hat.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You all look fantastic and happy and I'm glad to see it! She is absolutely darling!
Oh my - she is SO beautiful! Congratulations, hope mom and baby are well. Sending love and prayers your way:)
Congratulations! I love the name Maeve. There is a little girl at the preschool with the same name, and I will be anxiously awaiting stories to see if the name contributes to the personality any. And good job (both of you) on making it through delivery.
Congratulations! We are very excited for you all and your new addition.
Cute baby!!!! The first picture is my favorite.
Congratulations! She's beautiful and so bright eyed! I'm glad you were able to do a VBAC! You're amazing!
I'm finally getting around to commenting (was reading from Google Reader).
Love the cutie pie. All the other updated posts are great too!
Can't wait to see everyone this summer!
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