Monday, February 01, 2010

down to the wire

I thought I'd crank out another pregnancy post. Erin goes in tomorrow for her c-section, and tomorrow is my due date (little upstart just haaaad to steal it!) , so not much longer for either of us! Yippee! Here we are, on Friday? Thursday? Some day not too long ago...

And here are some cheesier shots. It's just amazing how differently shaped our bellies are. Hers sticks almost straight out, and mine's up and down. It was hilarious watching her laugh and her whole stomach was literally bouncing around, like a wagging finger. A bee-stung one.

Here the girls are just having a little chat. Via the belly buttons, which popped on me at about 2 weeks pregnant, but apparently not everyone's does that! Amazing.
And Erin's little Colin, who's really excited to be a big brother. At least in theory.

(And today is Erin's bday. Happy 29th to her! And happy almost birthday to her little one!)


Cara said...

You guys look so cute w your bellies! Hope everything goes good for Erin today, and for you whenever she decides to come! I'm going to try to come over fri or sat to drop off some goodies for you.
Glad you got the poop situation all settled!

Elle Emme said...

Love these pics! Oh my, in the back-to-back one, you two make me think of a very specialized version of "Charlie's Angels". Where are the smoking guns?

Everything will go well for both of you. Thank you so much for the post because I have been wondering.

Tara said...

Aww, such cute pregnant bellies! I'm sooooo excited for y'all to have your babies!

Sara said...

Cute photos! And what fun to have cousins the same age!

Megan and Greg said...

Oh my gosh. Pregnant bellies are the wierdest looking things! GREAT pics! Can't wait to see the baby!!! Good luck with the birth!!!!

Katie said...

Fiona!!!! I can't believe it is almost time!!! Please let us know via fb or something when you have her. I would love to come meet the newest mini Fiona while you are in Texas :)

Carolyn said...

Erin I hope all went well with your c-section. Fiona I hope she comes soon.

Megan B ♥ said...

Those pictures are so totally hilarious! I love them! GOOD LUCK this week!! and PS -- I have a feeling you two will both be back in your skinny jeans in no time. ;)