We just got back from a totally fun trip to Turkey and Greece and I haven't sifted through pics enough yet to put a post up, BUT I am really, really, really (did I mention REALLY?) tired of seeing my belly up there. Not that I go to our blog all that often, since I know there's no new post up, but just knowing they're there... So to get something new up, here are some older happenings: Our trampoline came! um...a few months ago. Obviously...from the nice, sunny weather featured in the photos. But it's been perfect for the tykes. Bran was soooo excited to help Z set it up. Love that boy!
Gotta concentrate...
Nuala helped, too. She liked hanging the springs from the holes.
This fellow... I am just in LOVE with him.
So wonderful to just set them loose on it... Yeah, we've had many a bonked noggin, and "disagreements" erupt occasionally. Okay, maybe half the time...or a smidge more. But it's worth it; they love being out there. Except now it's cold and often damp so that's a bummer, but spring will come again!
Hee hee, they are so cute and funny! I love the concentrated look on Bran's face. It was so fun to get to see him and talk to him in person! And Snow White taking down the Bran man, haha, that't totally her. I have a lot of pics to sort through too, i'm glad you haven't posted yet, you'll probably still beat me, but maybe not, you never know... B is already planning her and N's playtime, mostly princess stuff and makeup. My B, not your B, as evidenced by the pronoun her, oh, and all the girly stuff.
So awesome. I hope I get to see ya in TX. Your kids just crack me up.
Fun! I love that first picture of Bran concentrating, so cute! And that one of him smiling right at the camera! Just too cute. Wow, your yard looks so gorgeous. So that's what nice, alive, green grass looks like...anyway, how fun to have a trampoline, and the net looks so much safer than when we had one. Love the pic of Nuala tackling Bran, so very princessy of her ;) I can't wait to see those two cuties!
Awesome. That's going to occupy them for hours.I loved that pic of Bran with the screwdriver. So cute.
ahhhh that is soo cute snow white taking down her brother whole new side to the fairytale LOL
Oh fun! My kids got all excited when they saw that Nuala and Bran had a trampoline. I think we might "need" one of those sometime soon! Bran is such a cute boy! And I love Nuala tackling her brother in the Snow White dress. I love those girly but also adventurous girls of ours!
I am looking forward to your trip pictures! I know how long it takes to go through all the bazillion pictures...and then to actually upload them... I am glad that you had a great trip!
Thanks for the post ... it was great ... nice new tramp, the rascals must love it. Every dad needs helpers at times like that!
love you all, Mom (Dad too) xox
Look how he is TOTALLY loving being tackled by her!!
I love the tongue sticking out while consentrating. Jonah and I do the same thing...
I think we need a trampoline, Julie brings it up just often enough that I should take the hint...
Oh my goodness...LOVE these pics! Bran's tongue in the concentrating pic, his ADORABLE crooked grin, Nuala's huge grin and superprincess tackling skills...they are the whole package, those two! So, so fun. I'm glad they're loving the tramp!
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