Monday, December 07, 2009

"I Love the see the Temple..."

(I'm still working on getting through the bazillion pictures from our trip, but I had this post in the "archives" that I'd never put up, and figured I might as well do it now, in the lull...)
Remember that Primary song?
"I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray.

For the temple is a House of God, a place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young; this is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple. I'll go inside someday.
I'll cov'nant with my Father; I'll promise to obey.

For the temple is a holy place Where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I've learned this truth; A fam'ly is forever."
(Wash DC temple, looking at the reflection in the pond)
I loved it as a child, and now it has even more meaning as my little ones are growing and learning. They love to see the temple. We saw it at least once a week in Uruguay, since there was one right next door to our church building. Their excited little voices yelling "Tempo! Tempo!" and "I see Angel 'Roni!" were our clue that we were almost there. Alas, the closest temple to us now is in Freiberg, Germany (soon the Ukraine one will be dedicated, though! um...not that we'll get up there too often, either...), so it's going to be a little more difficult to make it such a frequent part of our lives. Thank goodness for pictures! Here are some we've taken in the last several months, that I came across and felt like sharing:
Wash DC, June '09 (yes, this was already on our blog...)

N&B in front of Wash DC temple. It's such a gorgeous temple! Well, yeah. They ALL are...

Aaaaand, what arms around each other usually turns into...

Not of the temple, obviously, but the Christus statue in the visitors center. N&B loved it. We spent a lot of time listening to the recording (in Spanish, too, just for fun. We were a little nostalgic for Uruguay... :) and looking at the statue...pointing out the marks in His hands and feet. It was really great to see how much they really know/remember about what they've been taught, and how they understand it. I sure love them lots. But what a great responsibility it is to teach these kiddos! And a blessing, of course, but yes...quite the responsibility.

And our beloved Montevideo, Uruguay temple, April '09. If only Nuala wasn't making such a weird face! Oh, well... Angel Moroni and the Uruguay flag look just perfect, too!

Another one in front of the Montevideo temple, May '09. I miss that temple! I'm so grateful for temples and for the blessings and peace they bring to my life and my family's life. Yet another example of how much Heavenly Father loves all His children, giving us the opportunity to be together forever. Even those who have passed on without knowing about the gospel! How amazing!
And with all this temple talk, I thought I'd post a short video explaining about our temples, if anyone is interested. I was kinda surprised to even see some non-Mormon ecclesiastical leaders interviewed. It's a good one, and only 3 mins! Gotta love the short little Mormon Messages that are on youtube...


Tara said...

What a great video! And gorgeous pictures, too, of course. So cute of the twins with their arms around each other...I love the one of them in front of the Christus statue - what a cute dress Nuala is wearing!

Carolyn said...

I love the temple. I am so blessed to be around so many. I wish I had made it down to Uruguay when you were there.

pauline said...

Hi there ... so you made me cry, you cute little eternal family you!!! Loved the pics... oh, I love the DC temple... it's so, so, so ... WHITE! ... the Montevideo temple pics are great too ... you are so nicely framed in front of it... and I'd never seen that little video b4; it's great... thanks!!! Love, Mom (Dad too) xox

Aislinn said...

What a great post! It made me feel warm and fuzzy seeing those two little rascals in front of the DC temple...they have only an inkling of how very blessed they are to be yours forever! Of course, all the pics are warm/fuzzy have a beautiful family!

Rob and Erin said...

Thanks for such an uplifting post! I love that video. Also, totally love the picture of Zac and Bran looking at the temple and the reflection in the pond, such a beautiful composition. And such a Beautiful family! I love it!

Megan and Greg said...

Great pics. The DC temple really is incredible. I feel so bad. Greg and I are so close to the temple and honestly have so much time. I don't think we've ever been so neglectful. I totally understand, now, how so often we'd post and you'd talk about missing Brussels. I miss it so bad! It really was such a good time! I'm sorry you have to miss your Uruguay temple!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It's Susan, btw. The pics and your posts are so great. Looking forward to you guys coming back...Safe travels. :)