Yikes, it has been a WHILE. Betcha thought we were off on another cruise or something. But, no. Just slacking off. I know, usually I'm blogging
too much, but this last week...I don't know. I've just been in a blog fog. (That's pretty good, huh!? It seriously just popped into my head. Out of the fog, one could say...) And I have stuff to blog about...things I want to say. I do. But I'm tired. So, this is just one of those picture-y posts, with....a little of this and a little of that...
Not our FIRST artwork on the wall, but the first one of somewhat epic proportions and out in the smack-dab middle of where anyone would see it. So I had to take a picture. You can see Bran working on his masterpiece off to the side. So I took a picture of him, too. I'm sure that will really drive home my disapprovement. Also, (I don't know why I'm admitting this) while this was happening, I was lying on that exact couch with my eyes closed. I was not asleep, as much as I wished to be, and I was fully aware of a busy little body hovering around me, but I really had no idea. Gotta love 2-year olds!

Nuala in a cute dress, after church and before the disassemblement (is that a word) of church cuteness. Granny sent it, and it's quite lovely! It's one of her only dresses that actually doesn't just barely skim her little bum. She has just shot up! And yes, we do now have a couple of more dresses that are nice and long...we'll get to that.

Bran, same day. Just 'cause he's cute, too. There is always a stampede to the kitchen after church. Led by Zachariah, of course, while I stagger in with scriptures and bags, etc., etc... ;)

This really cool car was parked right in front of our house one day. Argentine plates. It was nice. So, naturally, we had to take pictures of it. See how impressed Nuala is?

And since it's just not fair to show the world Nuala in her undies (
bombachas, in Spanish. That's a fun one to say...
bom-BACHAS! Really, that means "panties," not "undies," so don't you men out there go around talking about your
bombachas....Rob.) and not Bran, here he is. We don't want him to feel left out 10 years or so down the road. Doesn't he look so big?! Also, he looks really large-chested in this picture, like he's a superhero, or he's been working out. But no, he's just naturally buff. Takes after his mama.

Nuala has figured out how to take care of a runny nose. (Thanks again for the cute tissue --I mean DRESS, Granny! :)

Nuala came across their Ewok costumes from Halloween and so they like to wear them now and then. I didn't want her spilling her soup on it, so I spread that nice blue towel across her. Key word:
BLUE. She needed a pink one. The only pink "towel" we have is a washcloth, so to appease her need for pink, that went on her head. I was amused. I'm often amused, though, which is one of the blessings of little children! And Bran has really long legs. Heck, these two are BIG. Z and I every day say, "Man! They're HUGE!" Which I guess happens with children. They tend to grow. But still...Huge. They're getting huge.

Bran climbing in his undies and his camo cap. He LOVES that cap. And I love that he loves it. It's just so little boy-ish! And Daddy loves his caps, too, so that probably makes it even more exciting to Bran. Bran did scrape up his chest on this day, climbing in his undies. He
had planned on climbing naked, so we're pretty glad (and he probably is, too) that we didn't let him, after seeing the nice, painful scrape he got on his chest. That woulda been even worse located elsewhere.

This boy loves him some owie-pokie swords, too! These foam swords are the best. LOADS fewer complaints from Nuala when she's whacked with one of these versus a stick or a wooden spoon or a piece of PVC pipe.

He put his own shirt on this past Saturday morning. I love it :) Reminds me of the pic my mom has of my little sister, Tara, when she dressed herself and is standing there so proudly with both little legs shoved in one pant leg. (She doesn't do that anymore. At least not often.) Also, he has a bag of cookies. That's not our normal breakfast, but they didn't get hidden well enough and he dug them out. Don't worry! I rescued them and replaced them with fruit. Lots of fruit.

This! This is one of Nuala's new dresses that you don't see her cute little bum hanging out of! Z brought her some when he went up to Miama recently, and it's a size
5T. My 2-year old is wearing
5T. I know, I know, it's obviously too big still, and she could easily wear the 3 or 4, but he got her
5T. Did I mention it's
5T?? It just sounds so big and old :( Even if she's not really wearing 5T, just that fact that she has a dress in that size that she has started wearing makes me sad. But she's dang cute in it!

That's that. The end. Bran was trying to get that message across to me as I kept taking pictures. Unfortunately for him, a mom armed with a digital camera is
never finished...never...
They do look extraordinarily tall. Are Alex and Dom going to look like that in another year? So far Alex is just 'fluffy'. That's what the nurse said at his last weigh in. 23 lbs. And he's a tad short. Therefore the fluffy look.Dominic is very lean and we call him velcro kid. He sticks on you like velcro and is perfectly happy being hauled around....all day...Cute pics of the undies! Your kiddos are certainly fun!
Rock climbing naked is rarely a good idea... and I am shocked that your kiddo's are in 5Ts already. That is just crazy.
Great pictures and commentary, I was afraid that you had thrown off blogging for facebook. Such pretty dresses.
Oh they are so cute! and getting so big too!!! I love the pink washcloth on N's head, haha! I love that pic of Tara, it's so funny :0)I have a nice huge purple crayon creation on my wall right now too! Isn't life wonderful :0)
Way cute pictures! Nuala looks so cute in her dresses, and I love the one of Bran rock climbing. Lol about the Ewok costumes too.
Cute pictures! I am so happy that you finally posted again! I love your stories and pictures so much. At least I haven't been the only slacker though... I miss you guys! We talk about your family daily here. And Jack has learned to scroll the mouse and has gotten a lot of reading done on your blog. He gets to the end of a page and says "more." One of us, usually Paige, takes him there and then he scrolls down again, stopping at the videos of course! He LOVES the one of Bran and the juggling dude, "Ban Ball! Ban Ball!" and the one of Nuala talking about Colin's arm. All of the kids crack up when she says "doctor!"
Hey I wished I had had the sense of humor you have as a mom. I would have taken a picture of Zac's drawing. With a permanent black marker he drew a black road on the floor from the back door through the kitchen around the corner and down the hall back to the back door. Maria' has art work all over from upstairs to downstairs complements of Mia'. On her new walls, her new kitchen cabinets on herself..... I love the pullup saga. Maria tried them once only...same problem as you they didn't work. Luv the eating outfits and the new dresses.
the beach pictures are sureal. I can't beleive we actually were their. love granma butt butt
Your kids are HUGE! I love the look on Bran's face when they are in their highchairs. He looks frightened of Nuala in her Ewok costume...by the way, that costume is looking really short in the legs. They have both grown so much!
I love your sense of adventure - and your kiddos are SO TALL!
I want you to live close - because then you'd be the type of mom that would tell me I'm NOT crazy for not caring that Woodstock colored all over the Nielsen TV rating form (sent it in anyway) or that she wipes her nose on her dress sometimes (sure I'd prefer she use a tissue, but snot washes out, and it's better than eating it!).
Everyone else just thinks I'm insane.
They are sooo big and cute! Presto is huge too! He wears a 3T when he is not even 2 years yet and he keeps growing! :O I love bran dressing himself lol
Hi there ... this is Mom ... I loved all the pics and stories. I was envisioning you "staggering" in with the bags and scriptures, while the rest of the family was in the kitchen making a yummy treat for you ... can't beat that! Were you able to obliterate the beautiful art work? Nuala is cute in her little dresses .... good job Zac, get 'em nice'n big so they will be useful for a
l-o-n-g time:) Does she love the colour pink? I assume so, from the head-dress! Love her grin in front of her art work ... likewise Bran's as he stands there in his undies! He's so cute too, climbing in his hat, shoes, and undies! Nice car outside...did Bran borrow your sunglasses?!... and the little camo hat is so cute on him too. Tee hee hee ... guess someone should send ya some REAL tissues :) Thanks for sharing with us ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox
Wow, what a melody of stuff going on. Julie would tell me that all that could happen in a normal afternoon, but for me it is like a weeks worth of activities.
I found only about a dozen moments that I would have freaked out, so glad I go to work, because I know that stuff happens at our house too.
The kids are cute though. Can't wait to see them again in a couple of weeks!!!
Sigh, that was a great post. I enjoyed every moment of it! Bran in his undies is so dang cute, along with Nuala's dresses.
The kids are looking really big sitting in those chairs.
And they seem to be growing up real fast.
Going have to have stats on the little people.
Uncle D
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