Poor Nuala, meanwhile, was nursing her little hand. Right before the show, she and Bran had been twirling and dancing on the floor, to the enjoyment of all the onlookers, and she fell and got a chunk of GLASS in her palm! Ouch. It was minor. The physical pain was gone long before she got over it emotionally. Seriously. She kept talking about it for days. What else was cute about Bran helping out, was when The Guy asked him to stick his finger up, Bran did a thumbs-up, hahaha!! Okay, that doesn't sound all that funny, but it was. You had to see it. But you won't, we didn't get that on video. Oh! ALSO (haha!), when The Guy got him to stick his index finger up, Bran kept letting it go limp...it just started going all droopy and bendy, it was funny! The Guy had to hold it straight for him. I guess Bran just had to concentrate on making it nice and straight, and when his focus wandered...drooop...Here's our little man:
Okay, I just had to throw these pics in, too... Here The Guy is pretending he's going to do some sort of machete juggling stunt with Bran. Looks pretty sinister, doesn't it? Especially with those red eyes, that I left red since only ONE would de-red with the red eye remover...hmmm...

Here is the droopy finger. You can see how that would be a problem when one wants to spin a ball on it...

And this is The Guy telling Bran to smile. He was taking it all pretty seriously. And was rather proud of himself for it, too, I could tell :) As well he should have been! He's super cute and a great little helper! I love my boy so much!

Aaaaand, this is Monster Nuala. I also love her soooo much! That's all. Nuala fine-tuning her monster roars... (I'm making up for the huge explanation for the 1st video with this nice short explanation here ;) Yes, the squealy, little-girl "eek" is, in fact, Zachariah.
Yep, Chuck Gunter, from Seattle...
That guy was pretty cool, better than watching the dancing, singing, whatever that other 'show' was we went to.
Bran was definitely the real star of the show though!!!
And Nuala...must be different to have her 24-7, cause I really miss having her around. Really cute video.
Seriously, your kids are so cute! I'm loving the face of Bran while he stands "unknowningly" in front of the machete man. :0) Good stuff.
Hahaha. Those were pretty sweet videos. That is funny that his finger kept going limp! haha. I bet that got some pretty good laughs. And what a scary monster! She has pretty much perfected the guttural growl! Haha. She is SO funny! haha.
They are too cute! Way to help out Bran! and Brigit sat here for about 10 minutes having me push play for the Nuala monster video. Super cute, I mean scary, haha! Nice basketball skills Bran, and machete avoiding techniques :0)
Wow, Bran is such a good helper! What a cute video. I love his smile when he gets the ball to keep spinning. And that machete picture is hilarious! Poor Bran...innocently standing there, not knowing what is coming...;) Nuala's monster is very scary, indeed. Her hair looks like it's getting pretty long, very cute!
So fun! I think everyone else that commented already said the kids are so cute, so I was trying to be original and just say they're "fun", but really they are so cute! Can't wait to see them (and you of course) in July!
What a cute and brave Bran! The Guy was really nice and patient with the bendy/floppy finger :) And Nuala...how SCARY!!! But i think I was more frightened by Z's squealing. It has ruined my childhood perceptions of big-bad-older-cousin Z who isn't afraid of anything. :)
Bran is so cute! :) And I loved Nuala's monster roars. She is better at it than Zac's eek lol
Cute videos! Bran did so well up there, with the floppy finger and all... And Nuala is SCARY! After seeing the video of Nuala being a monster, Jack hasn't wanted to see La-la any more today. I think she scared him. The other kids laughed though and then roared through the house.
Oh, I didn't know that Nuala got glass in her hand! Poor girl! Did it just come up from the floor?
We have enjoyed this post! The videos are great, and we played them several times too of course :) Your family has a thing about being called up to participate in stuff ... remember that club in Montevideo, and your cool dance moves, Fiona?! It was SO FUNNY watching the guy prep Bran's finger {incl. biting off the nail piece!}... and Nuala sure does a good monster roar ... I think you have a pair of entertainers there ... or maybe they are just too little to be bashful yet ... Thanks for sharing ... love, Mom (Dad too) xox
So... are these the audition videos for "Toddlers in Tiaras"?
They're that darling, after all.
Soooooooooo cute!!! I love how proud you sound describing Bran. And Nuala's MONSTER GROWLS!!! WOW! That was really cute too.
I can see Zack to both of these tricks.
Great pic. and stories.
Uncle D
Hehe. Both videos made me laugh!!!
Ahh, well. The show must go on I guess. Both videos made me laugh. Your kids are so cute!!
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