1. I absolutely hate to shop! 5 minutes into a store and I'm antsy to leave, just can't understand the mindless draw of looking at loads of stuff I'm never going buy.
2. I love blackberries... I had one today, every time I do it takes me back to the Pacific Northwest, home, and growing up. We always had to go pick blackberries when they were in season, would take hours and then my mom would make jam and syrup and we would eat it all year on pancakes and waffles.
3. I'm extremely frugal, don't like to finance anything, so I budget like crazy and always have the cash to pay for everything up front.
4. My one guilty pleasure is REI... #1 says I hate to shop, really, I do, with the exception of REI... it is the only store I will go into not needing anything and spend $1000. It's a good thing I only go to the States once a year, though we do have a steady stream of REI boxes arriving throughout the year from REI.
5. I love mountains and the outdoors, I especially like hiking/camping in extreme conditions, just for the challenge. Plus it gives me more reason to buy more gear at REI.
6. I think having kids is the greatest experience we can have in life. Before having the twins I was honestly a little loath to give up all the free time that we had, but now I can't remember what I did with all that time and can't imagine not having kids.
7. Fiona says I'm really good at learning to drive in other countries. I took a personal security and driving course for work and was 4 seconds shy of beating the course speed record on my first try. The problem with my driving is I've gone a little third world, and it's hard to turn it off when I go back to the States. Seriously what's wrong with making 4 lanes out of 3? If theres enough space for my car and I want to go faster what's wrong with driving in the shoulder?
8. I'm trilingual.
9. I hate flying. It used to be fun before I got payed to do it... now my caboose starts to hurt if I hear my boss offering to send me somewhere I can't find on a map.
10. I almost got bit by a tiger shark in Hawaii. It scared me, I didn't get back in the water for a couple of days.
11. I really like the water. I grew up snorkeling and SCUBA diving, and just can't get enough. Doesn't matter if it's cold or warm.
12. I'm not a huge fan of cake, never have been. I always want a nice heavy cheesecake with cherries on top or a berry or peach pie for my birthday.
13. I like black licorice.
14. My goal that I put in my high school class time capsule was to visit the Seven Wonders of The World by 15 years from graduation. So this was a stupid goal because really there is like 10 different lists of the Seven Wonders, I've seen 3-4 off of each list. Really I think I just wanted to get out and see some of the world.
15. I don't wear ties to work, ever. Once I wore a tie a couple years back for an internal interview or something and several friends asked me if something was wrong.
16. I went to college to escape hard labor like carpentry (old man Rollins is a carpenter), but now often secretly wish I had a simple hands on job with no politics. I'm going to retire and drive a school bus.
17. ... or work at REI.
18. I can't dance, at all, period. No rythm. I tried to explain this to my new wife of one month when we were on our way back to college for our senior year. She didn't listen and made me sign up for a beginning dance class elective with her. Maybe 10 minutes into the class she whispered to me that I could go sit on the side or in the back and just watched. It was a couple of years before she forgot her embarasment and tried to get me to take another class with her...
19. I went camping with my cousins for a week before getting married and caught Giardia which manifested itself on our honeymoon. I thought I had eaten some bad guacomole. Not a great way to start out married life.
20. I love sushi, but never get to eat it because my wife thinks it's disgusting.
21. I used to go to lots of concerts in my younger years. Once I went to a Weezer concert with a friend (Nathan Heber) and it was his first concert. A few songs in I saw some huge dude jump kick him in the back out in the mosh pit. He went down and it was the last I saw him until the end of the concert. Afterwards there was a huge muddy footprint on his back.
22. I once got a piece of sand or coral embedded in my leg after getting pounded while surfing in Hawaii and it didn't come out for 3.5 years.
23. The biggest thing I miss about living in the States is good Thai food.
24. My hair is RED not orange.
25. I once passed out from heat exhaustion at a Foo Fighters concert in Honolulu and woke up under the stage with no shoes... don't remember if I ever found them.
And, ahem, MY comment:
okay, for the record I have NEVER allowed him to drop $1000 at REI...close, but not quite...
And I want to kick you every time you say you hate flying. You fly business class (thank you, taxpayers!) WITHOUT two 2-yr-olds and you think you can complain?!
(and it is DEFINITELY orange!)
What the???? You passed out....woke up under the stage....at a Foo Fighters concert....with no shoes.....
Zachariah, I'm glad (and amazed) you're still with us today, my friend!
Nice Zac! I think I knew most of that, except for the concert story, good thing they didn't take anything else! and I think I have to go with the more orangey side of the hair issue, sorry. Also, I Love!!! the picture of you two at the top! So cute, father and son. Bran is getting soooo big! I love his hair and his smile. Heartbreaker in the making...
Well I learned some things. I hate to burst your bubble but you can't be a bus driver unless you're...overweight, lazy, and a bad driver. Also...REI ROCKS!
Come on!! Don't ruin my dreams.
We just had some AMAZING Thai food last week down near the Grand Place. Did I mention it was AMAZING?! I was actually planning on making some Red Thai Curry for dinner tonight but now we are going to someone's house for dinner. Anyway, we should go out for sushi together sometime in the states--I love the stuff (Megan used to hate it, but is addicted now...).
P.S. I don't know if I could get back in the ocean after a tiger shark incident like that... I love the water, but sharks scare the crap out of me! The one time I thought about it while scuba diving I started sucking oxygen like crazy! haha (right after a HUGE Ling Cod almost tore off my mask).
I hate shopping and love REI too.
The concert story is hysterical!
It looks Orange.
And I can understand REI. We bought so much one year that my dividends reward was a NorthFace fleece.
The next year it was a sub-zero sleeping bag. That place is dangerous.
Plus, I also have no skills on the dance floor.
Very Interesting... I agree with Greg about the shark thing...EVERY time we scuba dive in the ocean I try very hard not to think of sharks, or even big fish, or I use up all my air twice as fast.
I have to go with Fiona on the sushi and orange issue...I HATE sushi and your hair is definitely ORANGE. But, we still love you. :)
Hi Zac ... I knew most of that stuff you shared, but not all ...it was interesting. I like black licorice too (is there another colour ..... I mean of LICORICE?!) xox
I think you've always been a third world driver... ???
And was that Foo Fighters concert the one in Honolulu freshman year???
Yeah, that's the concert! You were there with us too, right? Us being Josh, Dave, Shane, your boyfriend at the time I think, and others that I can't remember...
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