(I know! A whole week ago almost! I am becoming a slacker poster...not unlike an older sibling of mine, who shall remain nameless, though I only have ONE older sibling. This highlights the importance, even when grown, of older siblings still being good examples to the younger ones. Not that Aislinn is fully to blame, but partially. Oops, I named her.)
...we went to our favorite semi-close beach here in Uruguay: Punta Colorada. Not long ago, we discovered that there was a little sea animal rehab place, called SOS/Rescate de Fauna Marina, just a couple of minutes before our usual stop, so we decided to go and visit.
Here are Bran and Nuala and a bunch of penguins. These little guys were victims of an oil spill, and though they've been here for a couple of months and are fine and dandy oil-wise, they have to grow back more of their feathers before they can be released. They were so funny, they moved almost as one. Shift to one side in front of their pen, they all shifted that way. They were like sunflowers and we were the sun. What power we had...kidding! but not, it really was like that. Bran especially loved them. There was a chubby little fellow standing off to the left of the picture, and he kept watching Bran with his bright black eye.
This was a male, also 6 months old. His eyes were kinda creepy. Like fly eyes, but still, cute. He didn't seem too pleased to see us. Flopped as far away as he could.
And this little guy! Also 6 months old, but about 1/5 the size of the big fellow (obviously different types of sea lions). He looked so scrawny and ratty, but was really friendly. He kept hopping over to us, and then he'd twist his neck around and look at us upside down. The twins loved him! I guess if you're there when it's feeding time, you can help, and touch the animals and all, so we'll try to tweak our timing a little better next time.
And Bran and his pingüino friends again. (That's what B&N call them, or rather, -güinos, like, "gweenos", and it sounds so cute!) They got out of the water and waddled along their fence to follow us as best they could. So cute. I bet we could sneak one out, they'd never miss him! Yeah, they probably would. But soooo cute! I know I've said "cute" about 600 times already, but I'm just trying to crank this post out and my brain is rebelling at thinking of synonyms...adorable? precious? somehow those sound a little weird. Cute works.
Then we hit the beach, and on the way home we were rerouted because of forest/brush fires. We're in the middle of a drought right now, and there have been several fires in the afueras, or outside the city. Last time we went to Punta Colorada, a couple of weeks ago, there was another one going on, too. This time they were flying the helicopters with buckets back and forth on our way home, so we watched for a little while. Bran and Nuala loved seeing all the "helicoppys" of course, but the amount of water they dumped just looked so insignificant. Probably there was more smoke than fire, as usual, but still...I hoped they aimed it right. I don't really know how quickly they got it under control or anything, but it was interesting to watch them fly back and forth.
We're all hoping for rain, here!!! You should see our front yard. Dead as the poor green loro (parrot) that was plopped in it the other day. Which naturally was of great interest to the twins. Nuala kept wanting to give it besos, for its owies. Bran liked poking it with a stick... So anyway, all y'all with any extra precipitation around, we won't mind a bit if you send it south a little...
How Fun I wish we were able to make it to places like that more often. Especially with the animals that Mathias keeps moving in to our house an Elephant lately but we still have Bears and Alligators!
Hi :) Yes, CUTE definitely works ...not just for the "gweenies" ... but for those cute little rascals of yours. They are having lots of enriching and fun experiences ... I mean, how many of us can actually see a parrot (live or dead) around here! The sea animals were fun to see ... how can ya expect inquisitive 2yr olds to care much about smiling for the camera!!! There's just too much to see and do ... the camera'll always be around {they've come to realize:)} ... it seems strange to see you and other dressed so summer-y. It's pretty cold here today, but that's ok.... Thanks for sharing, love you all xox
Ooh! That looked like fun! Bran and Nuala are so cute. I love the way they pronounce things! Maybe we can go there when we get to Montevideo?! My kiddos, especially Jonah, would LOVE visiting the animals.
I know all about trying to get a picture with both (or in my case, all 3)kids smiling for the camera. Taking our Christmas card picture is so stressful for me! I want everyone to get to see ALL of their faces and I like them looking somewhat cute. Getting a picture of the whole family is nearly impossible... I hardly even try any more to get all 3 kids in a picture together. I'll have to work on that.
Way cute pictures, the last one of Bran with the penguins is so adorable! Sounds like a fun place. How random that you would have a dead parrot in your yard! But nice of you to let the twins play with it before disposing of it ;)
Thats so cool! To see all of those animals. Hope you get rain soon, we had a dry summer to with lots of fires.
And thanks for letting me know when your parents have there meetings!!:)
On the first we went to the Thums house. (Do you remember them being in our ward?) Anyhow, they live in the Dominion and therefor have a multi-million dollar home with a flat screen tv in just about every room including there bathroom. Well, while we were there, their neighbors house burnt down. It took them for ever to put it out especially since it took the firemen 30 or 40 min to get there as the closest ones were on an accident call. It was pretty weird to watch.
You are right, the helicopter looks pointless against all the smoke. That would be cool to see though. Not the actual fire but the process of filling and dumping the water bucket. The kids probably would like a bucket that big...
I love the picture where Bran is waving and Nuala has her head turned. Her hair looks super awesome! Kinda exactly opposite of the way your hair looked when you washed it with skin so soft haha. They are too cute! and what a fun place to go see the rescued animals:0)
Every bit of this post brings back memories of California. Thanks for making my homesick. Just kidding. Winter here does that for me. The animals are so cute. THe penquins(sp?) and sea lions are too.;]
I love the pictures of the rescue animals. Are they native to your area? I hope that isn't something I should know, but I am curious. I like pictures that are actions shots anyway, so good job. I hope you get some rain soon. We have had plenty of snow I wish we could share, even though I love the snow, I would share it with you.
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