The twins and I have been talking a lot lately about babies in tummies. Now, wouldn't it be grand if that were because there was a surprise baby in MY tummy, but alas...no such luck! Just as grand, though, and less work for me, are the babies in my sisters' tummies, so that's been the driving force behind the recent conversations. A couple of days ago:
Me: Whose tummy was Dada in?
Nuala: Butt Butt! (the lovely name they call Grandma Buttons)
Me: And whose tummy was Mama in?
Nuala: Ganny! (for, obviously, Granny)
Me: And whose tummy was Bran in?
Nuala: (pause... ) Dada. (which I don't know why in the world she said that, we talk often about them being in my tummy...)
Me: Nope. Mama's!
Nuala: Noona...Mama!
Me: Yes, Nuala and Bran were both in Mama's tummy! At the same time...do you remember? You were both squished in there next to each other.
Nuala (nodding knowingly): Ban...(putting her finger to her lips) Shhhh! Noona...Wah!!
Me (confused, then finally getting it): ....oh! When the doctor took you out of Mama's tummy, Bran was sleepy and Nuala cried?
Nuala (still nodding, oh-so-wisely): Sí.
It was so cute to see her remembering the stuff we'd been talking about. And I was totally surprised about her remembering that I told her that when the doc took her out, she was unhappy (actually closer to "furious") and screamed a lot, but Bran was very sleepy. These children just amaze me. And I know it's normal and all children are amazing and remember the tiniest details and all, but still...mine are amazing :) I guess it's like that quote, that goes something like, "You're unique! Just like everybody else." But anyway...did I mention they're amazing?
Yeah, two of my sisters are having babies at the end of May, due 4 days apart. My older sister, Aislinn, is having a little boy, baby number SIX, and my very own baby sister, Tara (Tookies Baby Bookies) is having their first, a little girl. We're very excited for both of them! The fun thing is, they both live in Austin, abt 15 minutes away from each other. We can't wait to see these new little ones when we go home in June. Maybe someday there'll be another baby or two in my tummy, but I guess we'll make do with little cousins for now!
How sweet and super cute and amazing! Nuala is so smart! I'm so excited for these new babies too! I can just picture Nuala nodding sagely as she tells you all about it!
You have, yet again, made me LOL ... isn't it interesting how little ones shorten names :) :) :)
At first, I was thinking that Nuala actually remembered the events of their birth ... but then you explained that you'd been discussing it and she remembered...
We are excited about the two new expected babies ...though, I understand, Maire & Aine kinda wish it was the other way around...but are somewhat appeased since there will, at least, be a baby girl nearby..... Thanks for sharing that cute conversation... oh, and the photo of Nuala with her tongue sticking out is great!!! Where's Bran? xox
Lol, Nuala's pretty smart! Sounds like Grandma Buttons really lucked out in the nickname department! Very cute picture of Nuala!
How cute!! What a smart little girl you have there!
It amazes me how 2 year olds all of a sudden are not babies anymore; instead they are intelligent little people.
I also love that picture of Nuala
Poor Grandma Buttons!
What a cute conversation with Nuala! I love it when the kiddos can actually converse and tell you things, not just point and say what they want (although I love that too!)! Smart little Nuala!
It's no wonder Nuala is so smart, just look who her mother is. I always knew you'g pass on some of that brainpower to the next generation, just as your mother did to you. Keep talking to the kiddos and sharing their knowledge please.
So fun. Nuala is a ball of personality. I guess it never stops, huh. There is always something to with for. At the moment it would be nice just to have a husband, but at least that is part of the plan and I will have one someday.
lol they r so cute i just want to squish them:) preston is starting to talk a little but mostly he just screams DA! DA! and few other rambly things that sound like stuff ....
Nuala is adorable! and, yes, amazing! It is fun to see little kids work things out in their brains...even ones as little as Alex. He is ever amazed by the faucet in the bathtub and, just a few days ago, he had explosive diarriah, so I was trying to get all the poopy clothes off in the tub and here he was, slippin' and slidin' in his own poo trying to get over to teh faucet. IT was all fun and games until he slipped in the poo and did a face plant in it...yum. and of course, I had to pick him up and comfort him, thus getting even more poo on myself. Oh the joy... :)
Yeah! Your comin in June? Tara is having a baby!? I still think of her as a young girl in YW! I guess I am getting old! And Aislinn on #6! Crazy! Everytime she visits thats sunday I wasn't there!!!
My Grannie use to say There is only one truly amazing and beautiful baby in the world- every mother has it. I guess in your case you lucked out and have two at the same time!
My Grannie use to say There is only one truly amazing and beautiful baby in the world- every mother has it. I guess in your case you lucked out and have two at the same time!
They are going to be very advanced bilingually arent they? For a minute I thought your sister Erin had a baby in her tummy, I had to hurry and skim to find out, but I see it is the other Ricker sisters--still very exciting and how lucky they live so close, I remember when two other ricker sisters lived close and played basketball with me! those were the days!!!
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