Ready for pictures? Because there will be a lot. We took over 1000, then whittled it down to a mere 300 or so. They aren't all going on here, but still. A lot.
Santiago, Chile: We got to Santiago about mid-day and our flight to Easter Island wasn't until the next morning, so we got a chance to wander around downtown. We were very impressed with Santiago. It was so...orderly. The highways, the streets. The streets had street signs! You knew what street you were on! Amazing. It was clean, overall. It felt efficient. The airport was great! We felt like we were in the US almost, except everything was in Spanish first, and THEN English. Driving to and from the airport, it felt like we were in Utah, with all the mountains close to the city. We liked Santiago. Nuala and Bran loved hanging out by the fountain in the middle of Plaza de las Armas. Mostly because there were several children playing in it, who were very willing to splash the twins. They were soaked all down the front when we were able to drag them away. Zac so kindly calls this little splasher "Wedgie Girl".
They were good little travelers, for the most part. Yeah. This is our cute boy, after a nice long nap on the flight from Santiago to Rapa Nui. So what that he was stretched out on both seats and Zachariah had to stand for 3 hours? Small price to pay for a more peaceful flight.
They were really excited to get off the plane and still be so close to it on the tarmac. Bran especially loves the aviones, and even had to take a bunch of pictures of it with the camera by himself. Easter Island is officially part of Chile, so they speak Spanish there, as well as the local language, called Rapa Nui, like the island's name. Our Spanish is a lot better than our Rapa Nui, so that's what we stuck with. Also, did you know that Easter Island is the most isolated populated island in the world? Well, now you do know! Wait, did that make sense? It's the most isolated island that actually has people living on it.

And the first of many, many tantrums courtesy of Nuala. Wow! That child can be ornery! She'll scream and complain about one thing, and if you are able to fix and/or comply, she'll immediately move on to something else. My goodness!! Do you know how hard it is to bend and buckle an unwilling 2-year-old into a car seat? Of course you do. I know it's not just us. If that were the case, I would have to sever all contact with those of you with sweet and obedient 2-year-olds. Though Bran is usually pretty sweet and obedient. Usually. This is Nuala holding Daddy's snorkelling gear hostage because she doesn't want to wear her shoes. It was actually really funny! We were packing up the first afternoon for the beach, ignoring the tantrum, and when Z mentioned his snorkelling stuff and headed for it, Nuala upped the volume of her screams and hurled herself onto the bag. After extensive negotiations, all parties were appeased and we were able to go on our way.
Rano Raraku was our favorite spot. It's known as the "Nursery" and is a crater left from one of the two volcanoes that formed Rapa Nui. The moai were all carved from the side of the mountain here, and then transported to other parts of the island. There are still lots of finished and unfinished moai on Rano Raraku. Seeing them dotted along the hillside, and some poking halfway out of the ground, was a really unique experience.
Be careful, Bran just might check your nose next... as good parents, the thought never crossed our minds that that might be the moment the gigantic-ly heavy moai decided to finish his face-plant. Yikes.
We went to Anakena Beach every day. It was great! The waves were bigger than we normally get here, and perfect for bodysurfiing. Nuala and Bran didn't want to bodysurf, but they let Daddy and Mommy take turns while they played in the sand. So nice. It was a lot of fun!!
The moai at Anakena Beach. It was smoky that day, up on the hill. There were some little brush fires or something.
The little harbor by the scuba diving center always had little boats that the twins loved to watch. Our last day there, four big sea turtles came in around the boats. Bran and Nuala were fascinated by them, of course! They were really fun to see. Zachariah was able to go on a dive and had a great time. They took him down by a sunken moai, but we're pretty sure it's a fake. Still, pretty cool.
One of Nuala and Bran's favorite excursions was to Ana Te Pahu, a cave where people used to live way back when. They had gardens at the openings with sweet potatoes and bananas. Bran really wanted some of the bananas, but the only ones left were really high up and neither Z nor I felt like climbing a banana tree right then. Poor kid. It was a pretty neat little cave. There was a huge cockroach inside, but that's okay. That's where cockroaches SHOULD be, instead of houses. We had a dinky flashlight, a super bright LED headlight, and Nuala's clip-on, colored-lights-flashing toucan flashlight. It was really fun, the kiddos did great, even when Daddy smacked Bran's head into the cave roof a time or two. He's telling me it's only once, but I don't know...
Ahu Tongariki had the most moai in a row. There are 15 of them here, and probably as many horses, too. And lots of rocks, thankfully, since Nuala loves rocks. She kept collecting them everywhere we went. I'm still finding some as we unpack. It's probably against some sort of code to take rocks, but Nuala is very sneaky.
And the horses. There were horses EVERYWHERE on the island. It was great, the twins loved it. Of course, the horses didn't especially love the twins, but Bran and Nuala aren't very good at taking hints. The poor horsies here were all taking a little break when Nuala barged in on them. They all left, except for one poor fellow who was upwind from her. He must've been really out of it, because when Zachariah and Nuala approached him, he didn't notice at all until they were almost right on top of him. He woke up with a start and realized his buddies had abandoned him, so he jumped up and snorted a long and loud snort at her, which just thrilled her. For the next 10 minutes she was trying to snort just like him. Funny, funny girl! (The snuck-up-upon horse is the one farthest in the back in these 2 pictures. Actually, he's in the picture above, too...)
And there you have it. Or parts of it, at least. We had a great time, but are soooooo glad to be back home again!
Wow that looks like you guys had a great trip. I wonder what those two would do at Disneyland hmmm. It sounds like you enjoyed it! wish I could have gone
What a great trip! I don't know anyone who's actually been to Easter Island before. Well, I guess, now I do!
Thanks for sharing your adventure.
P.S. The twins are ADORABLE! Love their personalities and cute smiles!
Lots of great action pics, horses, moai, Bob, etc .... it looks like it was a great trip...with lotsa memories :) Poor Bob ... prob wished you'd've taken him home with you! N&B wished it too, no doubt. I had a great time looking at all the pics and reading about your escapades ... I was almost there (by proxy) ... thanks for the "trip" xox
Awesome trip!!! Zachariah, what a dad to stand for 3 hours so Bran could take a snooze. Doesn't that just show how terrible a tantrum on a plane is?
But sorry, you're the only one who has ornery 2-year olds. HA HA HA!!! TOTALLY joking!! If only it were true.....
Wow, sounds like y'all had a lot of fun! All the heads look pretty cool. Poor Bob, he is way cute, you should totally have brought him home. I thought all the horses in the first picture were dead at first, I'm glad that was not the case :). Nuala sure knows how to get her way! So funny that she threw herself on Zac's stuff! Very cute pictures of everyone.
Really cool!!! That's got to be one of the coolest places on Earth. I wonder if some kind of crazy native magic rubbed off on you guys from dwelling amongst all the moai for so long. See if you guys can figure out how to work the magic so you can show us some awesome native spooky island magic action this summer. By the way, great picture of Bran with his lei, he's a cute little rascal...and Nuala too, of course, especially with the horses.
Wow! We have to go there sometime. I totally did not expect horses. Thank you for sharing all of the pictures and stories.
Awesome pictures! What a great trip! I love seeing their personalities too :0) What funny little cuties, can't wait to see them this summer! and you two of course too, haha. Nuala sure is brave and fiery. and smart, using your weaknesses (snorkel gear) against you...taking after her mother already ;0) hahaha just kidding. Bob seems so nice. and the horses, how cool for N and B.
So cool! It looks like you guys had a blast! I love the tantruming Nuala pic...she really knows where to hit ya where it hurts, huh? LOL! I'm so excited to see that Cornflower got a good workout on your trip, too! The last time Rowan agreed to be wrapped was at the Trail of Lights...and then I started puking, so Curtis got to carry him instead. Darn it! I really love the pic of Bran checkin' out the moai to see if the stars were out! Your babies are soooo cute! I love them! Glad you guys had fun!!!
(BTW, my word verification is "tallygas"...somehow it seems fitting for your blog...)
And finally Bran's superhuman strength has manifest itself publicly. Only two years old and he can singlehandedly lift a moai! Impressive.
Glad to see you guys had a good trip!
Wow! You are brave, and lucky to be able to travel all over! It looks beautiful!
hah it looks like you guys had tons of fun traveling has got to be so fun with the twins love them and you guys !
I'm really jealous you're wearing shorts and t shirts. It's COLD here in winterland. I love the rocks!
I've always wanted to go to Rapa Nui. (Hello, JEALOUS.) Thanks for the mini-trip through your fantastic pictures.
You guys are so adventurous! That is so awesome you got to go there.
And what cuties Bran and Nuala are.
Wow! What a great trip! (minus the tantrums) Here i was thinking I had it bad...Alex is only 9 mo old and every time i try to put him in his car seat he turns himself into a board and twists and turns...It is a battle of the wills that I usually win, but I can't imagine victory with a 2-year-old! And here I was hoping he would grow out of it! haha
Wow!!! Totally jealous of this trip. Machu Picchu just moved done a spot on list of place the Rollins have gone that I want to...
This is definitely on our list of place to visit. I don't care how long the flight is from Seattle.
Glad you had a good trip.
Is it really a sin to covet your world travels at the moment?
Because well, let's face it, Easter Island is a whole lot more exciting than our trip down the I-15 corridor.
Amazing! I love the picture of Bob with just his chin inside the cabana. The dog I adopted in Thailand use to do that- I thought it was so cute. We studied Rapa Nui alot in my Anth classes- so neat to have been able to go there!
The computer went down 2 more times but our renter got it working again. I love the pictures. Awesome sunshine and beaches and the kids. My favorites are Bran looking up the nose and Nuala's temper tantrum!!!
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