Bran is either going to be blessedly laid-back, or just hasn't peaked yet. I tend to think it's the latter, though his personality up till now hasn't been as intense and independent as Nuala's. What he LOVES to do, though, is goad his sister on. Oh, it's funny! And oh, it's frustrating! He very purposefully takes her doll or starts drinking her water, or sits on her moto (they got Power Wheels, "motos", and just love them.) and then calls, "Nooooona!" with this big grin on his face. Then basks in the shrieks and flailing it causes. Yep, he's a rascal.
And our babies are big! They'll be 2 in a month and a day, but they're as tall as all their little 3-yr-old friends. Bran is 92 cm and Nuala is 91.5 cms...which is...hold it a sec, converting...a teensy smidge over 3 feet tall. They're both in the 90-95th %ile for height, only 50-75th for weight, each at 28.5 lbs.
Anyway, enough numbers! Here is a vid of our "no-no-no!" girl. She does say "sí" at the end. She always says that for "yes." B always says, "uh-huuuh." Usually when they use a different word for something, one or the other of them eventually converts to the other's word, but that hasn't happened yet w/this one.
I guess I should welcome all the "help" I can get, though, huh?
How cute!! lol I'm sorry that is a horrible stage but then they go into shy mode. After that for a while but the no stage can last of what seems like forever. Good luck =)
Hard to believe when I last saw them they were a mere six months old. They've grown so much!
I'm definitely not looking forward to the "Twos." Woodstock is too cute right now - I don't want to imagine her persistent little self and the giantic tantrums she'll likely be capable of.
Hahaha, That was hilarious! Tell her not to volunteer her bathroom services so early or she'll never get out of it again.. I Love her Pigtails, they are sooo cute! and I can so picture Bran teasing her, lol! What a handful :0)
I love how she stops when she says "si" and comes walking over all purposeful! She's so funny!
Thats so cute though the last video of them wrestling Mathias saw and loved alot. The problem is that he now thinks he can wrestle Annie and I frequently have to pull him off of her!
Cute pictures! Poor Nuala, having to put up with Bran's egging sounds like he knows just what to do :)
I try to block out how hard two two-year-olds was. I tell myself, No really, it was great. They were fine. There were no tantrums. No one hit me or screamed or threw things. Not at all.
Oh, and I meant to say, cute video!
Wonderful post and very cute video. Nuala should listen to Auntie Erin. It is nice though to have a child that likes to clean the tub and shower. Poor Nuala, Bran will probably always enjoy teasing her, especially when he gets a great reaction. Love ya all.
It all in fun, right.
Think about God, He put up with the dumb 30's, weired 40's, I'm old 50's
It all passes so quick, mostly.
Uncle D
Oh no, and here i was thinking Alex will be cute and sweet forever... I love the video. You can tell Nuala was really contemplating what you said before she answered...that's got to be better than saying no for no reason at all...right? ;)
From a mommy who has had 2 three year olds so far (at different times though...), just get ready for the 3's! My 2 year olds were cake compared to the threes. 4 was pretty easy and fun. So, I guess, good luck! I didn't mean to scare you, but I think you two can handle anything. You'll be fine. Just a little challenged.
love the video... so did the kids,mia keeps pointing and saying mre which means more...Here is my mommy advice for you. Keep the video for blackmail when she's 10 and says she hates cleaning the bathroom, and remind her it was the job she volunteered for.
It sounds like Bran will help keep away prospective suitors later in life. Just look at that smile! Nuala's in trouble!
Ha! That was really funny!
That was funny!
Great video! I love that she says "si". I cant get over how long her hair is, after being around Ronda's girls, it kinda surprises me that little girls can have long hair.
That video was hilarious. Nuala is so funny. Bran is quite the sly little guy too- goading Nuala and all.
P.S. I can't believe you bought your kids Powerwheels! I always wanted one of those when I was a kid. You should post a video of them cruising around! haha.
That was so cute! They are getting big! LOve the pig tails!
I am ALWAYS behind on posting to your blog! I loooove reading them but they stack up 5high and then I race through them in reader. I need to comment more. :)
I SOOO can't believe how big and grownup they are getting!!! Great No nos! haha
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