...after finding a bunch of little ants in the peanut butter jar, I let the twins keep eating the sandwiches they'd already started? They were really little ants, cute even. One escaped Bran's sandwich, and the two of them were fascinated watching it crawl around on his arm. Eh. I'm sure they've eaten worse...Extra protein...etc... As long as they don't start munching roaches. That would be tougher to handle.
(...not eating the ant sandwiches. Just random cute pictures of ant-free chupas!)
Naw. Nuala and Bran have probably eaten worse things. You just haven't seem 'em. I don't think ants are anything bad- except for maybe the poisonous ones...Those you would not want to let your kiddos eat.
Sooooo not a bad mom for doing that. I let my kids stuff off the floor--that's way worse than a couple cute little ants. By the way, Kurt's eaten a ton of those on his mission. They were always in his PB (so he says) and he also always calls them "cute"! So hey, keep it up, and your kids could grow up to be like Kurt.
MAYDAY!!! Maybe rethink letting them keep eating the PB....
Hmm, I once had flea soup in Chile, so ants are probably ok. I am still here and that never made me sick (not that dish, and not physically sick...). there were dishes at that particular house that did make me physically sick and we ended up asking to have it removed from our lunch appointments. I kind of feel bad about the blessings she didn't get from feeding us anymore, but health is a factor to consider. And I could never buy bread or non-pre-packaged things from her store again. Ants were in her bread, they didn't have PB, we called it "pan hormiga".
Woodstock ate a dead spider earlier this summer. I found her with the legs sticking out of her mouth. Little squirt swallowed before I could do anything about it.
I think that probably ranks worse on the "bad mom" list than little bitty ants - even though the thought of both makes me want to shudder and hide.
Then I won't bother feeling badly about being glad that was the end of the jar and MY sandwich got non-ant pb, haha!
Yeah, they eat floor food quite often. In fact, if I drop something, I usually just point it out with my toe to whichever one is nearby, instead of bothering to bend down and pick it up myself. We're all about building the immune system here. Though if it's fruit or something wet-ish, I'll try my best to rinse it off for them first ;)
I had a feeling this would bring out some fun bug stories, and Kurt's experience DOES sound eerily similar...I will monitor them ;) and flea soup? ugh. And DOUBLE ugh to spider legs sticking out of Woodstock's mouth!! And Julie, the barley soup story had slipped my mind until you commented, and then I remembered and thought, "Ants. no biggie." haha!
Hmm you should ask z about the frog he willingly ate as a kid. Not to mention that Abe ate a slug while we were at a party and he drank out of the toilet!!
Where did all the baby fat go?!!! You're kids are getting older!!
Hmm... maybe it is all that extra "PROTEIN" you have been feeding them...
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs...
So many blog posts about bugs lately.
If the economy gets much worse we might all be eating bugs for protien. They are free and plentiful...
I don't remember knowingly feeding my kids bugs foods, but I forget things like that easily anymore, I'm sure I would have done the same thing you did. I do know that they did eat things from the floor. It cut down on sweeping.
Such cuties. I agree with everyone else, who hasn't eaten something like that.
Cute pictures! You should know that since your last post about roaches, I now think I see them every where in my apt...it always turns out to be lint or thread or a leaf or something, but I'm convinced that every little dark spot I see is a roach. Thanks for making me paranoid about them ;)
Gavyn used to eat lady bugs. Oh and he has caught multiple flies and ate them. Floor food is common around here. The girls especially like to throw their food on the floor just so they can get down and eat it. We get yelled at if we sweep before letting them out of their seats. Silly girls.
Nuala and Bran look so stinkin' big. I can't believe they are the same age as my girls. They look so much older.
Hi there! The pics are so cute...nice one of Nuala and Bran w/her arm around his shoulder ... so "sisterly" ..... xox
p.s. Fiona, I never knowingly let you eat ANY bugs.... but who knows what you got up to on your own :)
People pay good money to eat chocolate covered ants. Why not peanut butter covered ants. Wait ... I think I'm on to something ... chocolate AND peanut butter covered ants.
yes Oliver that sounds delicious! (heavy sarcasm) although I'm sure some people would love them...
I love those pictures! They are so cute! Bran has such an impish little smile! So now they'll have some ants in their pants...haha :0)
They say you eat spiders when you sleep, so I wouldnt worry about ants, they eat EVRYTHING in China, evan scorpians!
Extra protien I say!
definatley not. Ants are harmless. I horrified one of my companions by refusing to dig out the ants from the sugar I was adding to the cookie mix she was preparing for the Elders- I already thought she was a total suck up, to pick through the sugar to remove tiny ants, way beyond the level of charity I was willing to express.
hmmm one time me and molly and maybe some others went to grandma jentszchs for breakfast, we were pouring the syrupo and noticed that there were little black things moving around in the jug...gross...but grosser still grandma just strained the ants out of it and made us eat it anyways... lol yuck oh well we didnt die though i think that was the last time we ate at grandmas for breakfast....
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