Aguas Dulces = "Sweet Waters" and, oh, it was sweet indeed... We took off Friday evening for the little seaside town of Aguas Dulces, about 2-1/2 hours to the east. Our friend manages some beach houses here and there, and let us use a nice little place for free, since it's not high season yet! Ileana is super nice.
Saturday morning, chowing down on blueberries. They grow some pretty sweet blueberries here, and actually export a lot. Every summer the embassy periodically orders cases of them at half price. We always buy a ton and enjoy them immensely! Z was asking Bran, "where's my little man?" and Bran was basically saying, "um...right here, Pops!"
Then he had fun looking at the pictures with Daddy. Man, how different to grow up in the digital age. Immediate results...
Chasing and catching las ranas (frogs, though I think these guys really were toads) was most likely the highlight of the trip for Bran and Nuala. When we go bike riding, we often ride past a canal where we can hear chorus after chorus of frogs. I've never heard frogs like them! The first time we came across them we frantically started looking for the kittens mewing piteously from the ravine, they sound so much like cats. Then we figured it out, but have yet to actually see these mysterious cat-frogs. So anyway, the twins were thrilled to experience the critters in real-life.
Nuala obviously didn't attend Girls' Camp the year we were reminded over and over that "you don't have to kiss every frog to find your prince." This one did not transform. But N didn't actually make lip contact. The frog was surprisingly pretty reluctant to participate...maybe he was a girl.

"Well, helloooo all y'all out there NOT at the awesome and beautiful and almost-deserted-because-it's-not-high-season beach!" I look kinda dorky, but Nuala's hair is rad. As is the beach.
This is Zachariah and Bran. Bran also thinks the beach is awesome. This is the little drive our beach house was's actually to the right of Z and B, but you can't see it.

And then we caught a fish that was THIS big... No, not true. I don't know why I insisted on sticking my arms out. Well, I do. I was trying to illustrate that BRAZIL is on the right side of the picture, and URUGUAY on the left. Was that not obvious?
We drove the hour or so to the border, to Chuy/Chui. Chuy is the Spanish spelling for the city, and Chui the Portuguese. And now we can check Brazil off the list...ha, kidding! It wasn't quite Rio, or the Amazon, but it was still fun to go there. We got a little worried because Z's buddy Mike (hi, Mike!) sent us some delicious beef jerky, and we convinced ourselves we were going to get stopped and searched at customs and have to give it up. Then we decided we would just eat it all if that happened, and THEN we decided we should just hide it. And then we didn't ever get stopped. I know, very cool story.
This is Tiago, wearing Nuala's sunhat. We ate at a churrascaria place (you know, where they go around with the different meats on the skewers and slice chunks off for you), on the Brazilian side, and this little guy just wouldn't leave us alone. His mom worked at the restaurant. He was five, and really took to the twins. Can't blame him there! They took to him, too.
On the beach when we got back from Chuy. That morning before we went to Brazil, we walked on the beach, and the day promised to be perfect for frolicking in the waves. And if it weren't for the darn wind that decided to spring up, it would've been. I just froze when the wind blew. I spent a good bit of time wrapped up in a towel, while my un-stoppable daughter ran around like a chica loca. But even she couldn't stand the water/wind combo for long, so we spent a lot of time playing on the sand.
Jumping into Daddy's trademark child-swallowing holes. Why doesn't it hurt little kids to jump up and just land on their bums? Because they're closer to the ground? They certainly aren't as padded as other bums I know. Weird.
This is just the main room in our beach house. Isn't it cute? Very simple. I think that's key to a good beach house. Simplicity. And proximity to the beach. There were two beds in the main room, and then a big bed in the room down the hall on the right of the pic, and then Bran is standing by the door to their room, with two more little beds. They slept, I mean, "slept", in their little travel tents. This wasn't the most successful trip sleep-wise, but eh. Wasn't the worst either!
Sunday morning as we were packing up, Bran and Nuala were running around (shocker!) and down went our boy. Right on the corner of the suitcase. Which was just perfect, since the evening before Nuala fell hard in the road and totally scraped up her knee. She barely cried, and it was pretty ugly. We call these "cheap souvenirs." Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess), they don't last long. I don't know about those lips...maybe he's practicing for the next frog?
Nuala wondering what mischief she should get into next. And her favorite always-naked baby doll. She's not very snuggly, being hard plastic and all, but she's the must-have!
She's wearing a dress because we planned to go to church. Of course. We had found the address for church out in this area, but then couldn't find our map, and then left late, and then the twins were miraculously asleep, so we decided to wait till we got back to Montevideo (abt 12:30) and find a ward or branch that meets in the afternoon. Shouldn't have been too difficult, since there are 2 stakes here, but the meetinghouse locater on is totally different than all the other times we've used it! Now they have a map thing, and only 3 different wards/branches came up (none of which was ours or any in our stake) when before there were well over 20 showing up for Montevideo...anyway, it was pretty frustrating. So we drove to our stake center, hoping to just catch one, but nope. We totally could've worked something out better, next time we'll be better prepared. We like to still go to church while we're traveling. Probably not info you necessarily needed, but I just got to typing about it and couldn't quit. I think that happens with me a lot.
Awwww...just plain cute. Though I didn't throw in any of the five other pictures of her glaring. That's cute, too, but in a less angelic way.
We really love driving around Uruguay. It is such a beautiful country. We loved seeing fields full of sheep and cows, but still dotted with palm trees. Different.
We had fun! And now we're back. Which is good (ahem...the sleep thing), but also we wish we could've stayed longer. It was so nice just being in a little beach town. Guess we'll just hafta go back sometime...
Wow, that sounds so fun! Nice of your friend to let you use the beach house...I love the picture of Bran eating blueberries, and Nuala looks like she had a lot of fun at the beach!
Our you trying to make us jealous!! ok it worked That looked like so much fun. And if somebody doesnt get wounded on a trip in this family you probably werent having very much fun. lol
Love the pics. Sounds like it was a great trip. On my mission in Paraguay I served in a town that had a similar situation: there was a median that separated the two countries. It was loads of fun to stand in the two countries at once.
Mmmm... Brazilian Churrasco.
Fun! I love those weekend adventures! Nuala looked like she was having so much fun at the beach. I've never used sleeping tents for my kiddos. Maybe they are too fun?
Wow! What a fun trip (and some of us are seriously jealous that you're at the beach), but I'm headed to a beach next week, so no complaining here. It's fun to catch up on your cute fam.
I love the shot of Nuala trying to kiss the frog! So adorable!
I can't believe all the fun trips you guys get to take, what fun memories! And to hang out at the beach all the time!!!
Cool trip! I love all the pix!
gfytkhbnjjjyt h re
Ok, that was Alex's message to you...he goes crazy when i start typing, so I let him have a turn. Maybe Bran or Nuala can decipher it? I'm sure he is just trying to say he loves you. :)
How fun! They are getting sooo big! That was a totally cute little beach house and the frog picture with Nuala was awesome :0) I also Love the last picture with the clouds, I know it was the palm trees, but I love the clouds too...Thanks for the pictures!
Looks like so much fun... and your right scars do make good souvineers gosh i spelled that wrong any way miss you guys.
Love Ya
Hi! We loved it all.... the pics etc made us smile (and lol).... Bran's hair has grown a lot since his Texas summer haircut! He does look happy with the scissors and stapler (now, if he could only escape with them!!!)...I like his Mr. Environment shirt too... Nuala is SO at home at the beach, isn't she! Her hair is amazing, when the wind blows! Thanks for letting us "travel" with you a while..... xox
What a great weekend trip. I love weekend trips, only wish you could get places faster and cheaper. It is nice to go somewhere, but then be home again. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone but me...
You probably got a better view into Brasil than had you gone to Rio.
Anyway, glad you didn’t lose the jerky.
That looks like so much fun! Curtis is jealous you got to go to Brazil. He really wants to get back there someday and he's hoping it doesn't end up like Dad's desire to get back to Australia some day. ;o) If only he had taken that job in Brazil 10 years ago, we could have met up with you and hung out! ;o)
Anyway, the twins are adorable as usual! I love the pic of Bran pointing to himself. He must think Zac is pretty dense. LOL! Nuala is a doll...her hair kills me and I love her hard plastic baby, LOL! Funny, Rowan has a bunch of "cheap souvenirs", too, and we haven't even gone anywhere, LOL! It amazes me how he can fall on the same banged up knee time and again, but get up and go on like it's not dripping blood and looking awful. Huh.
sooo...meat on a stick...sounds AMAZING...
As for kissing frogs...Maz wishes he could get a kiss from Nuala he misses her! (and Bran but he never really liked him!)
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