Can you guess what Nuala and Bran were for Halloween?? Because lots of people just thought they were bears. In which case they probably wondered why the heck they had to wear blue headresses... But here are our little Ewoks! They got to watch the last bit of Return of the Jedi, to get into character. They loved it, big eyes just staring at the screen. Though Bran started asking for Nemo towards the end...
Bran, excited about the scissors and stapler. This is the only picture we have of him smiling in costume, of COURSE because he gets to hold the dangerous stuff!
Our little Ewoks (Nuala, left, then Bran) sitting by Andrea y Marina, a little pair of Uruguayan twins with their exact birthday. All were thrilled with the picture taking.
Waiting to do the embassy trick-or-treating. Zachariah caught in the middle of saying something. The rule is that the adult in the picture is supposed to be in a constant state of picture-readiness, always smiling nicely, so really it's his own fault! ;) As soon as Nuala got her little treat bag, she grabbed a handle in each hand, and ripped it in half.
Nuala: "Wow, my spear is lame..."
Awwww...did you notice Z is wearing a Chewbacca t-shirt. Way cool. Nuala and Bran were very, very good at getting candy, they were super serious about it. Also, they would always just pick up one piece from the bowl. It was so cute. The candy-givers would have to put handfuls in their bags, but they would just daintily take one piece when the bowl was offered. We were pretty surprised, since that's not the Bran and Nuala we know. Usually they try to fill both hands and their mouth whenever they're presented with such an opportunity at home. Towards the end, Bran was a little more sure of everything and he started taking better advantage of the free candy opportunity. There were treats and coloring and dancing (Nuala's favorite) and all sorts of fun stuff. We did take them out of their costumes by the was a little warm, poor Ewoks!
On the 2nd or 3rd floor, looking down. That's me. I do look Halloween-y! I have bats on my shirt, and orange pants...if you couldn't tell. Z and I had great plans to be Leia and Han, and we were going to be an awesome Star Wars family, but somehow it didn't happen. I think we kinda thought we could just scavenge in our closets for clothes that would work, but darn it! We couldn't find boots, or vests, or even white sheets anywhere! I did have a wig. Nuala liked it.
There were more trick-or-treaters at our door this year. It was pretty fun. Except the buzzer always -- ALWAYS -- startles Nuala. It's pretty hilarious. She'll be just hanging out, looking at a book or playing with something, and someone rings the bell and she'll jump up and just start running blindly. Ha ha ha! It's so funny!!! So all the buzzing made for some jumping out of bed and running to the bedroom door. Good stuff. And now we're just um..."suffering" through all the candy we have...poor us... We hope y'all had a fun Halloween, too!!
Those are the cutest Ewoks ive ever seen they. They are so adorable.
I love the Ewoks! I know all about having those grand ideas of the whole family dressing up to match... I always think of things for us to be, but Mike and I haven't dressed up in years. It's hard enough coming up with stuff for the kiddos' costumes! Maybe it's because I'm cheap ("thrifty"?) and always trying to use what we have to make the costumes rather than just going to a costume store. Although, lots of times my ideas are NOT at the costume store... Anyways, thanks for sharing about your Halloween! It is so fun when the kids get into dressing up and trick-or-treating!
They are too cute!
Darling. I am glad they had so much fun.
Great job on the Ewok costumes! It's so cool the embassy does so much for the families. I wondered if Uruguay did Halloween. It's such an odd holiday. But fun! We watched a VERY SCARY MOVIE...The Descent...It's about these rock climbers who go caving and find out there's monsters in the cave. Of course they all die. There's some great spelunking though.
They are soooo cute! What fun little Ewoks. I love the twins picture, with the fellow twins. And Nuala's wig, very nice! Happy Halloween indeed :0)
Cute Ewoks!!! My rommie people thought they were adorable and loved the funny pictures! I love Nuala's wig lol They're expressions are hilarious. Enjoy the candy!! Because I sure am! =)
Jeremiah was an ewok too -- but we didn't do the cool head-dress and I love the addition of the spears. We should have thought of that (it's been too long since we saw the movie I guess). I was princess Leia and Israel was going to be Han frozen in carbonite but settled for being a Jedi. (Check out the pics on our blog). Great minds think alike. You're little ewoks are adorable!
How cute! The one picture where they are looking down, looks like they are in truble and you made them face the wall!!
I can't believe you passed up the opportunity to be Princess Bun Head!
There was a family in our ward that dressed up as Star Wars characters, but they ended up as clones of each other. Apparently the two little girls wanted to be Princess Bun Head with mom and the little boy wanted to be Luke Ground-Runner with Dad. :) They were still pretty cute, though.
one more thing...I still can't figure out why the bears are wearing towels on their heads...?
Aww, they are the cutest Ewoks ever! I'm glad they had so much fun for Halloween...Nuala's reaction to the doorbell sounds awesome!
So cute! How funny to find you in the blogosphere -- of course I remember you! I didn't know you had twins, though. I commented on Ronda's blog because she'd posted at Twinstuff, but I had no idea you knew her, and now I look again and see she's got Aislinn's blog bookmarked, too. Hmmm.
Looks like you're finding life with two two-year-olds as challenging as I found it. Had to laugh about the dresser because we had those issues too. =) I'll have to bookmark you and come back for a visit again.
Where are you? We miss you. Just thought you all might want to know if you haven't heard through the Ricker grapevine. We are please and grateful to announce that Martin received his mission call this week. He will be serving in Arcadia, California. For those of you who don't know that is East LA, a pretty crazy area right now with all of the anti-proposition 8 rallies at the temples and stuff. It makes me so grateful for the gospel, for the prophets, for temples, for conference(particularly this last one,) and for the peace it all brings. Thanks for letting me post such a long comment.
Yeah, where did you go?
hey fiona,
i followed you over from facebook, hope you don't mind.
anyway, your story about nuala and the doorbell cracked me up. stella does that when i sneeze.
you can come on over to my blog, but i'm not quite as good at updating as you. ;)
Kyle (Seewald)
It was great!!! They are SO cute...the little Ewoks.... I am wondering what you used to make the sword....looks too wide for a paper towel thingy... Of course we LOL again, at N jumping at the doorbell. Did you just iron on a piece onto Zac's shirt? Good job on collecting lotsa candy... I like the one of Bran and Zac just walking, holding hands.... so cute:) xox
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