Monday, October 06, 2008


So Zachariah left me for a conference in Miami last night. Pros: the huge list of stuff he'll bring back. Cons: Um. Everything else. Mainly, me alone with the twins. Not that I don't enjoy them, I do! They just exhaust me. I absolutely wouldn't trade them or this experience for anything else, but it's great to have Z come home at 4:30 everyday and be a new, untapped source of energy for them. I mean, he's tired from work, but they're two different tireds. It hasn't even been a whole day (he left yesterday eve), but WHEW! We are having fun. Especially with the time change, we've "sprung forward" an hour, and that is not helpful at bedtime. And this morning Nuala had poo all down the leg of her pjs. As in, chunks were falling out. But yes. I am treasuring every moment. I know that sounds sarcastic, but I really am trying (and usually succeeding) to not get frustrated and just enjoy these two while they're little. Anyway, the "Really??!!" part of the post.

Last night, I picked up the roll of toilet paper in our bathroom to blow my nose and saw a little black lump a couple of layers in. So I shake it. And out falls a roach. A little roach. But size does not matter, it was a roach, in my toilet paper, people!! I am so ticked. You all know where toilet paper goes...somewhere I don't want to have to worry about roach germs spreading. Why? WHY?? WHHHHYYYY???!!!


Rochelle said...

What if you used that t.p. and the roach crawled up your bum? Or got loose in your pants! I hope Bulgaria doesn't have anything scary like roaches. Then again...Texas has scorpions doesn't it? And scary snakes in the water? Roaches are definitely gross though! I don't know how I'd feel about being left in another country with my children. You're very brave!

pauline said...

Ah, poor Fiona.... that is just terrible!!! How did he get in there I wonder... You just hafta check everything! You and the babies can just hang out and have fun together, and you won't find till Friday is here :) love you all xox

Sara said...

Oh GROSS. That is far worse than the spider falling off the ceiling this morning and into my bed. And in the toilet paper? Yuck.


zachariah said...

It's like the roaches know I'm gone... well I'll be back soon enough. I spent 5 hours shopping today, something I detest, even though your tired at least you can enjoy doing what you are doing. Miss you all.

Megan and Greg said...

Now you are going to have to keep the toilet paper in tupperware too! hahah. Megan swears that roaches are just drawn to you--because of your abundance of roach experiences, not questionable hygiene. :)

Good luck with the roaches! And good luck holding down the fort while Zac is away!


Julie said...

I'm sorry Fiona! Yes Zachariah, the roaches know that you're gone! I swear when Mike is out of town, something has to happen. For me the worst was when I was pregnant with Jack. The hot water heater started leaking and I had to spend one night without sleep, dumping water out of a jelly roll pan over and over and over... Oh, but roaches on toilet paper, disgusting!!!
I hope your time with the kids goes well! I know it's hard! Just try to have fun, let a lot of things go, and change your routine a little.

Sylvia said...

Everyone's talking about the roach. What about the POO CHUNKS??? ha ha ha!!! Gotta love having toddlers.... I hope you are doing okay with Zachariah gone. You are a great mom, I can tell!!

RondaJo said...

I feel for you. I don't think I could survive days without Matt around to entertain some.

The poo in the pjs...that's always fun. {{{rolling eyes}}} lol

I probably wouldn't go back into the bathroom after finding a roach in my TP. So gross! Sorry you have to deal with that.

fiona said...

Thank you all for your support... on roaches AND poo chunks, since neither are pleasant. Also, I want to clarify that I'm not actually SCARED of roaches. They are just extremely disgusting to me and I hate them. At least they aren't poisonous like scorpions and snakes, but those do not gross me out. I actually can't think of anything grosser than roaches. Earwigs are close.

Julie said...

I just have to add something... I was feeling pretty bad for you with Nuala and the poop. I thought, "Oh gross!" and was sooooo thankful that we dont often have those kinds of accidents, I think because of the cloth diapers we use. BUT then this afternoon, I looked over at Jack and poop was coming out of the top of his pants and it was on his back and shirt...So I really know how you felt now! I am so sorry for your yucky moments lately!

Rob and Erin said...

Ew. Crazy Zac just playing all day in Miami while you slave away at home... Men, who do they think they are, leaving all week :0) just kidding, we know you are an Awesome Daddy, Zachariah! Good luck with the roaches and other happenings, heehee!

this is erin not rob btw

Molly said...

ah-hahahhaa! I have been just awful at keeping up on the blogs. As you can see I've neglected my own!

...but this was hilarious! Everything about it! LOVE the new photos and header (pic) to the blog btw. Not sure how "new" they are. New to me though! love you! m.

Tara said...

I agree, Fiona, I can't think of anything grosser than roaches either. Poor you, poo and roaches!

Cara said...

I think you need some chocolate cake!
And I'm with you on the roaches, they make my skin crawl!!
When Justin is out of town I like to take the kids lots of places, like the movies and such, to help the time go faster.

Aislinn said...

I commented on this post several days ago! I know I did because I distinctly remember agreeing with Julie about the cloth diapers! Where did that darn comment go? Grrrr...